This page describes the delivery endpoint version 2 for obtaining JCR data as JSON.

This REST resource is highly customizable. You can define multiple endpoint configurations to serve different needs. Each configured endpoint is accessed through a distinct endpointPath and provides three methods. The methods, called with HTTP GET, allow you read a node (and its subnodes) by a given path, get children of a node and query nodes.

To help you configure and try out the delivery scenarios mentioned on this page, we:

  • Use delivery as part of the endpoint path. Our webapps come with a pre-configured user role called rest-anonymous , which allows anonymous users to access the /.rest/delivery/*  path.
  • Set the bypassWorkspaceAcls property to true in all endpoint configurations. Otherwise, you would have to use the Security app and configure an access control list for the anonymous user to be able to access the nodes inside the various workspaces the delivery scenarios utilize.


Please note that sending a request to a URI that ends with just the endpointPath invokes the Query nodes method. Attaching or not attaching the slash to the endpointPath has no effect in this:

GET <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/endpointPath/

GET <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/endpointPath

Read node

This method returns one node by a given path, including its properties and child nodes down to a certain depth. Child nodes are returned in the natural order.

Request URL

GET <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/endpointPath/{path}




Data type



The path relative to the rootPath defined in the configuration.



Get all component nodes of the main area of the /travel/about page.

curl 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/travel/about/main'
    "@name": "main",
    "@path": "/travel/about/main",
    "@id": "f3b2681f-e747-4ff6-bcbb-2a9a9f01553e",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:area",
    "00": {
        "@name": "00",
        "@path": "/travel/about/main/00",
        "@id": "01db6fc1-78af-4284-adf0-8c997309df6a",
        "@nodeType": "mgnl:component",
        "text": "<p>We are a full service, independent travel agency.</p>\n<p>We offer unique tours from every continent on the planet. Get inspired and book your tour with us for an experience you’ll always remember.</p> ",
        "imagePosition": "below",
        "headlineLevel": "small",
        "headline": "About Magnolia Travels",
        "@nodes": [
    "04": {
        "@name": "04",
        "@path": "/travel/about/main/04",
        "@id": "834ef0b0-1519-4834-b1f5-4166ae004ac0",
        "@nodeType": "mgnl:component",
        "layout": "8x4",
        "@nodes": [
    "@nodes": [

This result is returned for the following configuration:

workspace: website
bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
depth: 2
 - mgnl:area
 - mgnl:component

Get children

This method is a special variant of the read node method. It uses the @nodes handle to retrieve child nodes of a path in a configured endpoint. To use the handle, append it to the path of a URI:

Request URL

GET <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/endpointPath/{path}@nodes

(info) The items in the response are returned in their natural (unsorted) order, see also the  orderBy request parameter.


    • Get child nodes in the root of the ep endpoint:

      curl "http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/@nodes"

              "@name": "travel",
              "@path": "/travel",
              "@id": "b06b82a2-74b0-4994-8015-028c4fd60716",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "position": "bottom",
              "header": "Cookies are used on this website!",
              "layout": "block",
              "readMoreLinkexternal": "",
              "description": "Magnolia Travels is a demonstration project for Magnolia CMS. Browse the site to get an overview of Magnolia CMS features, and learn how to edit the content online. Or download the project and dig into the sources to learn the key templating features of Magnolia CMS.",
              "link": "Learn more ...",
              "title": "Travel Home",
              "dismiss": "Got it!",
              "bannerbackground": "#000",
              "deny": "Decline cookies",
              "message": "This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.",
              "readMoreLink": "external",
              "complianceType": "info",
              "buttontext": "#fff",
              "buttonbackground": "#ef6155",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "searchResultPage": "6df1ebd8-fc9d-4db3-8539-02829c56b9f2",
              "allow": "Allow cookies",
              "keywords": "Magnolia CMS, Open Source CMS, Content management, Demonstration project, Demo project, Demo, Online demo, Website builder",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "sportstation",
              "@path": "/sportstation",
              "@id": "5f26a93e-9d21-4231-9e60-c8edbb0d339d",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "description": "Magnolia Travels is a demonstration project for Magnolia CMS. Browse the site to get an overview of Magnolia CMS features, and learn how to edit the content online. Or download the project and dig into the sources to learn the key templating features of Magnolia CMS.",
              "title": "Sportstation",
              "keywords": "Magnolia CMS, Open Source CMS, Content management, Demonstration project, Demo project, Demo, Online demo, Website builder",
              "@nodes": [
      This result is returned for the endpoint called ep with the following configuration:

      workspace: website
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
       - mgnl:page
    • Get child nodes in the root of the /travel page:

      curl "http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/travel/@nodes"

              "@name": "tour-type",
              "@path": "/travel/tour-type",
              "@id": "05872876-073e-40a3-a3c5-0d0a18c1d43d",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "navigationTitle": "Tours",
              "title": "Tour Types",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "destination",
              "@path": "/travel/destination",
              "@id": "028a4a92-35df-45a3-b6ff-58381db74eb5",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "title": "Destinations",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "tour",
              "@path": "/travel/tour",
              "@id": "af4cd608-2dda-4535-a5e0-703ef92fd45a",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "true",
              "title": "Tour detail",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "stories",
              "@path": "/travel/stories",
              "@id": "f8cbedd6-df91-4d7c-a952-2dc414d97704",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "title": "Stories",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "about",
              "@path": "/travel/about",
              "@id": "808ebe4c-72b2-49f1-b9f7-e7db22bce02f",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "title": "About",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "contact",
              "@path": "/travel/contact",
              "@id": "53b073cc-ea3a-4e44-bdea-8c8a790b55c5",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "title": "Contact",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "meta",
              "@path": "/travel/meta",
              "@id": "7ebd74f1-c6f7-4307-9953-afd549118a56",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "true",
              "title": "Container for meta pages",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "book-tour",
              "@path": "/travel/book-tour",
              "@id": "60e1aa3e-23d6-4200-ad28-20c3b969ab89",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "true",
              "title": "Book your tour",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "members",
              "@path": "/travel/members",
              "@id": "39257043-9524-49a8-bcf2-934ac797eddf",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "false",
              "description": "Exclusive content, tips and special discounts for registered members.",
              "title": "Members",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "tour-finder",
              "@path": "/travel/tour-finder",
              "@id": "d25e69d9-27d0-4477-824c-7cc0714c97ce",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "true",
              "title": "Tour Finder",
              "@nodes": [
              "@name": "tour-tag",
              "@path": "/travel/tour-tag",
              "@id": "a045a2d0-7b1c-466c-88bc-28352749959c",
              "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
              "hideInNav": "true",
              "title": "Tagged tours",
              "@nodes": [
      This result is returned for the endpoint called ep with the following configuration:

      workspace: website
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
       - mgnl:page

Query nodes

Returns a list of nodes matching a query composed of the query parameters provided. You can also apply filters to the query.

Request URL

GET <magnolia-base-path>/.rest/endpointPath?param1=value1&param2=value2&... 

Use any of the optional query parameters or none.



DescriptionParameter typeData type



A search phrase (full-text search).





The properties by which to order the nodes. The result may be returned either in the ascending ( asc ) order or in the descending ( desc ) order. The ascending order is applied if the direction is not set.

Example: mgnl:lastModified desc,title asc

Note that special characters such as a space (   ) must be encoded when sent in an HTTP request. When using tools to generate a REST request, this may happen automatically. With simple cURL you must encode it manually or with an additional tool.

Example: orderBy=title%20desc

(info) Up to Magnolia 5.6.5, the results provided by the endpoint were sorted alphabetically on node names (same as with the ORDER BY LOWER(NAME(t)) statement in the JCR-SQL2 query) even though no orderBy parameter was set in the request URL.

The results are returned unsorted if no orderBy parameter is set. This however does not mean "in natural order" since many other aspects may be involved, such as the setting of the respectDocumentOrder property or index consistency. For more information, see Apache Jackrabbit Search and Rebuilding the Index.




optional, default is 0

The start position in a result list (for pagination).



optional, default is as set in configuration

The number of nodes displayed in a page query. Use together with offset for pagination.





There are multiple filter options to filter for a property of the node, for node names, for nodes which must be ancestors of a given path, and so on. You can combine filters with an AND operator. See filter options.

Examples follow after the Filters section.


queryNodes provides a filtering mechanism. Filters are added as request parameters. Filter values must be properly URL-encoded. You can use multiple filters within the same request.

Filter format

The filter parameter has the following format: property[operator]=value

Example filter used in a URL:


(warning) In some REST clients, you may need to URL-encode also the key in the filter parameter. The RFC standard called Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax ( maintains that

If data for a URI component would conflict with a reserved character's purpose as a delimiter, then the conflicting data must be percent-encoded before the URI is formed.

For example:


Supported filter operators

not-inNOT IN


Can be used with:

% (percentage, URL encoded as %25)

_ (underscore) 


Can be used with:

  • Percentage - Wildcard character that can be used in the search pattern to mean zero or more additional characters.
  • Underscore - Wildcard character that can be used in the search pattern to stand for any single character.


The value can be either true or false. For example, sending mgnl:created[null]=false is equivalent to issuing mgnl:created IS NOT NULL in JCR query.

The operator can be used with any property.

Filter types

Property filter

Filter for a node property. The property value must be an exact match.


@name property filter

Filter by a node name.


@jcr:uuid filter

Filter by the JCR node ID (uuid). The property value must be an exact match.


@ancestor filter

Find nodes for which the path provided is the ancestor. The path must be absolute in the given workspace of the given workspace prefix.

Usage notes
  • If no operator is provided, eq is used by default.

  • The value in the filter parameter is treated as String.

  • Use brackets to pass an operator, for example [eq][ne][lt], and so on.

  • For in and not-in, a range symbol ~ (the tilde) should be provided, for example:

  • Ranges are inclusive: price[in]=100~200 is interpreted as price >= 100 AND price <= 200.
  • For filtering by date and time, only two ISO 8601-based formats are accepted. The patterns shown are in JAVA notation (java.text.SimpleDateFormat):
    • Date:  yyyy-MM-dd

    • Datetime:  yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX

  • If a filter can take multiple possible values which must match, use | (OR):



We assume you are familiar with cURL . Note that cURL requires URL encoding.

See tools to test REST requests for other possibilities.

    • Find webpages in the Travel Demo which were last modified before or on June 12, 2015: 

      curl 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/?mgnl:lastModified[lte]=2015-06-12' --globoff
      (info) By using the option --globoff you can specify URLs that contain the letters {}[] without having them being interpreted by cURL itself.

      Endpoint: ep

      workspace: website
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
      rootPath: /
       - mgnl:page
      includeSystemProperties: true


          "results": [
                  "@name": "meta",
                  "@path": "/travel/meta",
                  "@id": "7ebd74f1-c6f7-4307-9953-afd549118a56",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
                  "jcr:createdBy": "admin",
                  "hideInNav": "true",
                  "mgnl:template": "travel-demo:pages/standard",
                  "mgnl:lastActivatedBy": "superuser",
                  "jcr:created": "2019-09-25T08:49:30.320+02:00",
                  "mgnl:lastActivated": "2019-09-25T08:49:35.482+02:00",
                  "mgnl:created": "2015-02-02T20:58:23.939+01:00",
                  "mgnl:createdBy": "superuser",
                  "title": "Container for meta pages",
                  "mgnl:lastModified": "2015-06-03T20:37:49.283+02:00",
                  "mgnl:activationStatus": "true",
                  "mgnl:lastModifiedBy": "superuser",
                  "@nodes": [

    • Find webpages with the word "Customer" in the title.

      curl -g -G "http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep" --data-urlencode "title[like]=%Customer%"
      Use --data-urlencode and -g -G to encode the request parameter values, if required.

      Endpoint: ep

      workspace: website
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
      rootPath: /
       - mgnl:page


          "results": [
                  "@name": "customer-experience-agent",
                  "@path": "/travel/about/careers/customer-experience-agent",
                  "@id": "1f8af166-258f-4351-a543-3d0fc8bb00c0",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
                  "hideInNav": "false",
                  "title": "Customer Experience Agent",
                  "@nodes": [
                  "@name": "customer-experience-supervisor",
                  "@path": "/travel/about/careers/customer-experience-supervisor",
                  "@id": "c8e6902a-499a-44d7-9de9-45fd93d60a6b",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
                  "hideInNav": "false",
                  "title": "Customer Experience Supervisor",
                  "@nodes": [

      Due to the use of a wildcard character in the URL with the [like] filter the number of results can potentially be higher.

    • In the website workspace, find all nodes for which /travel/about/careers is the ancestor:

      curl 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/?@ancestor=/travel/about/careers'

      Endpoint: ep

      workspace: website
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
      rootPath: /
       - mgnl:page


          "results": [
                  "@name": "customer-experience-agent",
                  "@path": "/travel/about/careers/customer-experience-agent",
                  "@id": "1f8af166-258f-4351-a543-3d0fc8bb00c0",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
                  "hideInNav": "false",
                  "title": "Customer Experience Agent",
                  "@nodes": [
                  "@name": "marketing-associate",
                  "@path": "/travel/about/careers/marketing-associate",
                  "@id": "f19c60f2-3049-4883-a170-4bf65e3abb91",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
                  "hideInNav": "false",
                  "title": "Marketing Associate",
                  "@nodes": [
                  "@name": "customer-experience-supervisor",
                  "@path": "/travel/about/careers/customer-experience-supervisor",
                  "@id": "c8e6902a-499a-44d7-9de9-45fd93d60a6b",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:page",
                  "hideInNav": "false",
                  "title": "Customer Experience Supervisor",
                  "@nodes": [

    • Find nodes in the tours workspace that contain the keyword "beach". Return the results in descending order based on the location property and restrict the number of results to two:

      curl 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/?q=beach&orderBy=location%20desc&limit=2'

      Endpoint: ep

      workspace: tours
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true


          "results": [
                  "@name": "Beach-Paradise-in-Brazil",
                  "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Beach-Paradise-in-Brazil",
                  "@id": "545d5815-a3dd-4b68-a539-c38eb1bba29b",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
                  "isFeatured": "true",
                  "name": "Beach Paradise in Brazil",
                  "description": "An Amazonian beach holiday",
                  "location": "São Luís, Brasil",
                  "tourTypes": [
                  "author": "Magnolia Travels",
                  "body": "<p>When you hear “Amazon”, you probably think of a deep jungle. Well, this remarkably well hidden beach paradise is right in the middle of it.  Alter do Chão lies on Rio Tapajós, a tributary to the mighty Amazon, which is so wide here that you can’t even see across to the far shore.  There’s plenty of nature to explore in the area on foot, but the inlet to the lake is also covered with cosy beach restaurants and bars, perfect for a post swim chill out.  </p>\n<p>No fear of crocodiles here, but there are some sting rays to watch out for.  You’ll start your adventure on the two-day boat ride from Manaus (capital of the Amazon) to Santarém, but be sure to bring your own hammock (and some rope) or just some extra coins for the bar!</p>\n<p>While you’re here, you’ll discover there’s much more to do than hanging out at the glorious beaches. The town lies at the entrance to the Lago Verde lagoon, home to many Amazon animals, and the perfect place to do a canoe trip. We also include tours to the beautiful Floresta Nacional do Tapajós and Rio Arapiuns.</p> ",
                  "destination": [
                  "duration": "14",
                  "image": "jcr:950cc73c-1b12-4f2a-bba7-97ad9d171f5d",
                  "@nodes": [
                  "@name": "West-Coast---Highway-101",
                  "@path": "/magnolia-travels/West-Coast---Highway-101",
                  "@id": "730c8850-d638-4e91-b3fb-4041a0c59ffe",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
                  "name": "West Coast - Highway 101",
                  "description": "Family travels in USA",
                  "location": "Seattle, USA",
                  "tourTypes": [
                  "author": "Magnolia Travels",
                  "body": "<p>Imagine walking in the footsteps of the explorers, missionaries, and soldiers who made America what it is today. Discover the famous El Camino Real (The Royal Road) based on the old trail which linked the Spanish Missions, Pueblos and Presidios.</p>\n<p>We'll kick off in Seattle and head south into Oregon and finally to California where we'll hit the beaches on California Highway 1. The trip will be infused with history and fabulous scenery, but there’ll be lots of time for fun, with some great beach activities at the end of the trip.</p> ",
                  "destination": [
                  "duration": "7",
                  "image": "jcr:d44f783c-91ca-4b48-9533-ea4e147e13e9",
                  "@nodes": [

    • Find a tour with the word "Japan" in its description. Return only the variant in the German language:

      curl -g -G 'http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep?lang=de-DE' --data-urlencode "description[like]=%Japan%"

      Note that we use --data-urlencode to encode one of the request parameters, whereas the one that does not require encoding is added to the URL directly.

      Endpoint: ep

      workspace: tours
      bypassWorkspaceAcls: true


          "results": [
                  "@name": "Kyoto",
                  "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Kyoto",
                  "@id": "b475f27e-2929-427b-9517-815118a3b36e",
                  "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
                  "name": "Kyoto",
                  "description": "Die natürliche Seite Japans",
                  "location": "Kyoto, Japan",
                  "tourTypes": [
                  "author": "Magnolia Travels",
                  "body": "<p>Erleben Sie die Schönheit, die Kyoto durchdringt und umgibt. Kyoto ist berühmt für viele Dinge, darunter unzählige <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Tempel</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Schreine</a> und andere faszinierende historische Bauwerke.</p>\n<p>Kommen Sie mit uns auf einen Besuch der Stadt der zehntausend Schreine. Wir besuchen To-ji, Ginkaku-ji, Kōzan-ji und ihre bemerkenswerten Gärten, bevor wir einen Abstecher zu den Bergen in der Umgebung der Stadt machen. Sie werden es genießen, einen Tag im grünen Miyama und einen Tag mit Wandern in Shizuhara zu verbringen. Sie werden nie wieder wie bisher über Japan denken.</p> ",
                  "destination": [
                  "duration": "7",
                  "image": "jcr:44689d29-5966-4d41-8fd4-2dc7da783528",
                  "@nodes": [

Filtering on specific languages

To get REST results for a specific language you may have to specify a language suffix in the search query. Let's consider an example based on the default installation of the Travel Demo bundle, where the content in the Tours app (stored in the tours workspace) is available both in English and in German and English is the default language for the site.

Searching for Erleben in the content of the body properties of the workspace by sending a query such as http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/?body[like]=%Erleben% yields no results since Erleben is present only in the German content variant:

In the search query you need specify the language by appending - in this case - the _de suffix to the body property and re-send http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/?body_de[like]=%Erleben% instead. Only this will return a result (click the link to expand to see the actual result):

    "results": [
            "@name": "Kyoto",
            "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Kyoto",
            "@id": "b475f27e-2929-427b-9517-815118a3b36e",
            "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
            "name": "Kyoto",
            "description": "The natural side of Japan",
            "location": "Kyoto, Japan",
            "tourTypes": [
            "author": "Magnolia Travels",
            "body": "<p>Experience the still beauty that permeates and surrounds Kyoto. Kyoto is famous for many things, including countless <a href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\"><u>temples</u></a>, <a href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\"><u>shrines</u></a> and other fascinating historical buildings.</p>\n<p>Join us on a visit to the City of Ten Thousand Shrines. We'll visit Tō-ji, Ginkaku-ji, Kōzan-ji and their remarkable gardens before venturing into the mountains that surround the city. You’ll enjoy a day spent in green Miyama and a day hiking in Shizuhara. You’ll never think about Japan in the same way again.</p> ",
            "destination": [
            "duration": "7",
            "image": "jcr:44689d29-5966-4d41-8fd4-2dc7da783528",
            "@nodes": [

This result is returned for the endpoint called ep with the following configuration:

workspace: tours
bypassWorkspaceAcls: true

Notice that in spite of searching within body_de the content in the output is in English. This is caused by sending the en value in the Content-Language header sent along with the query. To obtain a response with content in German, you would need to append &lang=de to the query.

If you try to find the English equivalent (Experience), you must not specify the _en suffix since English is the site's default language. Using this suffix in the query returns an empty result set:


There's no property body_en present in the tours workspace.

Alternatively, try searching with a more general search query such as http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest/delivery/ep/?q=Erleben which will also return a response where Erleben appears in the JCR (endpoint configuration is same as the one above):

  "results": [{
    "@name": "North-Sea-Islands",
    "@path": "/magnolia-travels/North-Sea-Islands",
    "@id": "a2a00b27-7e39-4230-8c79-3ffc5a678a15",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
    "name": "North Sea Islands",
    "description": "At the mercy of the sea",
    "location": "Hamburg, Germany",
    "tourTypes": ["e007e401-1bf8-4658-8293-b9c743784264", "d2245867-ecaa-4b4e-8743-e0c939be68b7"],
    "author": "Magnolia Travels",
    "body": "<p>Off Germany&rsquo;s coast in the North Sea lie the remote, romantic Halligen islands. Here, you&rsquo;ll experience a unique environment and way of life shaped by the tides. Houses here are built on meter high man-made hills called Warften to keep them above the sea-floods - known here as Land Unter. The islands are traced with tiny canals to drain the water after storms. But the locals, some 400 people, have also installed dams to let the silt settle out of the water. They must rely on this to slowly build up the height of the islands. It&rsquo;s like a slow-motion race against erosion and rising oceans. Speaking of slow - you&rsquo;ll have plenty of opportunity to enjoy the island pastimes like the local card game (also called Land Unter), flying kites, or just wandering the wind-buffeted pastures, lightly populated with happy sheep and contented cows.</p>\n<p>Our trip will include walks on the extensive salt coated mudflats of this <a href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\"><u>World Heritage</u></a> nature reserve, where you&rsquo;ll be able to observe some rare birdlife. We&rsquo;ll discover many other fascinating critters, like ants that have adapted to build special nests that can withstand the periodic flooding. The broken remnants of houses and household goods to be found on the flats are a reminder of the elemental forces which shape the islands, and our tenuous relationship with them.</p> ",
    "destination": ["6cc50e28-fb0e-4e49-b3b6-728690a2e861"],
    "duration": "7",
    "image": "jcr:7f3cbb8f-a909-47da-b678-543ce6f244b9",
    "@nodes": []
  }, {
    "@name": "Lapland-for-Families",
    "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Lapland-for-Families",
    "@id": "705051cb-c0c3-43b2-b5fa-c571b5d5d2d4",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
    "isFeatured": "true",
    "name": "Lapland for Families",
    "description": "Your own Arctic Circle adventure",
    "location": "Kittilä, Finland",
    "tourTypes": ["415025c6-e4b5-4506-9384-34f428a52104", "17da160b-da66-4e09-9e31-5fd040880f4a"],
    "author": "Magnolia Travels",
    "body": "<p>Enjoy a family winter adventure in Lapland, Sweden where sledding, husky sledding and ice skating are all on the menu. We lend you toboggans for sledding, and there are gentle hills right outside your cabin. For something more adventurous, join our &lsquo;crazy slope&rsquo; days out. Children will love the chance to drive their own sled, and snowballs and snowmen are possible any time of the day. You&rsquo;ll also get the chance to experience the spectacular Northern Lights.</p>\n<p><br /> At Christmas time, children can also join visits to Santa and his famous grotto, going on a unique snowmobile journey to see where Santa manages all his toy operations.</p> ",
    "destination": ["ee483660-15cd-490d-b709-884b3f130286"],
    "duration": "7",
    "image": "jcr:71b9a58b-3c78-41bd-9fe4-17ce0f3b5dd4",
    "@nodes": []
  }, {
    "@name": "Kyoto",
    "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Kyoto",
    "@id": "b475f27e-2929-427b-9517-815118a3b36e",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
    "name": "Kyoto",
    "description": "The natural side of Japan",
    "location": "Kyoto, Japan",
    "tourTypes": ["d2245867-ecaa-4b4e-8743-e0c939be68b7", "415025c6-e4b5-4506-9384-34f428a52104"],
    "author": "Magnolia Travels",
    "body": "<p>Experience the still beauty that permeates and surrounds Kyoto. Kyoto is famous for many things, including countless <a href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\"><u>temples</u></a>, <a href=\"\" style=\"text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\"><u>shrines</u></a> and other fascinating historical buildings.</p>\n<p>Join us on a visit to the City of Ten Thousand Shrines. We&#39;ll visit Tō-ji, Ginkaku-ji, Kōzan-ji and their remarkable gardens before venturing into the mountains that surround the city. You&rsquo;ll enjoy a day spent in green Miyama and a day hiking in Shizuhara. You&rsquo;ll never think about Japan in the same way again.</p> ",
    "destination": ["7ec72c48-c33f-418e-b2ff-44cfb4bbb1f2"],
    "duration": "7",
    "image": "jcr:44689d29-5966-4d41-8fd4-2dc7da783528",
    "@nodes": []
  }, {
    "@name": "Jordan-s-Pearls",
    "@path": "/magnolia-travels/Jordan-s-Pearls",
    "@id": "3351f7b2-e67b-4dbd-a6c6-7394eaf86d36",
    "@nodeType": "mgnl:content",
    "isFeatured": "false",
    "name": "Jordan’s Pearls",
    "description": "Seeking the crossroads of civilisations ",
    "location": "Amman, Jordan",
    "tourTypes": ["e007e401-1bf8-4658-8293-b9c743784264"],
    "author": "Magnolia Travels",
    "body": "<p>This trip will give you a deep insight into the Middle East, allowing you to not only experience its rich and ancient heritage, but also to get a glimpse into daily life. The trip starts by flying into Amman, capital of Jordan. Shortly outside the city, we&rsquo;ll take you to visit the breath-taking UNESCO world heritage site of Petra, an ancient city carved into the red rock by Nabateans. It is one of the world&rsquo;s most important archaeological sites.</p>\n<p>From there, we&rsquo;ll go by road to Jerash, often called the &lsquo;Pompeii of the East&rsquo;. The ancient Roman ruins at Jerash are famous for their remarkable state of preservation.</p> ",
    "destination": ["79da73f7-900b-4c91-b58b-3b1355485519"],
    "duration": "7",
    "image": "jcr:2b51aaf3-dc5a-4012-89e5-d3b3dd6c08cb",
    "@nodes": []

For i18n features to work correctly, check that the fallback site has locales configured or extends a site definition with desired locales.


You can define multiple endpoints in this version of the delivery endpoint. The endpointPath  property is used to access the different configured endpoints.


workspace: website
limit: 25
depth: 2
includeSystemProperties: true
  - mgnl:page
  - mgnl:area
  - mgnl:component




Must be or a subclass.



If the property is not set, the endpointPath is evaluated automatically.

If you set the property manually, it should not contain special characters to fit into a proper URL.



The name of the JCR workspace to deliver content from.


optional, default is /

The root path of this endpoint.

The path information when requesting the endpoint is added to this path.


optional , default is mgnl:content

A list of allowed node types for depth-0 nodes.


optional , default is mgnl:contentNode

A list of allowed node types for child nodes.


optional , default is false

Defines whether to include only the exact node type and ignore the sub types.

If true then it is applied to both the nodeTypes and childNodeTypes.


optional, default is 0

The depth of child nodes to include in each returned item.

This does not restrict which nodes will be returned from a query. It just determines the number of child nodes in each returned item.


optional, default is false

Specifies whether the result should show system properties.



List of system properties that should be returned in the response.

You can specify the properties using a full property name, as seen on line 4 below, or using a wildcard character (line 5, to request for example mgnl:lastActivatedBymgnl:createdBy and so on):

workspace: tours
bypassWorkspaceAcls: true
 - mgnl:tags
 - "*By"

The systemProperties property overrides the setting of the includeSystemProperties property. In the above example, the two system properties will be fetched even if the includeSystemProperties is left in the default false state.


optional, default is 10

The number of nodes (of level 0) in the result. Used only in the queryNodes method.

The property can be overridden when calling queryNodes with a request parameter.


optional, default is false

If set to true, JCR security is bypassed. Use this property with care and for development purposes only.



This property allows you to resolve referenced nodes.

For image variations to be resolved correctly, make sure that the fallback site has theme variations configured or extends a site definition with desired variations.


optional, default is 1

Defines on how many levels the references should be considered and returned in a response if found.


optional, default is false

The default setting eliminates resolving self-references into fully expanded nodes and thus creating reference cycles. If a self-reference is found, only the value of the @id property of the self-referencing node is returned instead. 

The endpointPath property

The endpointPath is used to access a configured delivery endpoint.


The value of the endpointPath can be set as a property in the configuration. If you do not set the property manually, the system evaluates it automatically.

If you do not set the property in the configuration: 

  • The value set by the system is the path of the configuration relative to the restEndpoints folder.
  • You can add  _v$number to the YAML file name or JCR node name that defines the endpoint in order to add a version to the  endpointPath evaluated by the system .


YAML file locationendpointPath
JCR node path inconfiguration workspaceendpointPath

Location of the endpoint definitions

Magnolia REST endpoint definitions are true Magnolia Resources. You can create them in a light module, in a Magnolia Maven module or in the JCR configuration workspace.

Best practice

Put the delivery endpoint configurations under the delivery subfolder. This makes the endpoints easier to use because the default role rest-anonymous is already configured to allow web access to the .rest/delivery/* path.

In a light module

Add configurations to the folder restEndpoints or to subfolders.

└── restEndpoints
    ├── delivery
    │   └── another-endpoint.yaml
    └── my-endpoint.yaml

In a Magnolia Maven module

Add configurations to the folder resources/my-maven-module/restEndpoints or to subfolders.

└── src
    └── main
        └── resources
            └── my-maven-module
                └── restEndpoints
                    ├── delivery
                    │   └── johns-endpoint.yaml
                    └── larrys-endpoint.yaml

In the JCR configuration workspace

Add configurations to the folder /modules/my-custom-module/restEndpoints or to subfolders.

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))