How far should RTL support span?

In a good citizen application, RTL support typically involves the following:

  1. Direction of static texts, paragraphs, with right alignment as default
    • latin chunks of text are left in LTR direction, this is called bidirectional text
  2. Direction of input elements (similarly)
  3. "Reversal" of the UI horizontal flow
    • general layout, e.g. content/article on the right, meta on the left
    • column ordering in tables
    • other UI components which have a left-aligned horizontal flow, such as tabs

Here's a nice example from Apple developer's guide (actually the only nice example I found)

For the Magnolia 5 Admincentral, RTL support translates as follows (non-exhaustive list):

  • Direction of local static texts
    • Actions in action bar
    • Headers of dialogs, alerts
  • Forms / dialogs
    • Direction of text fields in forms, dialogs, detail subapps
    • CKEditor
    • Layout (fields labels vs. actual field)
  • Column ordering in workbench trees, lists
  • Potential layout reversals
    • Content app (reverse workbench vs action bar)
    • App launcher
  • ...



Block A: RTL Authoring
  • no layout concern
  • automatic direction wherever possible
    • no form/field-specific RTL configuration
    • globally enabled based on user locale
    • might be enabled through a system property though
  • CKEditor needs a workaround, needs explicit settings

Estimate: 2w

Below is the outcome of "automatic" text direction applied to basic text fields.
Note that latin texts stick to the left, and that this does not offer form i18nization, i.e. captions are not translated and layout orientation stays the same.

Block B: Support for RTL i18nization
  • identify critical UI components
  • might include one most crucial layout reversal
  • ...

Estimate: 4w

Below is the result of a focused experiment on the action bar (google translations — do not share blindly!)

What is not considered right now

  • Reverse ordering of table colums
  • General layout "reversals" (e.g. content apps)


Technical study

1. RTL support across the web stack

Short version: We favor the document-based "dir=auto" attribute wherever possible; works best combined with CSS "text-align: start".

There are two known ways to make input elements display and enter text in RTL fashion: by means of CSS rules and by means of the dir attribute of the elements.

CSS "direction"

RTL input CSS
  input {
    text-align: start !important;
    direction: rtl;

The text-align rule should be used in order to override the left-alignment set by Vaadin by default. The direction rule actually sets the direction of the content flow. 

Pros of the CSS approach:

  1. Easy to apply: by simply adding a corresponding style name to an arbitrary component it is possible force the inputs to use RTL.
  2. As a consequence of 1. - rather easy to implement the basic support.
    1. The style could be conditionally applied to the field component within the FormBuilder
    2. The decision whether the style could come from the definitions.
  3. Seems to be supported by all the modern browsers (even IE6+)
  4. Cascades well.

Cons of the CSS approach:

  1. No way to implement the automatic resolution of RTL/LTR cases:
    1. The fields that should use RTL have to be manually marked as such (additional definition properties are needed).

HTML5 "dir" attribute

Dir attribute
<input type="text" dir="auto"|"rtl">

Pros of the HTML approach:

  1. Has a magic auto value
    • rather smartly guesses how to treat an input (based on the first char of the text)
    • setting it properly requires no additional definition properties
  2. At least according to the linked article - more robust then CSS.
  3. Cascades well (but not so well for the case of auto).


  1. Harder to apply from server-side
    1. Special extension required. It would traverse the component DOM structure and set the attribute where needed.
    2. Some widgets will need dedicated tweeking

2. RTL support in CKEditor

With CKEditor is seems to be rather straightforward to control the text/layout direction both in the toolbar and in the text editor. 

In order to tweak the direction of the CKEditor toolbar layout the cke_rtl & cke_ltr style names should be applied to the info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.richtext.MagnoliaRichTextField.

The editor text direction is controlled by the contentsLangDirection {value options: rlt | ltrproperty. It can be applied the following way:

Setting CKEditor text direction to Right-to-Left
config.addExtraConfig("'contentsLangDirection'", "'rtl'");

3. "Bidifying" UI components

The extension way

Vaadin extension proves to be a neat way of adding the dir attribute throughout multiple components (e.g. TextField, TextArea), without extending each and every client-side widget.

  • Worked like a charm for e.g. (server-side) TextField
    • its client-side widget counterpart is directly the HTML input where we want to set the attribute
  • However, other widgets may be "wrapped" (e.g. in a div)
    • The extension should most likely also drill down the DOM structure for text-inputs where the attribute should be applied
  • The extension could also be smarter and handle the RTL settings for the CKEditor
Impact on Vaadin components and GWT widgets

Another focused experiment was carried out, on the RTL i18nization of the action bar.

  • There, the client-side DOM hierarchy is more complex than just inputs
    • Sections, groups, actions, are not mirrored by Vaadin components on the server
    • Not as easy to set up a simple extension approach (we have to target specific nested DOM elements of the action bar)
  • Enabling RTL for the action bar required to implement it all the way through:
    • Configuring RTL first from the ActionbarPresenter (Magnolia)
    • propagating it to the ActionbarView interface and implementation (Magnolia)
    • Actionbar raw Vaadin component, including:
      • shared state
      • client-side connector
    • ActionbarWidgetView and impl (GWT), plus:
      • ActionbarSectionWidget for sections title
      • ActionbarItemWidget for actions
    • Admittedly the action bar is one example where the client-side complexity is rather high
      • but that would definitely be an effort to do it that way for most of our common widgets
  • We could use an extension too for such i18inzation (has sort of a different purpose from authoring)
Fetching text orientation from the locale

It is rather straight forward to "derive" text orientation from the current locale:

Locale userLocale = MgnlContext.getLocale();
ComponentOrientation textOrientation = ComponentOrientation.getOrientation(userLocale);
if (textOrientation.isHorizontal() &amp;&amp; !textOrientation.isLeftToRight()) {
The code

Code for these couple experiments (extension, action bar) lives on the following branch:

Corresponding JIRA epic:  BL-303 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Resources on the topic from the web




  • No labels


  1. Is RTL support still scheduled for 5.4? We've concrete customer demand for it, so please let us know when we can (roughly) expect this to happen. Thanks!

  2. Hi,

    Same question , I have also a concrete client with a demand for it and it would be nice to have an idea about a potential release.


  3. Hi guys, bad news first: yes, this was eventually dropped for 5.4.

    However, I would first try to move this to the forge if there is interest (concrete demand always helps). (smile)
    Then, when it's convincing we would bundle this back into the product. We can even do that as "extended maintenance", much like we're doing at the moment for some accessibility improvements in the 5.3 series (accessibility was also once a 5.4 topic).

    Hope this clarifies the situation a bit; meanwhile I'll give an update when I have a chance to prepare something (after 5.4 final most likely).


  4. Hi Mikaël,

    thanks for your response. Yes, we've got concrete interest! Putting it on forge first is great. Let me when it's ready to be checked out / deployable (with 5.3) and we'll try to include it and give feedback!

    Thanks & cheers,


  5. Hi, 

    any updates?
    This is still a huge issue for us. 



  6. Presumably those estimates are no longer valid and should be made again.

    For completeness sake - parts that do not seem estimated/considered at all or just vaguely mentioned in the phase B outline (order bears no relevance in the list below):

    • workbench realignment
    • possible need to change format of dates or other column formatters
    • tasklist realignment and representation of data from the tasklist
    • translation itself
    • special fields realignment
      • fileupload
      • richtexteditor
      • code editor
    • stories app realignment (icons etc)
    • app launcher
    • favourites
    • search bar
    • feel free to add other elements that you can think of