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This page is intended for developers who want to start using Magnolia REST features.

In this page, we:

Key points

This section is a very brief summary of the most important things from the sections below.

To use Magnolia REST features:

  • Set up Magnolia with version 5.6 or higher; you may want to use a preconfigured Magnolia bundle.
  • Make sure your bundle contains at least the Magnolia REST modules magnolia-rest-integrationmagnolia-rest-servicesmagnolia-rest-content-delivery (version 2.0 or higher). See REST module - Installing if needed.
  • Design a security strategy with custom users to access the REST endpoint. To start immediately or for testing purposes, you can use superuser on the author instance and anonymous user on the public instance at your own risk.
  • Provide YAML configuration to enable the usage of the delivery endpoint in a light module.

        depth: 2
          - mgnl:page
          - mgnl:area
          - mgnl:component
          - mgnl:area
          - mgnl:component
        rootPath: /
        includeSystemProperties: false
    Read Delivery endpoint API - YAML configuration for further details.

  • cURL:

    curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaPublic/.rest/delivery/website/v1/travel/about'
    and GET a REST.


In this section, we assume you are using a Magnolia bundle version 5.6 or higher and you know how to:

  • Install Magnolia.
  • Set the magnolia.resources.dir property in the file.
  • Start and stop Magnolia.

Best practice

We recommend you have one common directory for the magnolia.resources.dir on both magnoliaAuthor and magnoliaPublic webapps. We will use it later on for a shared configuration.

If you do not know how to do all of this, see Set up a Magnolia bundle with all REST modules - step by step instead.

Required modules

The modules listed below are required to use all Magnolia REST features in a productive context:

  • magnolia-rest-integration
  • magnolia-rest-services
  • magnolia-rest-content-delivery

When using a preconfigured Magnolia bundle, your webapps already contain these three modules. If you are using a custom webapp or bundle, make sure your custom setup contains the modules listed above. See REST module - Installing if needed.

When developing new features, it can be helpful to use the magnolia-rest-tools module which enables Swagger UI tools. 

Enabling Swagger UI tools - magnolia-rest-tools

The Swagger framework is supported by a set of core tools for designing, building, and documenting RESTful APIs.


Magnolia provides integration with Swagger tools directly in the Admin UI.

Swagger tools are for development and testing purposes only.

If you do not want to use the Swagger UI tools, skip ahead to security settings.

Installing the magnolia-rest-tools module

To enable swagger you must add magnolia-rest-tools to your webapp(s). 

With Maven

Add the following snippet to the pom file of your webapp:

Error rendering macro 'artifact-maven-dependencies-snippet-macro'

com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: No route to host (Host unreachable)

With a downloaded bundle

If you are running a preconfigured Magnolia Tomcat bundle:

  • Stop the Tomcat server.
  • Download the REST tools bundle 

    Error rendering macro 'artifact-resource-macro'

    com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: No route to host (Host unreachable)

  • Unzip the download and copy* all the files to: 
    • $tomcat/webapps/magnoliaAuthor/WEB-INF/lib
    • $tomcat/webapps/magnoliaPublic/WEB-INF/lib (if the directory already exists)

* The zip file may contain .jar files which are already present in the WEB-INF/lib folder of your webapps.

Set the Swagger API base path

The Swagger API explorer tool searches for the API at a path set in /modules/rest-tools/config/apiBasepath. The default value is  http://localhost:8080/.rest . The value for this property must match the following pattern:


When using one of Magnolia's preconfigured bundles running on localhost, set the property to http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest .

Set the path to where REST services reside on your system. If you run the standard Magnolia bundle and work on the author instance, set the path to  http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest .

Node nameValue






After setting the base path, restart Magnolia.

Swagger UI tools is in Dev > REST Tools.

Set up a Magnolia bundle with all REST modules - step by step

This section provides step by step instructions to set up a Magnolia bundle that contains all REST modules including the magnolia-rest-tools module to use Swagger UI tools. The procedure uses Magnolia CLI. If you are an experienced Magnolia user, you can skip this and set up Magnolia in your preferred style.


Choose a directory to work in.

Open a shell and change to the directory of your choice. In our example, we use the directory ~/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base.

cd ~/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base

Download a bundle with Magnolia CLI.

mgnl jumpstart

Jumpstart downloads and extracts the latest version of magnolia-community-demo-bundle which comes with Tomcat server. Use the -e option to get the magnolia-enterprise-pro-demo-bundle - which will prompt for enterprise credentials. See jumpstart for further options.

Jumpstart also sets the property magnolia.resources.dir in the file

Once jumpstart is executed, your directory looks like this:

├── apache-tomcat
├── light-modules

We will need the light-modules folder later on. (warning) Do not start the Tomcat server yet.


Add magnolia-rest tools to your bundle.

Download the REST tools bundle 

Error rendering macro 'artifact-resource-macro'

com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: No route to host (Host unreachable)

into a temporary folder. Unzip it and copy all the files from the unzipped folder into ~/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base/apache-tomcat/webapps/magnoliaAuthor/WEB-INF/lib. Some of the files may already be there.


Start Magnolia.

You are ready to start the Tomcat server for the first time. Go to the "root" directory (/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base) and execute the CLI command start:

cd ~dev/mgnl-rest-test-base
mgnl start

(info) During the initial start up, Magnolia installs a lot of configuration data and demo content bootsrapped with its modules - this may take some time.


Log in to the author instance.

In your preferred browser, open the URL http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/ and log in as user superuser with the password superuser.

Now you are nearly done. Have a look around Magnolia. Access the public instance with the URL http://localhost:8080/magnoliaPublic/ .


Set the Swagger base API path.

In order to properly use the Swagger UI tools - which are used for development only - you must change one property in the configuration.

On the Admin UI, open the Configuration app and find the node /modules/rest-tools/config. (You can use the URL http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia/admincentral#app:configuration:browser;/modules/rest-tools/config:treeview: to go there directly.)

Open the config folder and change the value of the apiBasepath property to: http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest


Restart Magnolia.

Go to the shell where you started Magnolia.

To stop the server, press cmd + C (on Mac) or ctrl + C (on Windows). Give the server some time to properly shut down.

Then start it again:

cd ~dev/mgnl-rest-test-base
mgnl start

Security settings

REST endpoints are a powerful tool but can also make your site very vulnerable. Make sure you understand how to implement a strong security strategy to safeguard your system..

You must read and understand REST security before enabling and using the REST endpoints in a productive environment.

In the context of this tutorial and to get started quickly, we use users with roles provided by the default setup of the Magnolia bundle.

Using superuser in the author instance - for testing purposes only

In the author instance, superuser has:

  • Read/Write access for the path / on every JCR workspace, granted by the  superuser role.
  • Web access for the HTTP methods GETPUTPOST and DELETE for the path /magnoliaAuthor/.rest* - granted by the role rest-admin.

Note that superuser is given a lot of power. Use it carefully in the context of this tutorial.  But never use superuser on a productive environment.

Using anonymous in the public instance

The public instance is typically visited by users who do not authenticate. These visits are done as the anonymous user, who also has some permissions.

In the public instance, anonymous user has:

  • Read access on the path / for the JCR workspaces websitedamgoogleSitemapscategory, and tours.
  • Web access for the HTTP method GET  for the path /magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/*

As you can see, anonymous user only has read access and can only access the Delivery endpoint. That is sufficient for the moment.

In a productive environment we highly recommend you create custom REST roles granting specific access for specific use cases.

REST endpoints - an overview

Magnolia provides the following REST endpoints out-of-the-box:

EndpointHTTP methodsSwagger UI enabled


Read node.
Query nodes.






Read nodeCreate nodeUpdate nodeDelete node



Create property


Update property


Read propertyDelete property




Execute command


If you want to use REST to create, update and delete content, we recommend you use the Nodes endpoint which supports all required operations. If you mainly want to read data, consider using the Delivery endpoint. It provides convenient, formatted JSON and can be customized and configured with YAML via light module. With the Commands endpoint you can trigger commands and Cache endpoint deals with cache.

You can also create your own custom endpoints

Tools to test REST requests

In this section, we suggest some tools you can use to test the REST API without needing to develop a REST consuming client application. Testing your REST requests is useful when you are developing client apps and similar things that interact with the REST endpoints.


PositiveFor instance Firefox displays JSON and XML in a very readable format. 

A browser provides only limited control to tailor a request without further add-ons. Requests are sent as GET and you cannot add more request headers out of the box.


If you want to test on REST resources via  GET , which requires authetication to get assigned roles not provided to the anonymous user: log in to Magnolia first; open a new tab in the same window (using the same session); and then request the REST resource.

Upgrade the browser with add-ons to extend its possibilities to control the request.



cURL is a command line tool. It can be used on most well-known operating systems.

PositiveVery flexible for tailoring the request (method, request headers, user credentials, and so on). Response can be further processed.
NegativeNot everybody likes command line tools. The response is not easy to read without further tooling. No out-of-the-box automatic URL encoding.

On the first attempt of a request, use the -i option to display all response headers.

If the response body is fine and delivers JSON, pretty-print and colorize the response body with tools such as jq.

Swagger UI tools

If you have not installed magnolia-rest-tools, which provides the Swagger UI tools, skip this section or see how to enable the swagger tools above.


Seamlessly integrated into the Magnolia Admin UI. Comfortable to use form-based interface.


The endpoints require specific annotations to make them appear on the Swagger UI tools. Delivery endpoint is not annotated and does not appear on the Swagger tools. REST request is sent by the user who logged into Magnolia; it is difficult to test with different users.

Starting the Swagger UI tools

Go to Dev > REST Tools.

When you open the the Magnolia REST Tools app, you should see something similar to this screen: 

The Swagger UI lists the bundled endpoints which already have Swagger annotations. These are the endpoints from themagnolia-rest-services module (propertiesv1, commandsv2, nodesv1) and one from the cache-browser-app (cachev1).

Click on one of the links to open a submenu that shows all supported operations provided by the endpoint.

Click List operations or Expand operations to get the details for the operations.

Here is an example for the nodes endpoint GET operation:

Enter values at least for the mandatory parameters and click Try it out!.

Swagger shows the response code, the response headers and the response body:

Using the delivery endpoint

The delivery endpoint is a REST API provided by Magnolia out-of-the-box. Use it for obtaining JCR data as JSON. 

In addition to defining security settings, you must provide YAML-based configuration for the delivery endpoint so that it can serve JSON.

Configuring the delivery endpoint

We will create a light module to provide the YAML-based configuration required for the delivery endpoint.

In your light-modules folder, which is configured with the property magnolia.resources.dir, create the following structure:

└── restEndpoints/
    └── delivery-base-definition.yaml

You can use this code to start with for the delivery-base-definition.yaml file:

    depth: 2
      - mgnl:page
      - mgnl:area
      - mgnl:component
      - mgnl:area
      - mgnl:component
    rootPath: /
    includeSystemProperties: false
You can find a full explanation on Delivery endpoint API - YAML configuration.

For the time being, note the following points:

  • Line 3: website is the name of the endpoint prefix. In our case it is also the name of a JCR workspace. We use the value of the endpoint prefix later on in the REST request URL.
  • Everything below line 3 defines the endpoint prefix.
  • You can define more endpoint prefixes.
  • Make sure you only have one YAML-based endpoint definition.

Reading website content with the delivery endpoint

With the configuration provided above, you are ready to send REST requests to your Magnolia instance.

We will fetch the content of the page /travel/about on the website workspace. Have a look at Delivery endpoint API - readNode to understand how to compose the URL. We need:

  • The name of endpoint prefix => website
  • The relative path of the node - relative to what is defined in the configuration as rootPath: => travel/about

URL => /.rest/delivery/website/v1/travel/about

Now add the "context" (the name of the webapp), the domain and the protocol, and you get these URLs:

You can request the first URL, which goes to the public instance, with the browser as the anonymous user (without authentication). For the second URL, you must authenticate.

To test these URLs with cURL, use the following commands:

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaPublic/.rest/delivery/website/v1/travel/about'

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/website/v1/travel/about' \
-u superuser:superuser

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
  • No labels