DamUploadFieldDefinition makes sense only in the context of the Magnolia Assets subapp. Do not use it generically in any other context.

DamUploadFieldDefinition renders a field used by the Magnolia Assets subapp to upload assets to the DAM workspace. It extends UploadFieldDefinition as follows:

  • The uploaded file is mapped to a media type based on its MIME type.
  • Default field labels are overridden by media-type labels such as Upload new image.
  • There are actions for editing images in the media editor and for previewing images.
  • There is a thumbnail preview.

This DAM upload field definition is part of the Magnolia 6 UI framework. The fully qualified class name is info.magnolia.dam.app.field.DamUploadFieldDefinition.

If you work with the Magnolia 5 UI framework, see DAM upload field for Magnolia 5 UI instead.

Use info.magnolia.dam.app.field.factory.DamUploadFieldFactory for any custom implementation of the field. If no factory class is configured, the default field will be rendered.

Field properties

Field-specific properties


optional, default is ui-mediaeditor:image

Media editor to be used for editing the asset. Use the <module-name>:<media-editor-id> syntax for configuration.


optional, default is image\\/(?!svg\\+xml).*

Regular expression to filter supported files by MIME type. Configuration depends on the value set for the mediaEditorId property.

For digital asset management MIME types, see MediaType.

Common upload field properties


optional, default is .* (all types)

Regular expression to filter allowed files by MIME type. For example, to allow images only, set the value to image\/.*.

For more information about the supported pattern, see the Pattern class.


optional, default is 2^63 (9.2 EB)

Maximum file size in bytes.

The following are label properties. Their values are typically retrieved from a message bundle.

Before upload


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.drop.hint key

Text displayed for the drop zone.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.select.new key

Text displayed on the upload button.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.note.warning key

Text displayed when the upload is aborted.

During upload


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.uploading.file key

Text showing how many files have been uploaded.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.uploaded.file key

Text showing how many files have been uploaded in relation to the total number of files.

After upload


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.select.delete key

Text displayed on the delete icon.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.note.error key

Text displayed when an error occurs during the upload.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.file.detail.format key

Text displayed for the file format.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.file.detail.header key

Text displayed for the file header.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.file.detail.name key

Text displayed for the file name.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.file.detail.size key

Text displayed for the file size.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.file.detail.source key

Text displayed for the file source.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.select.another key

Text displayed on the upload button.


optional, default is translated field.upload.interupted.size key

Text displayed when the file size is greater than maxUploadSize.


optional, default is translated field.upload.basic.note.success key

Text displayed when the upload is successful.


optional, default is translated field.upload.interupted.type key

Text displayed when the file type is not set in allowedMimeTypePattern.


optional, default is translated field.upload.interupted.user key

Text displayed when the upload is interrupted.

Common simple field properties



Name of the field definition item. Derived from the configured node name. Use alphanumeric characters without spaces.


required (unless $type is used)

Type of the field definition item. The value must be a fully qualified class name and a subtype of info.magnolia.ui.field.FieldDefinition. See Field types for possible values.


You can use this as a shortcut for class if the definition class is annotated with info.magnolia.ui.field.FieldType. The proper value is defined by the annotation.

Example class annotation
public class TextFieldDefinition extends ConfiguredFieldDefinition<String> {

See Field types for possible values.


requireddefault is java.lang.String

Model type of the field. Use the fully qualified class name. See PropertyType for possible values.

A default type is typically hard-coded in each definition class. You only need to add this property if you want to override the default implementation (for example, with java.lang.Long).



Converts values between presentation (UI) and model (stored data). The property must extend com.vaadin.data.Converter.


optional, default is translated conversion.message.error key

Message shown when there is an error in the conversion process. The value can be literal or a key of a message bundle. Use alphanumeric characters in literal values.



Pre-filled default value displayed in the field. The value can be overwritten by the user. Use alphanumeric characters.

(info) Applied only when creating a new item, not for already existing items.



Help text displayed when the user clicks the help icon. The value can be literal or a key of a message bundle.



Defines the factory class that initializes and builds the Vaadin form field. The default factory class depends on the particular field.

The value must be a fully qualified class name and a subtype of info.magnolia.ui.field.FieldFactory.



Defines the binder class that applies configuration parameters from the field.


optional, default is false

Enables i18n authoring support, which allows editors to write foreign-language or regionally targeted content. A two-letter language identifier (en, de, fr, etc.) is displayed on controls where i18n is set to true.



Field label displayed to editors. The value can be literal or a key of a message bundle.

If you do not provide the property, Magnolia will fall back to a generated i18n key.

If you do not want to have any label, set the property to an empty string such as label: "" in YAML.


optional, default is false

Makes the field uneditable.


optional, default is false (not relevant for checkbox field)

Makes the field required. An asterisk is displayed next to the field label.


optional, default is translated validation.message.required key

Error message shown when required is set to true and the user saves an empty field. The value can be literal or a key of a message bundle. Use alphanumeric characters in literal values.



Additional style information for an editor property definition item applied to the element when the form is rendered.

The value can be a CSS class or a list of CSS classes separated by white spaces.



List of field validator definition items. Any value must be a subtype of info.magnolia.ui.field.FieldValidatorDefinition.

See Field validators for more information.

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