This page provides a brief overview of:

  • What is locale?
  • Which locale parameters are directly configurable in Magnolia.

What is locale?

Generally speaking, a locale in computing is "a set of parameters that defines the user's language, region and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface" (Wikipedia).

Locale is more often associated with the language parameter, which is usually defined by a two-, three- or four-letter language code, standardized under ISO 639. See the IANA Language Subtag Registry for a complete list of available language codes and language variants.

Nevertheless, the set of locale parameters is much broader than just the parameter for language. Any operation that requires a locale to perform its task is locale-sensitive. For example, even displaying a number may be a locale-sensitive operation: the number should be formatted according to the conventions of the user's native country, region, or culture.

Locale-sensitive parameters

The following is a list of the most common parameters that one should be aware of when implementing a locale-sensitive operation:

Further resources

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