A model definition, a subitem of the Magnolia Content type definition, defines the model of a content type.

The model describes the properties of a content item such as name, description, asset, birthday, and so on. In the default JCR-based implementation, the type of the properties can be String, Boolean, Decimal, Double, Long, Date, asset, richText, another content type or a submodel. The model can define a list of submodel definitions.

Model definition properties

When designing a model don't think about it in terms of UI elements like fields. Think in terms of what type of data the field stores. For example, a link field stores a String type (i.e. property) to the JCR. The property in the model definition can be decorated in the app definition with whatever UI element stores that data type.

Example configuration:

  workspace: tourguides
    mt: https://www.magnolia-travel.com/jcr/1.0/mt
  autoCreate: true

  nodeType: mt:tourGuide
    - name: birthday
      type: Date
    - name: gender
    - name: shortBio
    - name: contact
      type: contactData
    - name: contactData
        - name: email
        - name: phoneNumber
        - name: addresses
          type: address
          multiple: true
    - name: address
        - name: street
        - name: city
        - name: postalCode
        - name: country
The model properties:



A list of property definition objects.


A subdefinition item defining one property of the model. Its definition interface is PropertyDefinition.

Read the property definition properties section for all the details of a PropertyDefinition object.



A list of submodel definition objects.


A subdefinition item configuring a complete submodel. Its definition interface is SubModelDefinition.

A submodel has the same properties as a model, but a submodel cannot have additional submodels.

If nodeType is not provided, the mgnl:contentNode is used by default.



The name of the JCR node type for storing an item of the given content type.

If the given node type has not been registered yet, the system automatically registers a new node type by the given name. The type generated inherits from the Magnolia mgnl:content node type.

If nodeType is not provided, mgnl:content is used by default.

Property definition properties

This section describes the PropertyDefinition item. Property definition items can be defined in the properties property, which is a property of the model definition of a content type definition.




The name of the property. The name is used for storing values in the underlying data source.


optional, default is String

Possible values:

  • JCR property types
    • String
    • Boolean
    • Decimal
    • Double
    • Long
    • Date
  • richText - creates a Rich text field, which is a custom Magnolia field implementing the CKEditor component.
  • asset - creates a Link field to choose an asset.
  • The name of a Submodel.
    (warning) You can only reference submodels defined in the same content type.
  • The name of a Content type making a reference to another content item. Prefix the value with reference: (for example,
    type: reference:tourGuide)


optional, default is false

Makes the property mandatory.


optional, default is false

Enables i18n support for the property.

(warning) You also need to enable i18n for a site definition. There, use info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultI18nContentSupport as the value for the class property. For example, see this configuration for the fallback site of DX Core, if no other site is present:

    'extends': 'override'
    'extends': 'override'
    'class': 'info.magnolia.cms.i18n.DefaultI18nContentSupport'
    'enabled': true
    'fallbackLocale': 'en'
        'country': ''
        'enabled': true
        'language': 'en'
        'country': ''
        'enabled': true
        'language': 'de'


optional, default is false

The true setting allows storing multiple values of the property.



Defines a parent node for a list of selectable options rendered as a select field

  nodeType: lib:book
    - name: category
          value: catFiction
          label: Fiction
          value: catPoetry
          label: Poetry

Further customization such as using an alternative control, for example a radio button group, is possible by overriding the class or the fieldType property in the app descriptor.

Note: Currently, the values are saved to the JCR repository only as the String type:  MGNLCT-132 - Getting issue details... STATUS .



Value saved to the repository when selected.



Option label displayed to the user.


Use submodels to define complex content types. Submodels are useful whenever you need a group of fields more than once. A content type model definition can contain a list of submodel definitions within the subModels property. Submodels can be used only within the content type where they have been defined.

A submodel definition has the same properties as a model, but a submodel cannot have additional submodels.

The default nodeType for a submodels is mgnl:contentNode.

Interfaces and classes


The base interface is ModelDefinition.

Magnolia provides the JcrDataSourceDefinition interface and the ConfiguredJcrModelDefinition implementation class to specify the model to be mapped to a JCR node.

For ModelDefinition, the ConfiguredJcrModelDefinition is set as the default implementation class via type mapping on the XML-based module descriptor of the magnolia-content-types module. 

By default, Magnolia expects you to configure properties for JcrModelDefinition to define a model.


The submodel item is defined by the SubModelDefinition interface, which extends ModelDefinition. The default implementation is ConfiguredJcrSubModelDefinition.

By default, Magnolia expects you to configure properties for ConfiguredJcrSubModelDefinition to define a submodel.

Migrating CT-based definitions

In Magnolia 6.2.x, the !content-type directive generates a Magnolia 6 UI app. This means that any overriding or decoration of a content-type based app needs to be updated to match the 6 UI. As an alternative, you can use the new !content-type-m5 directive, which generates a 5 UI app.

name: tourGuides-app

In this case, the app will be interpreted as a 5 UI app and you don't have to update its descriptor to conform to the 6 UI definition.

(info) As of Magnolia 6.2.3, a ‘referenceproperty for a 6 UI app can reference either a 6 UI or 5 UI style content-type.

If you decorate, include, inherit or override definitions, make sure that you don't mix 5 UI and 6 UI definitions.

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))