
DAM Module should support multiple Metadata definitions and in particular the Dublin Core Metadata .

Current implementation (Available Metadata in M5 Alpha 1)

Both dam module will have to be touched (dam and dam-app-asset).

Dublin Core Specification

Nice concise overview of Dublin Core on Wikipedia



The DAM API will provide a rich, but read-only access to Assets, their media and their metadata.
It is intended to be used by "clients" such as the STK.

On the other hand, the Assets App will not use this API and will access JCR directly, behaving much like the other Content apps.
The Assets App will not use this API currently as it was judged to be too much effort at this stage.

An Asset does not only support one metadata standard. An asset can support all metadata standards - though sometimes the user interface will only show the values of one standard. 


Currently only Magnolia and DublinCore metadata will be supported.
Eventually we will support many metadata standards.

Currently we will not support multiple values per property.
Eventually we will. 

We will support the ability for customer to add custom Metadata fields to assets and access them in the templates.

Fields can be accessed via DublinCore field names.
By calling 
asset.getMetadata(SupportedMetaDataType.DUBLIN_CORE.name()). This returns a Metadata object where the DublinCore fields are exposed.


Additional things that we plan to implement in the future. 

The system can extract metadata from media files and store in JCR.
The system can embed metadata in the files. 
Metadata per asset type.

In templates/ftl you can access properties of a specific metadata type by its name ie : asset.dc.name)

Storage of Metadata in JCR

Fields will mostly be stored on the main Asset node as properties and multi-value properties. 
Reasons: for simplicity, ease of use and speed of access. 

More sophisticated metadata can be stored on subnodes to match the heirarchical structure of XMP and other metadata standards.

DAM Module API

Dam module has to give access to Metadata properties to templates.

To do so, the DAM API has to be revised in order to support multiple Metadata Types, and Templates has to have access to these Metadata properties in a easy way (in FTL, assetMap.description, asset.getMetadata("DUBLINSOMETHING").description). TODO: What is the real call here?

Big picture

During discussion and recent reviews we realized that the current implementation of the API has to be change in order to support this Metadata concept. It's the reason why so many classes are touched.



NodeProperty NameJava GetterComments
mgnl:assetlanguageAsset.getLanguage() String representation of Local http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt
mgnl:assetnameAsset.getName()Name of the Asset.
mgnl:assetidentifierAsset.getIdentifier()Unique Identifier of the Asset. For an Internal asset this will be the node.getIdentifier() value.
mgnl:assettitleAsset.getTitle()Title of the Asset

The mediaType is defined based on the mimeType. Currently this mediaType is defined as a String constant.
Current Defined MediaType: Audio / Video / Image / Document / Application
mgnl:assetsubjectAsset.getSubject()Subject of the Asset.
mgnl:assetdescriptionAsset.getDescription()Description of the Asset.
mgnl:assetcaptionAsset.getCaption()Caption of the Asset.
mgnl:assetcopyrightAsset.getCopyRight()Copyright definition of the Asset.
mgnl:assetmimeTypeAsset.getMimeType()Mime Type of the asset
jcr:contentsizeAsset.getSize()Asset File size.
jcr:contentjcr:dataAsset.getContentStream()Asset Content Stream.
  Asset.getMetadata():<<Metadata>>Return the related Metadata.
  Asset.getLink():StringReturn a String to the default rendition.
  Asset.getPath():StringReturn a String to the Asset Path. For JCR this will be Node.getPath(), for a File Asset, this will be the absolute path to the Asset File


NodeProperty NameJava GetterComments
NodeProperty NameJava GetterComments
mgnl:assetlanguageDublinMetadata.getLanguage()String representation of Local http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt
mgnl:assettitleDublinMetadata.getTitle()Will be accessed by a cal to Asset.getTitle()
mgnl:assettypeDublinMetadata.getType()Will be accessed by a cal to Asset.getType()
mgnl:assetsubjectDublinMetadata.getSubject()Will be accessed by a cal to Asset.getSubject()
mgnl:assetdescriptionDublinMetadata.getDescription()Will be accessed by a cal to Asset.getDescription()
mgnl:assetcopyrightDublinMetadata.getRight()Will be accessed by a cal to Asset.getCopyRight()
jcr:contentjcr:mimeTypeDublinMetadata.getFormat()Will be accessed by a cal to Asset.getMimeType()
mgnl:assetMetadataTypeAsset.getMetadataType()Should return a Supported MetadataType (DUBLIN/IIPTC-IIM/EXIF).
This info could be used to automatically associate the correct Metadata Type to the Asset and also
by the Asset Dialogs to display the correct Metadata Tab/Fields


Should we introduce a configuration singleton used to define for the moment (should be later better done) the
  Supported methadata types (DUBLIN/...)
  Types (mage , InteractiveResource , MovingImage , ...) and mapping (mimeType --> type,....)

Review of the Ability of Templates to Access Metadata properties

How can customers access their custom fields from templates?

Notes from DAM team Meeting on January 31st>>>

How can customer add custom field?

  1. Extend many classes
    1. (minus) Not really nice.
    2. (minus) Not supported yet as we only support two metadata type.
    3. (plus) Same mechanism for custom properties and build in properties
  2. asset.getCustomProperty(“myCustomProp”) access a hashmap.
    1. (plus) Use will have access to his custom property by using the standard DAM API.
      Asset Interface should expose this method, Asset provider should populate this hashMap
    2. (minus) How to distinguish between custom properties and normal asset / Metadata properties
       (during the creation of this customProperty Map)
    3. (minus) Non type safe.
    4. Is the property actually there? Return empty string otherwise.
  3. Provide access to the node
    1. (minus) (minus) (minus) Only works if asset is an InternalAsset.
  4. Create an AssetMap object (Same pattern as ContentMap)
    This AssetMap should be created with an Asset and a HashMap (this HashMap contains all properties related to this Asset, even Metadatas)
    asset.fileName -> Return Asset.getFileName()
    asset.contributor --> Return Asset.getMetadata("dublinCore").getContributor()
    asset.myCustomPropertiy --> Will be on the responsibility of the AssetProvider to put this property in the HashMap
    1. (plus) Easy syntax
    2. (plus) Less Impact on the current implementation
    3. (minus) Not able to distinguish in the syntax if a property is coming from the Asset, or from one of his Metadata. 
  5. Variant of 4 : Perform a Asset Metadata Mapping
    1. (plus) Metadata are easily identified 
    2. (minus) AssetMap must be award of custom Metadata standard (All implemented MetadataStandard even custom).
    3. (minus) AssetProvider has to have a Map of property name (dc_Contributor is link to JcrAssetNode.JcrContributorProperty value)
  6. Ideal but How to:
    1. (plus) Better syntax
    2. (minus) AssetMap must be award of custom Metadata standard
    3. (minus) 2 level of Map. An AssetMap, referring to a MetadataMap


  1. Start with 2:  The user will be able to access his custom fields using the Dam API.
  2. Implement 4 :  Easiest solution for the user to access his custom properties in FTL's.
  3. If time try to implement 6.

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(Mostly moving comments and questions down here because we want them out of the way, but are not ready to delete them yet.)


 Q: Should there be some kind of field mapping so I can access Metadata using normal DC field names?


  • For the fields that already exist, but have a different name, there should be a mapping to access those fields using the standard DC name.
  • For example I should be able to request something like getDublinCore("creator"), or getDublinCore().getCreator() and it should give me the value for the jcr:createdBy field.


Q: How should the Metadata be represented in jcr?

  • Additional fields on the node?
  • A new mixin?
  • A subnode with a new Metadata type?

A: We don't want to store it as a sub node as that will introduce the same performance problems as we had with mgnl:Metadata.


Proposals for storage of XMP compatible Metadata

Our Metadata "infrastructure" should be capable of handling multiple Metadata "views" on a flexible Metadata storage.
What is the best way to implement this, keeping performance, ease of use, standards-compliance, and reality into consideration.
(Reality: what standards specify vs. how people actually use it.)

  • How can a client add their Metadata standard? (University departments, Government standards, Legal, Scientific)
  • Must Metadata be searchable?
  • Do we want to eventually support displaying a Metadata field as a column in list/tree views?

Metadata storage in JCR

  • Blob: XMP Blob in one JCR property.
  • Node Tree: Use a deep hierarchy of nodes to store exact hierarchy of XMP XML.
  • Flat: All values stored flat on asset node - use property names to simulate heirarchical structure.
    • author-name
    • author-phone-cell
    • author-phone-home
 BlobNode TreeFlat
  • Fully stores proper XMP
  • Fully stores proper XMP
  • Searchable
  • Sortable
  • Hard to search
  • Hard/Impossible to sort
  • Hard to search?
  • Hard to sort?
  • At least slower then "Flat".
  • Probably hard to support full XMP
    • Need to decide what to support
  • Property names get long and complicated


Metadata object model

  • Storage location (Options):
    • Store all values in Asset.
    • Store all values in MetadataObject
    • Store values across multiple MetadataObjects - one per standard type. (Maybe use harmonization rules - to store all possible in DublinCore, then store all possible in IPTC, etc)
  • Storage technique (Options):
    • As properties with getters and setters
    • As a Hashmap - with text indices.
    • A heirarchical data structure
      • XML
      • TreeMap
  • Working with data 
    • Working with one Metadata standard i.e. DublinCore (Options):
      • An adapter with specific getters and setters. 
        i.e. DublinCore.getDescription(asset);
      • A mapping - a Map of names of the properties in (A. the standard. B. our storage)
        i.e. asset.getMetadataValue(dublinCoreMap("description")); 
    • View all data:
      • Should be possible to iterate/display/operate on all of the Metadata - regardless of the Metadata standard it belongs to.

How will the UI operate?

Our forms are designed to operate on configured sets of JCR nodes. This may be impacted by our other choices.

  • If we decided to have an object for each Metadata standard - how would we need to change the forms to operate on them?
  • If we keep all Metadata as flat properties on the asset node - we can use our existing system.


  • No labels


  1. Relation and source are documented to be references by id to other references. Let's leave those out and add publisher, contributor and coverage.

  2. The name property of an asset should be the node name. Adding an additional name to an asset adds to confusion, especially since the name of a page is the node name and the name in the DMS was the node name etc.

  3. "subject" appears in the above table twice.

  4. Many assets come with embedded metaData. In the images world, Adobe has standardized XMP, see  http://www.metadataworkinggroup.com/pdf/mwg_guidance.pdf for an interesting document from the metaData working group. It seems that if we want to support the use of licensed image libraries, XMP support is a must. Apache Sanselan allows to read and write XMP and is part of the imaging commons. http://commons.apache.org/imaging/  Another OS java library is found here: http://code.google.com/p/metadata-extractor/

    Embedded metaData should be made available at least for reading/indexing if not for editing (in the latter case, we would need to be able to write metaData back into the asset).

    For the initial release, support can be simplified but we should provide a hook to improve or customize that easily and soon.

    We could have one tab per metaData set - one for DC, one for EXIF, one for XMP etc. Please see above doc also for the interoperability aspects of metaData standards.


    See also


    http://www.adobe.com/devnet/xmp.html also has a java library (BSD licensed!)



  5. Constants for the property names of Dublin Core are currently in DamNodeTypes. With support for multiple meta data schemas/specs this isn't a natural place to keep them. 

  6. While it is great to support various meta data standards I really don't think that Dublin Core is one to start with. First it's one of the biggest and second it's (in my experience) one least practical. It's great for research stuff, but it's too complicated for daily use. There are smaller and much more practical sets like XMP mentioned by Boris that are of much more practical use/benefit. I would not waste effort on Dublin Core right now.

    1. well it is what we have supported/claimed to support so far and I would like to continue that.

  7. XMP is more of a way to store metadata based on XML/RDF. XMP can store all the fields of many of the metadata standards. DublinCore properties are often stored in XMP because DC covers many of the basic properties that one wants. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_CoreThe plan is to support Simple DublinCore:

    1. Title
    2. Creator
    3. Subject
    4. Description
    5. Publisher
    6. Contributor
    7. Date
    8. Type
    9. Format
    10. Identifier
    11. Source
    12. Language
    13. Relation
    14. Coverage
    15. Rights

    These seem quite straightforward and a good match for the props we already store. (as the tables above demonstrate.)

    1. Note that identifier in Dublin Core is the id of the asset and relation and source are intended to refer to other assets used the same identification scheme. In our case JCR identifiers.

      So to be compliant with the spec we should have these as references and the dialog would let you choose another asset to link to.

  8. In regards to Asset.getCopyRight() : Copyright is one word. Don't write it as CopyRight, that is plain wrong. Also, do not abbreviate as getRight() which is also meaningless. Call it getCopyright() and all is clear. Thanks. 

  9. Another q. regarding the get methods on Metadata: IIRC we can have a field repeated. so getContributor() etc. could return a list of items? And should it be called getContributors() then? 

  10. How are width and height stored?

    How is duration stored for an audio or video?