If you encounter this error when trying to enter license information:

java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: modules/enterprise/license


  1. Stop Magnolia CMS.
  2. Copy the following JSP script and save it to your docroot folder, for example <apache-tomcat>/webapps/magnoliaAuthor/docroot/license-script.jsp.


    <%@ page contentType="text/plain" %>
    <%@ page import="info.magnolia.importexport.BootstrapUtil"%>
    <%@ page import="info.magnolia.context.*"%>
    <%@ page import="info.magnolia.cms.util.ContentUtil"%>
    <%@ page import="info.magnolia.cms.core.HierarchyManager"%>
    <%@ page import="javax.jcr.Node"%>
    <%@ page import="javax.jcr.ImportUUIDBehavior"%>
    info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.setInstance(new info.magnolia.context.SingleJCRSessionSystemContext());
      BootstrapUtil.bootstrap(new String[]{"/mgnl-bootstrap/enterprise/config.modules.enterprise.license.xml"},
      HierarchyManager hm = MgnlContext.getHierarchyManager("config");
      } catch (Exception e) {
  3. Open <apache-tomcat>/webapps/magnoliaAuthor/WEB-INF/web.xml in a text editor.

  4. Comment out the <filter> and <filter-mapping>sections.


    <!-- filter>
      <display-name>Magnolia global filters</display-name>
    </filter-mapping -->



    This will also disable the URI security filter, making your system vulnerable. Use a firewall or Apache Web Server in front of your application server to prevent unauthorized access while you do this.

  5. Save the web.xml file.
  6. Start Magnolia CMS.
  7. Request the JSP script at http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/docroot/license-script.jsp.

  8. Stop Magnolia CMS.
  9. Uncomment the <filter> and <filter-mapping> sections in the web.xml. (Undo step 4).
  10. Start Magnolia CMS.
  11. That should have recreated the node. Try and enter the license information again.
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