In this section and its subpages, you learn how to manage environments. 

An environment consists of one or several spaces, which group together related functionality needed to build or deliver a site. The systems that a space actually contains and how they are connected is defined by the space's setup. A space is a container for one or more instances of Magnolia. 

A cloud-based Magnolia package typically consists of three environments:

  • Live: Where the tested and approved version of the content product is delivered to customers. 
  • UAT (User Acceptance Testing): Where the next version of the product is made available to editors and managers for testing and review.
  • Integration: Where developers try out ideas and test solutions before giving internal users access

Depending on your subscription package, the environments available to you may differ.

For example, you may have only a single Live environment available, or only a UAT and a Live environment. In these cases, you can install a development snapshot directly in the Live or in the UAT environment respectively. 

Environments are managed in the Manage environments page.

To access this page, in the Package overview page, click Manage environments.

From the Manage environments page you can:

The options available in Manage environments depend on the current state of your setup:

  • If the Live environment is not set up, some actions are disabled.
  • Backup related actions are only available for the Live environment.

Unavailable actions appear greyed out.

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