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This page describes the delivery endpoint for obtaining JCR data as JSON. The endpoint provides two resources that can be called with HTTP GET . The endpoint has to be configured, which enables its customization.

Currently we only support a single delivery endpoint configuration. Please note that a preconfigured endpoint is delivered by default in bundles that contain the demo.

We plan to support multiple endpoints soon. Keep an eye on MGNLREST-152 - Getting issue details... STATUS to see how development is coming along!


Returns one node by a given path, including its properties and child nodes down to a certain depth.

Request URL

GET /delivery/{endpointPrefix}/v1/{path}




Data type



The name of an endpoint prefix as configured. Also can be a real workspace name.




The path relative to the rootPath defined in the configuration.



Get the node of the first component in the main area of the /travel/about page.

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/website/v1/travel/about/main/00' \
-u superuser:superuser

  "@name": "00",
  "@path": "/travel/about/main/00",
  "text": "<p>We are a full service, independent travel agency.</p>\n<p>We offer unique tours from every continent on the planet. Get inspired and book your tour with us for an experience you&rsquo;ll always remember.</p> ",
  "text_de": "<p>Wir sind eine unabh&auml;ngige Reiseagentur mit Rundumservice.</p>\n<p>Wir bieten einzigartige Reisen f&uuml;r jeden Kontinent der Erde an. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und buchen Sie Ihre Reise bei uns, um Erfahrungen zu machen, die Ihnen f&uuml;r immer in Erinnerung bleiben werden.</p> ",
  "jcr:createdBy": "admin",
  "headline_de": "Über Magnolia Travels",
  "mgnl:lastActivatedBy": "superuser",
  "mgnl:template": "travel-demo:components/jumbotron",
  "mgnl:lastActivated": "2015-10-27T13:50:52.396+0100",
  "jcr:created": "2017-10-31T11:53:44.169+0100",
  "mgnl:created": "2015-02-02T20:23:37.199+0100",
  "imagePosition": "below",
  "headlineLevel": "small",
  "mgnl:createdBy": "superuser",
  "jcr:uuid": "01db6fc1-78af-4284-adf0-8c997309df6a",
  "headline": "About Magnolia Travels",
  "mgnl:lastModified": "2015-06-18T11:08:06.983+0200",
  "mgnl:activationStatus": "true",
  "jcr:primaryType": "mgnl:component",
  "mgnl:lastModifiedBy": "superuser",
  "@nodes": []

The result is based on the basic configuration .


Returns a list of nodes matching a query composed of the given query parameters. You also can apply filters to the query.

Request URL

GET /delivery/{endpointPrefix}/v1?param1=value1&param2=value2&... 

Use any of the optional query parameters or none.




Parameter type

Data type



The name of an endpoint prefix as configured. Also can be a real workspace name.





A search phrase (full-text search)





The properties by which to order the nodes.

Example: mgnl:lastModified desc,title asc

Note that special characters such as a space (   ) must be encoded when sent in an HTTP request. When using tools to generate a REST request, this may happen automatically. With simple cURL you have to encode it manually or with an additional tool. Example: orderBy=title%20asc




optional, default is 0

The start position in a result list (for pagination)



optional, default is as set in configuration

The number of nodes displayed in a pagequery. Used together with offset for pagination.





There are multiple filter options to filter for a property of the node, for node names, for nodes which must be ancestors of a given path, you can combine filters with AND operator. See filter options.


queryNodes provides a filtering mechanism. Filters are added as request parameters. Filter values must be properly URL encoded. You can use multiple filters within the same request.

Filter format

The filter parameter has the following format: property[operator]=value

Example filter used in a URL:[like]=tour

Supported filter operators

  • eq (means =)
  • ne (means <>)
  • lt (means <)
  • gt (means >)
  • lte (means <=)
  • gte (means >=)
  • like (means LIKE)
  • in (means IN)
  • not-in (means NOT IN)

Filter types

Property filter

Filter for a node property. The property value must be an exact match.

@name property filter

Filter by a node name.

@ancestor filter

Find nodes for whom the path provided is the ancestor. The path must be absolute in the given workspace of the given workspace prefix.


Usage notes

  • If no operator is provided, eq is used by default.

  • The value in the filter parameter is treated as String .

  • Use brackets to pass an operator, for example [eq][ne][lt], and so on.

  • For in and not-in, a range symbol ~ (the tilde) should be provided, for example:[in]=2018-01-01~2018-02-01
  • For filtering by date and time, only two ISO 8601-based formats are accepted. The patterns shown are in JAVA notation ( java.text.SimpleDateFormat ):

    • Date:  yyyy-MM-dd

    • Datetime:  yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

  • If a filter can take multiple possible values which must match, use | (OR):



Search nodes in the tours workspace which contain the keyword vietnam . Return the results in descending order by the location property and restrict the limit to one:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/tours/v1?q=vietnam&orderBy=location%20desc&limit=1' \
-u superuser:superuser

The result is based on the basic configuration.

  "results": [
      "@name": "Vietnam--Tradition-and-Today",
      "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Vietnam--Tradition-and-Today",
      "isFeatured": "true",
      "name": "Vietnam: Tradition and Today",
      "description": "Discover the culture and everyday treasures of a rising phoenix",
      "location": "Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam",
      "tourTypes": [
      "author": "Magnolia Travels",
      "body_de": "<p>Vietnam ist eine der exotischsten und kulturreichsten Destinationen weltweit. Als Juwel unter Juwelen bietet es dem Besucher schillernde Vielfalt. Doch was die meisten so faszinierend finden, ist seine F&auml;higkeit zum Wandel. Dies wird nirgends deutlicher als in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt. Die am Saigon-Fluss gelegene Gro&szlig;stadt ist das perfekte Beispiel f&uuml;r das Nebeneinander von Fortschritt und Tradition. Pr&auml;chtige Kolonialbauten stehen neben modernen Wolkenkratzern, w&auml;hrend sich japanische Autos mit Fahrradrikschas die stark befahrenen Stra&szlig;en teilen. Wir bringen Sie nicht nur zu den wichtigsten Sehensw&uuml;rdigkeiten, sondern zeigen Ihnen auch die verborgenen Geschichten, die erkl&auml;ren k&ouml;nnen, was Vietnam zu dem macht, was es heute ist, und wohin es geht.</p>\n<p>Eine zweit&auml;gige Tour durch das Mekong-Delta (Vietnamesisch: Đồng Bằng S&ocirc;ng Cuu Long &bdquo;Flussdelta der neun Drachen&ldquo;) taucht Sie in ein Labyrinth des Lebens auf dem Wasser ein, in dem alles auf Booten geschieht, selbst die lokalen M&auml;rkte, die Tag f&uuml;r Tag durch ein Flo&szlig; der Boote der H&auml;ndler gebildet werden. Wir fahren weiter zur K&uuml;stenstadt Vung Tau, um dort im Phuong-Distrikt zu entspannen und wie die Einheimischen zu schwimmen.<br /> W&auml;hrend wir dort sind, besuchen wir den ber&uuml;hmten Wei&szlig;en Palast, die alte historische Kolonialvilla des franz&ouml;sischen Gouverneurs.</p>\n<p>Unterwegs werden Sie mit das beste Essen zu sich nehmen, das Sie jemals gegessen haben und wir werden Ihnen eventuell sogar beibringen, wie es zubereitet wird.</p> ",
      "body": "<p>Vietnam is one of the world&rsquo;s most exotic and culturally rich destinations. A gem among gems, it offers dazzling diversity for visitors. Yet what most find so fascinating is its capacity for change. This is nowhere more evident than in Ho Chi Minh City. Set on the Saigon river, the capital is the perfect example of progress and tradition living side-by-side. Grand colonial buildings stand alongside modern skyscrapers while Japanese cars share the busy roads with cycle rickshaws.</p>\n<p>We won&rsquo;t just take you to the key sights, but also reveal the hidden stories that explain what makes Vietnam what it is today, and where it&rsquo;s going.</p>\n<p>A two day tour of the Mekong delta (Vietnamese: Đồng bằng S&ocirc;ng Cửu Long &quot;Nine Dragon river delta&quot;) will immerse you in a water-world maze where everything happens on the boats - even local markets which form every day from a raft of vendors boats. We&rsquo;ll continue to the coastal town of Vung Tau in the Phuong district to relax and swim like the locals do.</p>\n<p>While there we&rsquo;ll visit the storied White Palace, the historical old colonial villa of the french governor.</p>\n<p>Along the way, you&rsquo;ll eat some of the finest food you&rsquo;ve ever eaten, and we might even teach you to cook it too.</p> ",
      "description_de": "Entdecken Sie die Kultur und die alltäglichen Schätze eines Phoenix aus der Asche",
      "destination": [
      "duration": "14",
      "name_de": "Vielfältiges Vietnam",
      "image": "jcr:1044b3b8-30b1-48fe-8078-832b6cef8fb5",
      "@nodes": []

Find a tour and filter with the description property (Get photobombed by a Sea Turtle):

curl -X GET \
'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/tours/v1?description=Get%20photobombed%20by%20a%20Sea%20Turtle' \
-u superuser:superuser

  "results": [
      "@name": "Scuba-Diving-in-Bahamas--famed-Tiger-Beach",
      "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Scuba-Diving-in-Bahamas--famed-Tiger-Beach",
      "isFeatured": "true",
      "name": "Scuba Diving at Tiger Beach",
      "description": "Get photobombed by a Sea Turtle",
      "location": "Miami, USA",
      "tourTypes": [
      "author": "Magnolia Travels",
      "body_de": "<p>Unsere beliebteste aktive Tour f&uuml;hrt zum weltber&uuml;hmten Tiger Beach in den Gew&auml;ssern vor den Bahamas. Dieser spektakul&auml;re Ort ist einmalig in der Welt. Magnolia Travels garantiert Ihnen eine der einzigstartigen Unterwasser-Erfahrungen &uuml;berhaupt. Umgeben vom kristallblauen Wasser der Bahamas und perlwei&szlig;em Sand k&ouml;nnen Sie Ammenhaie, Riffhaie, Zitronenhaie und Tigerhaie beobachten. Bringen Sie Ihre Kamera mit, es gibt auf dieser Reise keinen Mangel an gro&szlig;artigen Foto- oder Videogelegenheiten. &nbsp;</p>\n<p>Auf dieser Expedition haben Sie Gelegenheit, mit unseren entz&uuml;ckenden und ber&uuml;hmten Tigerhai-&bdquo;Supermodels&ldquo; von Angesicht zu Angesicht zu tauchen:&nbsp; Emma, Baby Cakes, Tanya, Begonia und Mini-T. Unsere &bdquo;Supermodel&ldquo; werden Ihnen dabei helfen, einige der weltweit besten Hai-Fotos zu schie&szlig;en. Sie lieben es, f&uuml;r die Kamera zu l&auml;cheln!</p>\n<p>Nat&uuml;rlich w&auml;re keine Reise auf die Bahamas vollst&auml;ndig ohne Tauchen in den umwerfenden und vielfarbigen Riffen. Sie sind von einer F&uuml;lle kleiner und gro&szlig;er Meereslebewesen umgeben;&nbsp; Sch&ouml;nheit und Wunder dieses vibriendenden &Ouml;kosystems lassen Sie verstummen. Karibische Riffhaie, gro&szlig;e Zackenbarsche, Mur&auml;nenaale und viele andere Fische wetteifern um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit, w&auml;hrend Sie &uuml;ber vielf&auml;ltige Korallenarten, wellenf&ouml;rmige Seef&auml;cher und eine bunte Anordnung von Schw&auml;mmen gleiten. Beginnen Sie noch heute, mit uns Ihre Erinnerungen zu gestalten!</p> ",
      "body": "<p>Our most popular active tour is to the world-famous Tiger Beach in the waters off the Bahamas. This spectacular location is unlike any other in the world. Magnolia Travels guarantees you will have one of the most unique underwater experiences ever. &nbsp;Amidst the crystal blue Bahamian water and powder white sand, you will experience Nurse, Reef, Lemon and Tiger sharks up close and personal. &nbsp;Bring your camera, there is no shortage of great photo or video opportunities on this trip. &nbsp;</p>\n<p>On this expedition you will have the opportunity to dive face-to-face with our lovely and famous Tiger shark &ldquo;supermodels&rdquo;: &nbsp;Emma, Baby Cakes, Tanya, Begonia &amp; Mini-T. &nbsp;Our &ldquo;supermodels&rdquo; will help you produce some of the world&rsquo;s best shark photography. They love to smile for the camera!</p>\n<p>Of course, no trip to the Bahamas would be complete without diving the dazzling and colorful reefs. &nbsp;Surrounded by an abundance of marine life, both large and small, you will be in awe of the beauty and wonder of this vibrant ecosystem. &nbsp;Caribbean Reef sharks, large groupers, moray eels and numerous fish will compete for your attention as you hover above the multiple species of coral, undulating sea fans, and colorful array of sponges. &nbsp;Start making your memories with us today!</p> ",
      "description_de": "Lassen Sie sich von einer Meeresschildkröte überraschen, die plötzlich auf Ihrem Foto erscheint",
      "destination": [
      "duration": "14",
      "name_de": "Tauchen am Tiger Beach",
      "image": "jcr:795449d2-6c16-402e-9e8a-bbb101fe22bb",
      "@nodes": []

The result is based on the basic configuration.

Search all nodes for whom /travel/about/careers is the ancestor in the website workspace:

curl -X GET \
'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/website/v1?@ancestor=/travel/about/careers' \
 -u superuser:superuser

  "results": [{
    "@name": "customer-experience-agent",
    "@path": "/travel/about/careers/customer-experience-agent",
    "@id": "1f8af166-258f-4351-a543-3d0fc8bb00c0",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
    "jcr:createdBy": "admin",
    "hideInNav": "false",
    "mgnl:lastActivatedBy": "superuser",
    "mgnl:template": "travel-demo:pages/standard",
    "jcr:created": "2018-02-23T09:01:36.372+0100",
    "mgnl:lastActivated": "2018-02-23T09:01:41.958+0100",
    "mgnl:created": "2015-06-03T18:20:19.100+0200",
    "mgnl:createdBy": "superuser",
    "title": "Customer Experience Agent",
    "mgnl:lastModified": "2015-06-19T11:24:00.965+0200",
    "title_de": "Kundenerlebnisvermittler",
    "mgnl:activationStatus": "true",
    "mgnl:lastModifiedBy": "superuser",
    "@nodes": []
  }, {
    "@name": "customer-experience-supervisor",
    "@path": "/travel/about/careers/customer-experience-supervisor",
    "@id": "c8e6902a-499a-44d7-9de9-45fd93d60a6b",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
    "jcr:createdBy": "admin",
    "hideInNav": "false",
    "mgnl:template": "travel-demo:pages/standard",
    "mgnl:lastActivatedBy": "superuser",
    "mgnl:lastActivated": "2018-02-23T09:01:41.958+0100",
    "jcr:created": "2018-02-23T09:01:36.373+0100",
    "mgnl:created": "2015-06-03T18:21:41.367+0200",
    "mgnl:createdBy": "superuser",
    "title": "Customer Experience Supervisor",
    "title_de": "Kundenerlebnisteamleiter",
    "mgnl:lastModified": "2015-06-19T11:32:24.49+0200",
    "mgnl:activationStatus": "true",
    "mgnl:lastModifiedBy": "superuser",
    "@nodes": []
  }, {
    "@name": "marketing-associate",
    "@path": "/travel/about/careers/marketing-associate",
    "@id": "f19c60f2-3049-4883-a170-4bf65e3abb91",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
    "jcr:createdBy": "admin",
    "hideInNav": "false",
    "mgnl:lastActivatedBy": "superuser",
    "mgnl:template": "travel-demo:pages/standard",
    "jcr:created": "2018-02-23T09:01:36.374+0100",
    "mgnl:lastActivated": "2018-02-23T09:01:41.958+0100",
    "mgnl:created": "2015-06-03T18:22:16.687+0200",
    "mgnl:createdBy": "superuser",
    "title": "Marketing Associate",
    "mgnl:lastModified": "2015-06-19T11:33:01.681+0200",
    "title_de": "Marketingmitarbeiter/in",
    "mgnl:activationStatus": "true",
    "mgnl:lastModifiedBy": "superuser",
    "@nodes": []


The delivery endpoint requires a configuration, which can be done in YAML file or via JCR, otherwise, it cannot deliver content. Version 2.0 of the magnolia-rest-content-delivery module can have only one configuration. You can decorate the definition. Future versions will allow multiple configurations which can be distinguished via a URL parameter.

Add the configuration to the restEndpoints folder in a light module or within src/main/resources/<module-name>/restEndpoints in a Magnolia Maven module.

Basic configuration

my-lightmodule/restEndpoints /my-endpoint.yaml
    depth: 2
      - mgnl:page
      - mgnl:area
      - mgnl:component
      - mgnl:area
      - mgnl:component
    rootPath: /
    workspace: tours
    includeSystemProperties: false




Must be or a subclass.



Must be or a subclass.



The map defining at least one or more endpoint prefixes.



Defines an endpoint prefix where requests will be routed and handled according to the associated workspace parameters below.

The value can be an arbitrary name (no special characters!) - or it can be a real workspace name. If it is not a real workspace name, you must provide the sub property workspace.



The name of the JCR workspace to deliver content from.

Must be set if the parent <endpointPrefix> is not a real workspace name.


optional , default is mgnl:content

A list of allowed node types for depth-0 nodes. mgnl:folder is ignored deliberately.


optional default is mgnl:contentNode

A list of allowed node types for child nodes.


optional, default is 0

The depth of child nodes to display in the result.


optional, default is true

Specifies whether the result should show system properties.



The root path of this endpoint.

The path information when requesting the endpoint is added to this path.


optional, default is false

If set to true , JCR security is bypassed. Use this with care and for development reasons only!


optional, default is 10

The number of nodes (of level 0) in the result. Used only in the queryNodes method.

The property can be overridden when calling  queryNodes  with a request parameter.

Reference resolving configuration

A node may contain references to other nodes. With the references property, you can extend the configuration to force it to resolve the referenced nodes per workspace.

    workspace: tours
    includeSystemProperties: false
        propertyName: tourTypes
          targetWorkspace: category

Properties of references :

referencesA map which contains at least one reference definition.


An arbitrary name for a ReferenceDefinition.


The name of the JCR property which stores the reference. It can be a multi-value property.


The reference resolver definition for this reference. Its definition class is ReferenceResolverDefinition.


A class implementing ReferenceResolverDefinition.

Current implementations: UuidReferenceResolver.


The name of the workspace where the referenced node resides.

  "results": [
      "@name": "Vietnam--Tradition-and-Today",
      "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Vietnam--Tradition-and-Today",
      "isFeatured": "true",
      "name": "Vietnam: Tradition and Today",
      "description": "Discover the culture and everyday treasures of a rising phoenix",
      "location": "Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam",
      "author": "Magnolia Travels",
      "body_de": "<p>Vietnam ist eine der exotischsten und kulturreichsten Destinationen weltweit. Als Juwel unter Juwelen bietet es dem Besucher schillernde Vielfalt. Doch was die meisten so faszinierend finden, ist seine F&auml;higkeit zum Wandel. Dies wird nirgends deutlicher als in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt. Die am Saigon-Fluss gelegene Gro&szlig;stadt ist das perfekte Beispiel f&uuml;r das Nebeneinander von Fortschritt und Tradition. Pr&auml;chtige Kolonialbauten stehen neben modernen Wolkenkratzern, w&auml;hrend sich japanische Autos mit Fahrradrikschas die stark befahrenen Stra&szlig;en teilen. Wir bringen Sie nicht nur zu den wichtigsten Sehensw&uuml;rdigkeiten, sondern zeigen Ihnen auch die verborgenen Geschichten, die erkl&auml;ren k&ouml;nnen, was Vietnam zu dem macht, was es heute ist, und wohin es geht.</p>\n<p>Eine zweit&auml;gige Tour durch das Mekong-Delta (Vietnamesisch: Đồng Bằng S&ocirc;ng Cuu Long &bdquo;Flussdelta der neun Drachen&ldquo;) taucht Sie in ein Labyrinth des Lebens auf dem Wasser ein, in dem alles auf Booten geschieht, selbst die lokalen M&auml;rkte, die Tag f&uuml;r Tag durch ein Flo&szlig; der Boote der H&auml;ndler gebildet werden. Wir fahren weiter zur K&uuml;stenstadt Vung Tau, um dort im Phuong-Distrikt zu entspannen und wie die Einheimischen zu schwimmen.<br /> W&auml;hrend wir dort sind, besuchen wir den ber&uuml;hmten Wei&szlig;en Palast, die alte historische Kolonialvilla des franz&ouml;sischen Gouverneurs.</p>\n<p>Unterwegs werden Sie mit das beste Essen zu sich nehmen, das Sie jemals gegessen haben und wir werden Ihnen eventuell sogar beibringen, wie es zubereitet wird.</p> ",
      "body": "<p>Vietnam is one of the world&rsquo;s most exotic and culturally rich destinations. A gem among gems, it offers dazzling diversity for visitors. Yet what most find so fascinating is its capacity for change. This is nowhere more evident than in Ho Chi Minh City. Set on the Saigon river, the capital is the perfect example of progress and tradition living side-by-side. Grand colonial buildings stand alongside modern skyscrapers while Japanese cars share the busy roads with cycle rickshaws.</p>\n<p>We won&rsquo;t just take you to the key sights, but also reveal the hidden stories that explain what makes Vietnam what it is today, and where it&rsquo;s going.</p>\n<p>A two day tour of the Mekong delta (Vietnamese: Đồng bằng S&ocirc;ng Cửu Long &quot;Nine Dragon river delta&quot;) will immerse you in a water-world maze where everything happens on the boats - even local markets which form every day from a raft of vendors boats. We&rsquo;ll continue to the coastal town of Vung Tau in the Phuong district to relax and swim like the locals do.</p>\n<p>While there we&rsquo;ll visit the storied White Palace, the historical old colonial villa of the french governor.</p>\n<p>Along the way, you&rsquo;ll eat some of the finest food you&rsquo;ve ever eaten, and we might even teach you to cook it too.</p> ",
      "description_de": "Entdecken Sie die Kultur und die alltäglichen Schätze eines Phoenix aus der Asche",
      "destination": [
      "duration": "14",
      "name_de": "Vielfältiges Vietnam",
      "image": "jcr:1044b3b8-30b1-48fe-8078-832b6cef8fb5",
      "tourTypes": {
        "@name": "tourTypes",
        "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Vietnam--Tradition-and-Today/@tourTypes",
        "offPath": {
          "@name": "offPath",
          "@path": "/tour-types/offPath",
          "body_de": "Auf einem großen Reisebus sitzen, Touristengerichte essen und Fotos vom Eiffelturm machen ist nicht Ihre Vorstellung vom Reisen. Sie möchten etwas Neues finden und die Dinge aus dem örtlichen Blickwinkel betrachten. Mit uns können Sie die örtlichen Juwelen entdecken, die die meisten Reisenden nie sehen. ",
          "body": "Riding on a big tour bus, eating tourist menus and taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower is not your idea of travelling. You want to find something new, and see things from a local point of view. With us, you can discover the local gems that most travellers never experience. ",
          "description_de": "Einzigartige Ferien abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade",
          "name": "offPath",
          "level": "level-1",
          "description": "Unique holidays that take you off the beaten track ",
          "displayName_de": "Abseits der Trampelpfade",
          "icon": "jcr:6d5d576a-79f9-48d9-b141-6682f2eef585",
          "displayName": "Off the Beaten Path",
          "image": "jcr:272f75b9-ed87-4e0b-8bf3-15db217ba897",
          "@nodes": []
        "cultural": {
          "@name": "cultural",
          "@path": "/tour-types/cultural",
          "body_de": "Ferien sind für Erlebnisse da, um die bedeutendsten Orte der Welt zu entdecken. Egal ob Chinesische Mauer oder ägyptische Pyramiden, Sie möchten alles darüber wissen. Haben Sie schon einmal daran gedacht, die alten Tempel in Vietnam zu bereisen oder die gewundenen Gassen in Jerusalem? Wir organisieren die besten örtlichen Reiseführer und Hotels, damit Sie die ganze Kultur einfach nur in sich aufnehmen brauchen.",
          "body": "Holidays are for experiences, for discovering the greatest places in the world. Whether it’s the Great Wall of China or the Egyptian pyramids, you want to know all about them. And have you thought about visiting the ancient temples of Vietnam or the winding alleyways of Jerusalem?  We organize the best local guides and hotels, so you can just soak in all that culture.",
          "description_de": "Einmalige Erlebnisse",
          "name": "cultural",
          "level": "level-1",
          "description": "Experiences of a lifetime",
          "icon": "jcr:58c420b6-fa30-4578-8af0-c062ba51e5fb",
          "displayName_de": "Kultur",
          "displayName": "Cultural",
          "image": "jcr:a792164f-5a2a-4708-b3c8-62b48a578200",
          "@nodes": []
        "@nodes": [
      "@nodes": [
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