Magnolia Cloud integrates with Datadog for logging and monitoring services to help you troubleshoot your instances and ensure the quality of your website. 

Datadog accounts

If requested, a URL link to Datadog for your subscription package is provided to you during onboarding and is also found in the Additional information section of the Cockpit.

You must contact our Helpdesk to get account details to access your dashboards, metrics and logs in Datadog. Access is not provided by default. To access Datadog, log in via the link provided in onboarding or on the Cockpit using the credentials given to you by Magnolia.

Each subscription package can have up to 5 Datadog accounts. If you require additional accounts (5 maximum) or changes to your account administration, contact our Magnolia Cloud Helpdesk

We provide access to preconfigured dashboards, metrics, and monitors to help you understand how your setup is performing such as response time, requests, error pages, CPU, and memory performance. 


Preconfigured dashboards are provided for you. Currently, custom dashboards are not available. Typically, these are your integration, UAT, and live environments. Within the dashboard, you will find a visualisation of certain preconfigured metrics. which are activated by default for your live environment. You incur additional costs to activate metrics for the integration and UAT environments. Some examples of the preconfigured metrics are:

  • Last Event - displays information regarding the last events such as a Creation or Deletion Event.
  • Traffic - displays site traffic information such as new and active connections.
  • Load Balancers - displays load balancing information such as response time and, HTTP codes, and request counts.
  • Instances - displays information such as CPU usage and heap size per Author and Public instance.
  • Debugging dash - displays information including but not limited to RDS database connections, change in CPUs, and read/write information.


Metrics are data that help you measure certain goals and objectives. Magnolia provides preconfigured Metrics that are specific to your deployment and Datadog renders those metrics via the Metrics Explorer page. The Metrics Summary page displays a list of your metrics reported to Datadog from Magnolia under a specified time frame: the past hour, day, or week. You can also search through your metrics by name or tag using the search boxes above the Metrics Summary list.

Generate custom metric reports

The example scenario below instructions you on how to filter the report to see accumulated traffic over a chosen time period.

You can only generate reports based off the metrics you find in the Metrics Summary list. For more detailed instructions on how to use the Metrics Explorer, check out Datadog's Metrics Explorer documentation.

  1. To generate the custom metrics report, first navigate to Metrics > Explorer.

  2. From Graph, select the aws.applicationelb.processed_bytes option. 

    If you do not see the aws.applicationelb.processed_bytes option, see your Metrics Summary List. If you do not see this on the Metrics Summary List, it is not a preconfigured metric for your deployment.

  3. From Over, choose your organization and your live environment. This is typically labelled organization:<name> and customerenvironment:live respectively.
  4. From One graph per, be sure to choose the activeresource:true option.
  5. On each graph, aggregate with the Sum of reported values
  6. Choose your time period from the time selection option at the top of the page. For example, the last month.
  7. View your results. You may need to resize your generated graph to see the sum of the traffic. To do this, choose L or XL from the Graph Size tool.


Magnolia preconfigures certain monitors which trigger alerts to help keep your system healthy and running well. The monitors are configured using AWS and the Datadog Agent. Currently, these monitors cannot be edited and are primarily intended for Magnolia Support usage. However, you can view the monitors on your Datadog account under Monitors > Manage Monitors . The following monitors are currently preconfigured:

AvailabilityDetermines the availability of your site using the health check endpoint from within Magnolia.
CPUMonitors high CPU usage. This monitor triggers an alert when the average CPU over the last 10 minutes exceeds the predefined threshold.

Monitors memory usage. This monitor triggers an alert when the average percentage of usable memory over the last 10 minutes is lower than the predefined threshold.

High LatencyMonitors latency. This monitor triggers an alert when the response time over the last 10 minutes is higher than the predefined threshold. This is typically around 10 seconds.
RDS disk space (bytes)Monitors database storage (in bytes). This monitor triggers an alert when the free storage space over the last 15 minutes is lower than the predefined threshold.
RDS disk space (%)Monitors database storage (percentage). This monitor triggers an alert when the percentage of free storage space over the last 15 minutes is lower than the predefined threshold.
Tomcat Thread poolMonitors the Tomcat thread pool. This monitor triggers an alert when 25% or more of the maximum threads in tomcat were busy over the last 5 minutes.


Preconfigured logs are activated by default for your live, UAT and integration  environments. By default, logs are stored for 15 days.  If you require a longer storage period, contact our Helpdesk to discuss cold storage. Cold storage is not provided by default and comes at an extra charge. Datadog provides a feature for archiving the logs to S3 and the indexes can be rehydrated from there when needed.

Querying logs

You can also query logs using the Log Explorer from within your Datadog account.

  1. Navigate to Logs > Search in Datadog.
  2. Set the timeframe from which you would like to filter the logs. This is found in the top ribbon on your Datadog page.
  3. Set the log filters you wish to apply. For example, Host and Status.
  4. The Datadog log explorer then displays your filtered results.

For full details on querying logs from within Datadog, see Datadog's excellent Logs Documentation.

Audit logs

In addition to Datadog logging, you can enable audit trail logs in Magnolia. 

An audit trail allows an administrator to record user activity in the system. The audit trail typically captures the "who, what, when and where". The default implementation is based on Log4j 2.

The audit trail logs can be filtered using the magnolia.audit source in the Datadog log stream.

By default, logs are stored for 15 days.

See Audit for more information.

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