
The global configuration is created during the global installation of the Magnolia CLI package. On Linux or OS-X the global configuration files are typically located in the /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@magnolia/cli folder.

The CLI commands use the global configuration if no local configuration is found in the current directory or in its parent folders.


For different projects, you can create various local configurations with the customize-local-config command. This command creates local configuration files in the /wherever/you-have/executed/the-customize-local-config-command folder.

The local configuration is created as a copy of the current configuration (used during execution of the customize-local-config command), which you can edit to define project specific prototypes or dependencies.

When executing commands from within the local configuration folders or subfolders, the local configuration is used.

You cannot mix global and local configurations. When adding a local configuration it must be complete: it must contain the mgnl-cli.json file and the complete mgnl-cli-prototypesfolder.

If Magnolia CLI finds the mgnl-cli.json file in the current or a parent directory, it expects to find the complete mgnl-cli-prototypes as well.

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