Make section titles specific. Leave action names generic.

Follow these conventions when naming items in the action bar.

Specific section titles

Make your section titles specific to the type of the selected item. For example, when the user selects a video asset, set the section title to Video asset rather than just Asset. Specific titles help the user understand why certain actions are not available. They also tell the user more about the selected item, similar to the preview image. 

Generic action names

Make your action names generic. For example, Delete asset regardless of whether the user has selected an image or a video.

Generic "item" actions

If your app works with many different item types, keep action names generic regardless of what the user selects. For example, the Configuration app edits folders, nodes and properties. There is a specific add action for each three: Add folder, Add content node and Add property. However, the delete action is always the same: Delete item. Providing more detail does not really help the user. To the user a delete is always a delete, regardless of what the selected item is. The three item types may be different under the hood but to the user they are the same. The benefit of naming common actions in a generic way is a consistent interface. It reduces UI flicker.


In English, use short action verbs that are easy to understand. Length 30 characters max. In other languages, follow any convention that is typical in menu command names. 

(tick) Short, clear verb

(error) Long noun phrase



Capitalize only the first letter in section titles and action names, for example Edit entry properties. This type of capitalization is called sentence case. Exceptions are proper nouns and trademarks such as Google Sitemaps which require you to follow their capitalization rules.

Use sentence case for section titles:

Except with proper nouns:

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))
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