Dynamic Page Caching allows you to cache static content on an otherwise dynamic page. You can mark which areas and components are dynamic. Magnolia will cache all static content and only renders the dynamic components per request. You can also set a different time-to-live on the dynamic components.


Dynamic page caching requires modules:

Read more about configuring Dynamic page caching.


Maven is the easiest way to install the module. Add the following dependency to your bundle:

Error rendering macro 'artifact-maven-dependencies-snippet-macro'

com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (Host unreachable)

Pre-built jars are also available for download. See Installing a module for help.

  • Error rendering macro 'artifact-resource-macro'

    com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (Host unreachable)


Shut down Magnolia, remove magnolia-advanced-cache-dpc.jar from WEB-INF/lib and start up Magnolia again.

Dynamic page caching

The module brings info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.rendering.DynamicFragmentDefinition. If you want to mark an area/component as a dynamic one, just add it to its template definition:






















Apart from the dynamic property you can set also time to live (ttl) in seconds. The zero means that this component can't be cached. Mechanism is a tool such as SiteMesh which inserts dynamic content into a dynamic page. This mechanism will replace injection tags created by Fragment Injection Listener with fresh content of dynamic components.  

Fragment injection listener

info.magnolia.module.advancedcache.rendering.FragmentInjectionListener is a rendering listener which surrounds all dynamic areas/components with injection tags. Rendering listeners are configured under config:/server/rendering/engine/listeners.

Configurable fields in FragmentInjectionListener:

FieldDescriptionAvailable valuesDefault value
beforeA text to be injected before dynamic components. Occurrences of ${targetPath} will be replaced with the JCR path to this component. Occurrences of ${TTL} will be replaced with DynamicFragmentDefinition#getTtl.any string-
afterA text to be injected after dynamic components. Occurrences of ${targetPath} will be replaced with the JCR path to this component. Occurrences of ${TTL} will be replaced with DynamicFragmentDefinition#getTtl.any string-
targetPathThe URI format of dynamic components.


skipRenderingSkip rendering of dynamic components if true, otherwise renders current content of the component. Rendering of current content of dynamic components (which will be stored in cache and can be obsolete later) could be useful as fallback if fresh content of this component can't be retrieved because of an error.true, falsefalse


The main goal of dynamic page caching is improving of performance thanks to the ability of caching pages with a dynamic content. Here are few points to remember:

  • Every dynamic component needs to be requested separately. That means: more dynamic component = more time to render.
  • Keep in mind that rendering of a cached page with huge amount of dynamic components could be slower than excluding that page from cache!
  • Although recursive dynamic fragments (a dynamic component inside of other dynamic component) are supported, it doesn't make sense to use this feature unless you need to cache them with different TTL.
  • Try to group dynamic components which are located next to each other into one dynamic component/area.

#trackbackRdf ($trackbackUtils.getContentIdentifier($page) $page.title $trackbackUtils.getPingUrl($page))