This page is meant to be a place for collecting information about using Vaadin to build the new Version of Magnolia

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(red star)

Very high priority


High priority

(green star)

Normal priority


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Add-ons of interest

  • Navigator: Bookmarking, Lazy initialization and more...
  • Blackboard: implements something like an event bus for Vaadin applications. When aiming to create a MVP architecture this is probably a valuable extendsion.
  • Drawer: accordion like behavior



  • (minus)(red star) The collapse/expand arrow should be visible only on items that have children, not on all items that _can_ have children. This is a bug in TreeTable.paintRowAttributes() where it calls container.areChildrenAllowed(item) instead of container.hasChildren(item). --> setChildrenAllowed(Object itemId, boolean areChildrenAllowed)
  • (tick)(star) Server-side unselect of item selected as a range causes invalid state in the client (fixed in 6.7 trunk, released possibly with 6.7.3)
  • (tick) open tree hierarchy: selection dialog, history
    • expand() open() -> are missing
    • --> use setItemCollapsed() in the tree grid
  • (tick) property value is not necesserely the label we want to show. for instance templat name vs. template title.
    • --> addGeneratedColumn()
  • (tick) keyboard navigation does not trigger selection -> no history update
    • --> use value change event instead



  • (star) resizing flickers
    • permanent re-layouting makes the resizing flickering
    • show ExtGWT solution to it: xwindow style
    • we have a brief patch -> we have to patch it
    • --> (fixed in 6.6)
  • (tick) using ENTER steals the key from active components that would have wanted the key
    • i.e. line breaks in TextField and RichTextArea aren't possible
    • -> we use control ENTER
  • (tick) switching tab changes the window height to fit it contents, can it be made to keep the height of the longest tab
    • -> expand ration to 1, set height 100%
    • idealy we would size up to the biggest tab
    • example
  • (tick) dialogs: width 100% for fields, what are we missing here?
    • -> layout must have width 100%
    • use debug parameter and run analyze layout

Page Editor

  • (tick) Browser width: see PageEditorApplication
    • to position a window/toolbox on the right side
    • we currently use Integer.parseInt((String) MgnlContext.getAttribute("cw"))
    • following method does not exist: ((WebApplicationContext)getContext()).getBrowser().getClientWidth()
    • ticket created: (fixed in 6.8)
  • (star) window with fixed position
    • we patched VWindow.onDragEvent(Event) to be able to move
    • --> create a ticket anyway


  • (star) Browser's back button navigation breaks on FF when component is an iframe (extends com.vaadin.ui.Embedded with Embedded.TYPE_BROWSER)
    • Henri will create a ticket (could not find it)
  • (red star) history: first fragment, late initialization




  • (green star) sysout to >>null, send patch (Ph)
  • (green star) not scrollable window in dev mode causes an exception, send patch (Ph)


  • (tick) RTL
    • forum
    • example
    • --> our architecture solves this (different views, ...)

Consulting Sessions

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