The 5.7 branch of Magnolia reached End-of-Life on December 31, 2023, as specified in our End-of-life policy. This means the 5.7 branch is no longer maintained or supported. Please upgrade to the latest Magnolia release. By upgrading, you will get the latest release of Magnolia featuring significant improvements to the author and developer experience. For a successful upgrade, please consult our Magnolia 6.2 documentation. If you need help, please contact

RichTextFieldDefinition renders a rich text editor. This is a custom Magnolia field that implements the CKEditor component.

class: info.magnolia.ui.form.field.definition.RichTextFieldDefinition

fieldType: richText

Rich Text field properties

Simple rich text field definition.

    - name: tabText
      label: Text
        - name: text
          fieldType: richText
          tables: true
          height: 500
          label: Text Editor

Node name














Text Editor

See Referencing fields for further information.

Field-specific properties:


optional, default is false

Text alignment for paragraphs. When set to true, this option adds alignment buttons (left, center, right, justify) in the toolbar.



Colors displayed in the color selectors. Comma-separated a string of hexadecimal color codes without the # prefix, for example 00923E,F8C100,28166F . See CKEditor documentation for more.



Location of a custom CKEditor configuration file, e.g. /.resources/ckeditor/config-magnolia.js. You can link to a file in the resources workspace, filesystem or classpath. See Origins and loading order for more. 

The default configuration files can be found in magnolia-ui-framework/src/main/resources/mgnl-resources/ckeditor/ 

  • config-magnolia.js (Git): Magnolia default configuration file.
  • config-default.js (Git): CKEditor configuration file.

(warning) If you use a custom configuration file Magnolia will ignore all other configured properties.

A custom configuration allows you control over the config.extraPlugins setting, but also means you need to the magnolialink and magnoliaFileBrowser plugins into your file. See the default config-magnolia.js for how to include the plugins.



List of font names displayed in the Font selector in the toolbar, for example Arial/Arial,sans-serif;Times New Roman/Times New Roman,serif . Separate entries with a  semi-colon (;). It's possible to have more than one font for each entry separated by comma. A display name may be optionally defined by prefixing the entries with the name and the slash character. See

CKEditor documentation for more.



List of fonts size displayed in the Font selector in the toolbar, for example 16/16px;24/24px;48/48px. Separate entries with a semi-colon (;). Any CSS-supported size can be used: 12px, 2.3em, 130%, larger or x-small. A display name may be optionally defined by prefixing the entries with the name and the slash character. For example, Bigger Font/14px will be displayed as Bigger Font in the list, but will be outputted as 14px. See CKEditor documentation for more.


optional, default is 300

The height of the editing area, including the toolbar, for example 500. This configuration option accepts an integer (to denote a value in pixels) or any CSS-defined length unit except percent (%) values. Users can expand the editing area to the full height of the container, which is typically a subapp.


optional, default is false

Allows images to be added from the DAM. When set to true, this option adds an image button in the toolbar. A user can define the size and alignment of the image, and some metadata.


optional, default is true

Allows bulleted and numbered lists. When set to false, this option removes list buttons from the toolbar.


optional, default is false

Allows toggling between text and HTML editing. When set to true, this option adds a source button to the toolbar.


optional, default is false

Allows tables to be added. When set to true, this option adds a tables button in the toolbar.


optional, default is info.magnolia.ui.form.validator.definition.SafeHtmlValidatorDefinition

List of validators configured in the field validators configuration.





Defines the field type via either a field alias name or a fully-qualified field definition class name. See Field definition: Field types

Use the Definitions app to check the correct form of the name.



Pre-filled default value displayed in the field. The value can be overwritten by the user. Use alphanumeric characters.

(info) Applied only when creating a new item, not for already existing items.



Help text displayed when the user clicks the help icon. The value can be literal or retrieved from the message bundle with a key such as products.product.description. Use alphanumeric characters in literal values. Not applicable to the Static field.


optional, default is false

Enables i18n authoring support which allows editors to write foreign-language or regionally targeted content. A two-letter language identifier (en, de, fr etc.) is displayed on controls where i18n is set to true.


optional, default is the message bundle defined in the dialog definition

Message bundle such as com.example.messages for localized field labels. You can set this property in the parent dialog, form or tab definition. Child fields will inherit the bundle.



Field label displayed to editors. The value can be literal such as Product name or retrieved from the message bundle with a key such as products.product.label. Use alphanumeric characters in literal values.

If you don't provide the property then Magnolia falls back to a generated i18n key and displays they key in the UI.

If you don't want a label at all then define the property and set its value to empty space such as label: " " in YAML.


optional, default is the name of the field's parent node

Name of the node where the value is saved. The name jcrName is reserved. Use alphanumeric characters.



The placeholder text to be displayed in the empty field. The property replaces the deprecated placeholder text field.

(warning) Applicable in text and link fields.

The field is optional, but you should provide a translation or a hard-coded label, otherwise the empty field will display its auto-generated 18n key instead.


optional, default is false

Makes the field uneditable. Adding this property has the same effect as creating a Static field.


optional, default is false

Makes the field required (mandatory). An asterisk is displayed next to the field label. See also Checking for null values.


optional, default is "This field is required"

Error message displayed when required is true and the user saves an empty field. The value can be literal or retrieved from the message bundle with a key such as validation.message.required.



Adds one or more style names to this component. Multiple styles can be specified as a space-separated list of style names such as checkbox disabled. The style name will be rendered as an HTML class name, which can be used in a CSS definition. The class name is added to the field by calling the Vaadin method addStyleName.



Property transformer classes define how field values are stored in the repository. Each field has a default transformer class. You don't need to define a class unless you want to override the default. The value is a fully-qualified class name.

(warning) Complex field definitions may define a different default transformer in their constructor. See Transforming field values for more.


optional, most fields set a default value automatically

PropertyType of the stored value such as String, Boolean, Date or any other supported and defined data type. 

Link buttons

There are three link buttons:

  •  Links to external pages
  •  Links to internal pages
  •  Links to documents in the DAM

Loading order for custom configuration

(warning) Note that any configuration done in a RichTextFieldFactory will override configuration settings from the config.js file. This is why we ignore other properties in the field definition as soon as a configJsFile is configured.

Decode text

CKEditor produces HTML such as <p> elements for paragraphs. However, text stored in JCR usually escapes HTML code. To render text which originates from a rich text field you need to decode the stored content to make sure the HTML tags are rendered properly again.

Decode the content object and then get the desired property from it:


See cmsfn decodeHtml.

Impact on the search index

Keep in mind that using the RTE introduces HTML into your content. The impact of this is that the HTML will be indexed along with the content.