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On 23.05.2018 we have had a workshop where we discussed the proposed features. Even though the general feedback was positive and none of the features was rejected, there's still a lot of work to do to take the effort to the production-grade level.

Below is the proposed mind-map with possible further steps that we could take (the source XMind file is also attached).

UI improvements.xmind

Rough effort estimation

Below can be found a table with description and coarse estimates of the possible further steps (time-wise* and priority-wise**).

* (Time-wise the tasks are estimated relatively to Aleksandr Pchelintcev, i.e. if the assignee of the issue wasn't fiddling with the UI thoroughly lately, some time has to be added to get in the context.)

** (Priority-wise the tasks go from the brightest (star)... (red star)...(green star) to the coldest (blue star))

New features

NameDescription:Estimate SPDepended upon by Resurface?Delivery
(red star) Rest integration

Develop an alternative to JCR for browsing and form viewing/editing. See the synergy with the REST client (or use some other approach). Goal - to have easily configurable REST browser and REST-based forms

User benefit:

  • View and manipulate data from REST sources directly in a Magnolia app. Save time and effort.
  • Easily configure apps that operate on REST sources. Avoid 4-6 weeks of Java development.
  • Faster integrations. See Easy Integration Stories

MGNLUI-4439 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Validate foundation, APIs before next major.

Ship with new major of REST Client any time.

(star) Cross-field validation support

The field hierarchy is now kept in the form binders, so technically it is available while form is active and could be injectable in the validators and/or fields themselves. Need to see how to better expose such hierarchy and how to address at least some of the issues related to the topic.

User benefit:

  • See only relevant values in form fields. Make fewer mistakes and fill the form faster.
  • Populate and validate the options in one field based on what the user chooses in another field.

Timebox to 13 SP, possible followed by smaller efforts.

DEV-920 - Getting issue details... STATUS


MGNLUI-2542 - Getting issue details... STATUS

13NoBefore 6.0 because new APIs are introduced.
(green star) Forms with alternative layout

Ship 1-2 alternative ways to layout forms. The APIs are in place, even some implementation has started.

User benefit:

  • Usability: Set address fields visually apart from other fields. Related controls are easier to identify.
  • Make it easier for people to focus on smaller and more manageable groups.
  • Reduce visual clutter and only show relevant information.
  • Progressive disclosure: Defers advanced or rarely used features to a secondary screen, making applications easier to learn and less error-prone.

DEV-983 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8MaybeDEV-983 Before 6.0
(green star) Validation within composite fields

Re-use 'validation bubble' effort from the past, try to provide universal validation/description UI regardless of the layout.

User benefit:

  • Pinpoint which sub-field in a more complex field has invalid entry, so the user knows what to fix.

DEV-992 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8Yes, considerIdeally in 6.0
(blue star) [optional] Master-detail sub-app

Test the flexibility of the new UI framework views and combine browser and detail in one sub-app (should be as easy as binding the pre-created form to the current selection in e.g. tree view)

User benefit:

  • Select an item in an app and edit it immediately.
  • Make small edits quickly without having to jump from one subapp to another.
  • For example, scheduling many events. Several small edits.

DEV-991 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5Noafter 6.0, independently
(blue star) [optional] Filterable columns in Grids

The PoC solution contains column renderer which allows to filter tree grid by path. Consider productising such feature and see how would it be possible to incorporate it into configuration and implementation of the content views.

User benefit:

  • Search content by title, creation date, author, duration, rank, or any combination of properties.

  • (Find Bar does a full-text search and serves a different use case.)
  • Find items faster.
  • Configure searchable properties for an app so that they are relevant for users.

DEV-993 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8Noafter 6.0, independently

Essential features

NameDescriptionEstimate SPDepended upon by Resurface?Delivery
(red star) Chooser dialog

DEV-974 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(star) Multi-value field UI

DEV-976 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(red star) Migrate more fields

DEV-978 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(green star) Port more column renderers

DEV-977 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8No6.0, grid doesn't know about the old renderers. Compatibility wrapper is an alternative.
(red star) Harden JCR browsing implementation

Remaining JCR data source configuration, full-text search support in lists etc.

DEV-1000 - Getting issue details... STATUS

(star) Multi-selection support in browser

ValueContext needs generalisation (to conveniently cover the single vs multi selection cases)

DEV-999 - Getting issue details... STATUS
(star) Harden DS observation mechanism

ContentChangeEvent replacement needs to be hardened: should be memory-leak safe, should be clear, corner-cases should be considered. Observation should also work for the case of the detail sub-app

DEV-1001 - Getting issue details... STATUS

13Noideally 6.0
Re-instate previews in actionbar

Re-add the feature (should be simple with ValueContext). Question the abstraction of ImageProvider.

DEV-1002 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5Nocan be after 6.0 but some work must be done before 6.0
(green star) Keyboard shortcuts in the grids and forms

Currently not ported over from the old implementation. Need to see also how to do it better.

DEV-1005 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8No6.0, otherwise keyboard shortcuts won't work. Can be timeboxed to 5 SP.
(red star) Port form-dialog

Thanks to the view-contexts and view improvements it is probably possible to make a form dialog implementation that shares most of the code with the detail sub-app, still requires quite some work.

DEV-1006 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8Noideally in 6.0 but could be later
(green star) Implement Vaadin 8 - based inline row editing

Grid/TreeGrid has in-built editor API, which can play together with parts of the from framework improvements that we introduced (binders/propertysets etc). Add support for inline editing in Grid/TreeGrid

DEV-1003 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1-2 weeks

Migration strategy

(blue star) App descriptor migration

Think of a strategy (special sub-app that takes an old descriptor and translates to the new or some hybrid descriptor). Consider migrating whatever is easily migrated (fields, columns etc).

DEV-989 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2-3 weeks

(blue star) Legacy action support

It seems to be fairly sufficient to expose the selection context a set of JcrNodeAdapter to make some UI actions work. See how many we can cover by this and what is needed to cover more.

DEV-990 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1-2 weeks


(blue star) Content type powered config

Requires content type solution to be available. Would be nice to shave some config parts off the detail sub-app and form dialogs.

DEV-1007 - Getting issue details... STATUS

1 week (once content types are in)

(star) Apply the type references where possible

New UI improvements do not make the descriptors any leaner as is (in order to not make the configuration less powerful). With type references for whatever possible we could mitigate this fact.

DEV-1008 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2-2.5 weeks


(blue star) Re-start async action effort

Use Java 8 instead of Quartz. Try to ship the asynchronous-ness as a trait/mix-in of an action, not as some base abstract class

2 weeks


(star) Unit testing

The effort is almost not covered by unit tests (the state of the API and implementation was fluctuating too much so far)

DEV-997 - Getting issue details... STATUS (more issue to be created ???)

3 weeks (+ maybe more since we'll need even more tests before final release)

(blue star) UI testsSee if it would be possible to re-use the UI tests for our own apps when they are ported to the new framework2 weeks

(blue star) UI push supportfinally incorporate Vaadin's push support1 week

Unknown unknowables

There are probably bugs in the new UI implementation, maybe there will be potential blockers even. I can't estimate that, but I'd add at least 2.5-3 weeks for that on top of the total estimate.

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