
  • Know that it is possible to visualise the actions performed in the magnolia cockpit. 
  • Know what information is stored in the audit.


The Audit section allows you to view the different actions performed by your team as they navigate and use Cockpit. This includes everything from user logins to backup and restore options.


You can filter by:

  •  Type of event to find e.g.
    • Login
    • Delete indexes
    • Create/Delete domain
    • Reset cache
    • Restore Backup
    • Get Loggers
    • Get Reddirect Settings
    • Start/stop Magnolia

  • User:
    • Choose one user from the dropdown

  • Range of time:
    • Last 5min
    • Last 15min
    • Last 30min
    • Last 1h
    • Last 3h
    • Last 6h
    • Last 12h
    • Last 24h
    • Last 2days;
    • Last  7days

  • Limit:
    • Number of lines that you want to see
  • Request Id:
    • Unique identifier of the action.


Once you have found the actions you will see the following fields.

Table PropertyDescription
Request idUnique identifier of the action.

Event type

Type of event that has occurred from the list of possible options
StatusStatus of the action
SubjectExplanation of the action
UserThe user who made the action.
UpdateThe day and time the action took place

  • No labels