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Workshop 23.05.2018

The recordings of the workshop are available at the file server:

Related repos:

Project with UI framework extensions and reference content app implementation:

UI fork with necessary minimal changes: 

Related JIRA issues: 

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker


serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

Main goals

  • Adapt UI framework to Vaadin 8 concepts
  • Data binding in forms, dialogs and grids - simplify the existing solution


Model View Presenter

Initial investigation concept: Design patterns in UI content app

Reasons to botherWhat changesBenefits
  • Way too many interfaces where a mere class would do (see IoC part as well)
  • The way we used it before is cumbersome and not too beneficial.
  • Concept of Model is not well defined.
  • Poor component isolation patterns
    • views know about sub-views, presenters know about sub-presenters [...and sub-views].
    • poor state management (the parent views/presenters may just have most of the child view's state/business logic).
  • We try to prefer classes over the interfaces. If we introduce interfaces, we try to keep them small and function-oriented.
  • Instead of MVP we use something like MVVMP (Model-View-ViewModel-Presenter)
    • Model is the good ol' datasource like JCR workspace.
    • View is now the entry point and the driver of the pattern. Views may compose and even interact with each other (though we we should not encourage that!)
    • ViewModel is the state of the View (all the properties that define the view in real time)
    • Presenter - optional, completely isolated part which is used to help View interact with Model/ViewModel
  • We implement the ViewModel part via so called ViewContexts - interfaces that describe a certain part of mutable state (selection, value, location etc).
    • We provide the views with the ability to bind contexts and share them with the sub-views (see more in the IoC section).
    • For the ease of use, we do not enforce the developer to actually implement the interfaces, we generate them. (question) We use some reactive technology for convenient subscription.
  • Views are more component-like and are easier to compose.
    • Interfaces/classes do not expose methods like #refresh(), that encourage external control over the view.
    • All the internal view state management happens in the view itself (no case when sub-app reacts on events and updates the state of the sub-views/components).
    • All the necessary context can be injected via ViewContexts
  • Some synergy with how client-side frameworks manage the UI's (Redux/React contexts do similar things though in more conventional way)
  • Less code to write (less noisy listener interfaces, less abstractions)


Reasons to botherWhat changesOutcome

Quirky way of communicating the data source changes

  • Requires manual actions of both sending the events and handling them. I.e. if I change smth in JCR and forget to send CCE, no one will ever know.
  • Apps that are not related to the changed data source still have to handle its CCE and see if they should react (hence ContentConnector#canHandleItem).

We should try to expose the data source observation utilities and subscribe to them where needed.

  • e.g. we have already the JCR observation mechanism that Vaadin's DataProvider can subscribe to in this or that way and just push the change notification to the UI automatically.
  • Whenever we change smth in the data source the UI is notified eventually.
  • For the data sources that do not have real time observation, we could easily provide a timer-based implementation that merely refreshes the UI periodically.


  • Clear and re-usable data source observation mechanism.
  • Less boilerplate for the app developers


  • (question) Need to provide un-registration strategy. For some cases a mere weak-hashmap solution might work (question). We though should also make sure that once the view is dead, no observation left-overs are still hanging around

Field definitions

Reasons to botherWhat changesBenefits
  • Not generic
    • value type is communicated in "JCR" style, i.e. via strings

FieldDefinition becomes generic

Better compatibility with the new, more type-safe Vaadin data-binding API's

Form definition

Reasons to botherWhat changesOutcome
  • Form definition is nailed to the concept of the tabs
    • presentation definition is entangled with the model

FormDefinition separates field/property definitions from the layout definition

  • Tabbed layout becomes just a concrete case of the layout definition
  • We provide other types of layouting possibilities - HTML/Vaadin declarative layout/Custom Component

(question) Possibly we introduce an alternative term 'editor' which is more generic than the form


  • More flexibility
  • Possibility to define complex fields with the same definitions that we use for the forms
    • i.e. complex fields also become forms


  • (question) How to provide compatibility between the current form definitions and the new ones?
    • Resolve on programmatic level, i.e. allow special definitions that take the old one and then the app/dialog transforms them into the new ones?

I18N support in dialogs

Column definitions
