
I can add a paragraph when editing a page. In some instances, I may choose to add the new paragraph at the top or at the bottom of an already existing list of paragraphs.

While adding, I first select from the list of available and allowed paragraph templates. I then provide the actual values for the paragraph. Most fields will have meaningful default values. The values of key fields are immediately apparent to me, so I don't have to manually check them all.

I finally create the paragraph by confirming all choices I've entered so far.

Adding a new paragraph

Adding a paragraph remains a two step process. You first select a paragraph template, then provide meaningful initial values for all mandatory fields and possibly change some other fields as well. When you're happy with your choices, you finally go ahead and create the paragraph - only then will it get added to your page. This process is modeled using a multi-step process form.

Selecting a paragraph template

This first step is described on a separate page describing paragraph template selection as it has a number of different aspects, which are best covered on a dedicated page.

Provide initial values

Once the type of paragraph has been fixed by the choice of a paragraph template, Magnolia presents a single-page complex form for filling in values. The form shown is equal to the one for editing the same paragraph, but it may contain default values.

The immediately visible form on the first tab (there always shall be a tab, even if there's just one) contains all key values for the paragraph chosen. For a text paragraph, this could be the title and body, for a text/image paragraph as well - the image is likely placed best on a second tab, since it is optional -, for a link paragraph this would be the name and the URL of the link.

Less important fields shown in blocks containing overviews include all keywords and metadata related fields. Additional fields shown may be related to language settings and publishing options.

Note that the user may go back and choose a different paragraph template. No data in the fields entered so far is preserved and thus all has to be filled in again.

Create the paragraph

By clicking the "Add" button, the new paragraph with the selected template and given initial values is created as a sub paragraph of the current area, which was selected when the "add new paragraph" command was chosen. A second option allows to add the paragraph and immediately add another one using the same paragraph template and located on the same parent page under the same area. This allows to quickly add a number of equal paragraphs to a page to easily build up a page structure. In this case, a notification at the top of the subsequently shown dialog (similar to a error validation message, but colored as confirmation message) must confirm that the paragraph was added successfully.


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