The Mail module enables the sending of emails from within Magnolia. The module can be used to send plain text and HTML messages, and template-based messages.

Sending emails from Magnolia is typically an automated process. An event acts as a trigger. For example, a verification message is sent to a user when they fill a registration form.

Other Magnolia modules such as Form, Observation and Public User Registration use the Mail module for messaging.


The Mail module is configured in /modules/mail. Besides configuring SMTP settings the module is ready to use.

Mail command

MailCommand is used to send all mails in Magnolia. The command can execute on events such as user actions, workflow steps and scheduled jobs. You can write message templates and test them manually in the Mail tools app before automating the process for production use.

The command is registered in /modules/mail/commands/default/sendMail.

Configuring SMTP

The Mail module installs the Mail Tools app. The app is based on the small app concept. Permission to access the app is limited to the superuser role in both the app configuration and the app launcher layout. Fields that contain sensitive data, such as passwords, should be managed using the Passwords app.

The default transfer protocol (SMTP) settings are configured at Configuration > /modules/mail/config/smtp. These settings display the Mail subapp.

Add your SMTP settings in the Mail supapp to update the smtp configuration node:

  • SMTP server (the name of your mail server).
  • SMTP port (dependent on security setting).
  • Authentication: 
  • Connection security method:
    • No encryption.
    • SSL.

Verifying setup

The Verify setup subapp provides tools to:

  1. Verify the current mail settings.
  2. Verify message templates.

Verify the current mail settings

Use the first tool to send test mails to verify your SMTP settings. The tool sends a pre-configured simple mail with an optional attachment to the email address in the logged in user's profile.

To send a test message:

  • Access the relevant profile, typically superuser, in the Security app. Go to System users and add your email address in the superuser profile.
  • Set the from address on the template in /modules/mail/config/templatesConfiguration/simpleConfiguration.
  • Select either plain text or rich text mail type.
  • Optionally, select an asset attachment from Assets chooser.
  • Click Send test mail.

Verify message templates

The second tool in the Verify setup subapp allows you to verify your mail message templates. Message templates are typically used by forms on pages to send the data to the user who submitted the form.

As in the case of verifying mail settings, the tool sends the test mail to the email address configured in your user profile.

To send a test message:

  • Select a template in the dropdown. Only registered templates are available. See Templates configuration for more information.
  • Enter the test data. The content depends on the template configuration.
  • Click Send test mail.

SMTP Session debugging

Using the debug setting on the SMTP configuration will enable a dump of the session data to the standard log file. 

To enable session debugging:

  • From the Configuration app, find the SMTP configuration node here /modules/mail/config/smtpConfiguration.
  • Add a debug property and set its value true.
  • From the log file (or the Log Tools app) see the detailed session data:

    DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.6.2
    2020-05-04 18:07:25,329 DEBUG info.magnolia.module.mail.templates.MgnlEmail     : Set attachments [0] for mail: [info.magnolia.module.mail.templates.impl.FreemarkerEmail]
    DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[TRANSPORT,smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Oracle]
    DEBUG SMTP: need username and password for authentication
    DEBUG SMTP: protocolConnect returning false,, user=magnolia.cms, password=<null>
    DEBUG SMTP: useEhlo true, useAuth true
    DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "", port 465, isSSL true
    220 ESMTP
    DEBUG SMTP: connected to host "", port: 465
    EHLO localhost
    250-SIZE 160000000
    250 DSN
    DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "PIPELINING", arg ""
    DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "SIZE", arg "160000000"
    DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "AUTH", arg "PLAIN LOGIN"
    DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "AUTH=PLAIN", arg "LOGIN"
    DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES", arg ""
    DEBUG SMTP: Found extension "DSN", arg ""
    DEBUG SMTP: protocolConnect login,, user=magnolia.cms, password=<non-null>
    DEBUG SMTP: Attempt to authenticate using mechanisms: LOGIN PLAIN DIGEST-MD5 NTLM XOAUTH2 
    DEBUG SMTP: Using mechanism LOGIN
    DEBUG SMTP: AUTH LOGIN command trace suppressed
    DEBUG SMTP: AUTH LOGIN succeeded
    DEBUG SMTP: use8bit false
    MAIL FROM:<>
    250 2.1.0 Ok
    RCPT TO:<>
    250 2.1.5 Ok
    RCPT TO:<>
    250 2.1.5 Ok
    DEBUG SMTP: Verified Addresses
    354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
    Date: Mon, 4 May 2020 18:07:25 +0200 (CEST)
    Message-ID: <1617772963.1.1588608445333@localhost>
    Subject: This is a test email for freemarker template
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    <img src="cid:0001"/>
    This is the path that has been changed: 
    250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as CCE8A10036F
    DEBUG SMTP: message successfully delivered to mail server
    221 2.0.0 Bye
    2020-05-04 18:07:26,080 INFO  fo.magnolia.module.mail.handlers.SimpleMailHandler: Mail has been sent to: [,]

Templates configuration

Templates are configured in /modules/mail/config/templateConfiguration. The testFreemarker template is provided as an example.

MailTemplate allows for a number of configuration nodes and properties. The following are the most commonly used:




Templates configuration node.

<template name>


Template name.



MailAttachment provides for a number of attachments options.



Any parameters to be passed to the script.

(warning) Do not use parameter names type, contentType.



Relative path to the template script. 



Scripting language used in the template.



Type of content for the message body. It is only necessary to include this property for HTML emails.



Email address that will appear in the From field of the message, unless defined elsewhere, for example in Form module.



Subject line of the email, unless defined elsewhere for example in the Form module.

pageCommentsNotification is used by the Commenting module.

Template renderers

Template renderers are registered in /modules/mail/config/factory/renderers:




Renderers node.



Renders FreeMarker email templates.



Renders Magnolia web pages in an email.



Renders simple text emails that do not require a specific scripting language to be parsed.

Template script

Here's the example testFreemarker.html template script.

    <img src="cid:0001"/>
    This is the path that has been changed: ${path} 

This script requires two parameters, user and path, that need to be provided in the Data to send box in the Verify templates tool. The parameters are passed to the template script and rendered in the message. Each parameter should be added on a single line in the <parameter name=<value> format. For example:



In the attachments node you can define properties for the parameters called by the script. For example, the testFreemarker.html template script references img src="cid:0001". The cid property identifies the attachment as an image (value={}) and the url property sets the image location.

The mimeMultipart property can be used to define the structure of a MgnlMultipartEmail:


<attachment name>


Attachment name.


optional, default is related

Defines the structure of a MgnlMultipartEmail.


  • mixed: Standard email attachment.
  • related: Attachment shown inline.

MailAttachment does not use Content-ID properties but uses attachment names (not file names).

Custom templates

To create a custom template:

  1. Create a template named, for example simpleTemplate.html using Freemarker code.

        <p>Dear ${fullName},</p>
        <p>Please follow this link in order to validate your account: 
        <a href="${href}">Verify your user</a></p>
        <p>Thank you!</p>
  2. Save the template to the file system in for example, /<CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/<contextPath>/templates/simpleTemplate.html. You can put the template anywhere in the webapps folder of a Magnolia instance. 
  3. Register the new template in the /config/templatesConfiguration node.

  4. The new template appears in the dropdown list in the Verify templates tool.

Email applications and clients on the market display emails in different ways. The main reason for this is varied support for CSS styles. You can use a web based service such as Mailchimp Inbox Inspector to preview the message in various clients and work towards consistency.

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  • No labels