(warning) Create a backup of your system before you install a module. Uninstalling a module is not as simple as removing the .jar file. Modules add and change configurations and may change the content. Try new modules in a test environment first. A module consists of a JAR file and may include dependent JAR files. Modules are responsible for updating their own content and configurations across versions. Be sure to keep only one version of each module and its dependencies.

To install a module:

  1. Stop the application server.
  2. Copy the module JAR files into the WEB-INF/lib directory. The location of this directory depends on the application server.
    • Tomcat: /webapps/magnoliaAuthor/WEB-INF/lib
    • JBoss: /server/default/deploy/magnoliaAuthor/WEB-INF/lib
  3. Restart the server.
  4. Go to the AdminCentral URL.
  5. Start the Web update process.
  6. Click Start up Magnolia.

Repeat the steps for each author and public instance.

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