View interface in current state of framework is rather simplistic (only allows to expose view as a Vaadin component). As part of the improvements we propose introduce an extension of the view interface with the working title UiFrameworkView. Its main purpose is to connect views to the IoC mechanism and SessionStore.

public interface UiFrameworkView extends View {

    default Component asVaadinComponent() {

     * Cleans up the related bean store, un-registers this
     * view from the {@link ViewContextKeyRegistry view registry},
     * detaches the from the parent Vaadin component,
     * recursively destroys the child views.
    default void destroy() {

     * Put an instance into the view's bean storage, making it
     * injectable with {@link ViewComponentProvider}.
    default <T> void bindInstance(Class<T> type, T instance) {
        accessViewBeanStore().put(type, instance);

     * Create and bind an instance of the view context. The provided argument is typically an interface,
     * whose implementation is auto-generated on the fly.
     * The instance of the view context is the stored in the view's bean storage and share
     * in similar fashion link {@link #bindInstance(Class, Object)} does.
    default <T extends ViewContext> T bindContext(Class<? extends T> contextClass) {
        final T context = new ViewContextProxy().createViewContext(contextClass);
        accessViewBeanStore().put(contextClass, context);
        return context;

     * Shares datasource definition information with the sub-views and components.
     * Datasource definition provides framework with the hints regarding which
     * implementation to choose for the domain-specific interfaces.
    default void bindDatasourceDefinition(Object definition) {
        accessViewBeanStore().put(DatasourceHolder.class, new DatasourceHolder(definition));

     * Convenience wrapper around {@link ComponentProvider} capabilities.
     * Creates and instance of a type specified by a passed {@link WithImplementation} instance.
    default <T> T create(WithImplementation<T> definition, Object... args) {
        return getComponentProvider().newInstance(definition.getImplementationClass(), Util.appendToArray(args, definition));

     * Convenience wrapper around {@link ComponentProvider} capabilities.
    default <T> T create(Class type, Object... args) {
        //noinspection unchecked
        return getComponentProvider().newInstance((Class<T>) type, args);

    default ViewProvider getViewProvider() {
        return new ViewProviderImpl(getCurrentViewReference());

    default ComponentProvider getComponentProvider() {
        return new ViewComponentProvider(getCurrentViewReference());

    default UiContextReference getCurrentViewReference() {
        return ViewContextKeyRegistry.access()
                .orElseGet(() -> CurrentUiContextReference.get().getUiContextReference());

    default BeanStore accessViewBeanStore() {
        return SessionStore.access().getBeanStore(getCurrentViewReference());
The interface is self-sufficient, all the extension methods are provided as default interface methods, so that the implementing types (view impls) are not enforces to extend any abstract super-class. Typically, a view implementation can extend a Vaadin component class (e.g. CustomComponent) and by implementing UiFrameworkView each such impl is automatically supplied with the following:

  • BeanStore in the http session
  • View-bound ComponentProvider
  • ViewProvider utility, which allows to create child views

In order to align the views with the session store, each view has to be associated with a unique UiContextReference. Since we ship extensions as an interface, we cannot store such reference in the view itself. In order to persist the association, we introduce the special ViewContextKeyRegistry object, cached in the UI bean storage (i.e. there's one instance of such view registry per browser tab). ViewProvider automatically registers the view upon creation, later when the view is remove (via destroy() method), the association is removed.

Let us observe the enhanced view creation process in more detail below:

Creation of a child view
// We are in a context of a view responsible for the display of the content views
final ContentViewDefinition<T> contentViewDefinition = definition.getViews().get(viewId);
this.currentActiveContentView = getViewProvider().create(contentViewDefinition);

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