Implemented in 3.5

Observation module facilitates registering interest, monitoring and responding to events in a workspace.

Official Documentation Available

This topic is now covered in Observation module.


This page contains a summary of what has been discussed on the development of an observation module. This module will be used to add event handling on workspace actions.


  • support commands and event listener classes
  • deferred/delayed execution
  • support scripting commands


Input Parameters

  • mandatory: path, workspace, event types, event listener class name
  • default: active will be false by default, nodetype will have no restriction by default, include subnodes will be false by default
  • optional: description, delay, maximum delay

Aditional Requirements

  • pass path and similar parameters to the command's context
  • give activation command as an example
  • commands are configurable (similar to the scheduler module)


  • elaborate the example (notification on page modification by email)

Current state

There is a wrapper class ObservationUtil already in place in core Magnolia

What Next

  • define phases
  • 1. module with event listeners
  • 2. commands (configured)
  • implement example
  • 3. scripting command (optional)


June 20th  

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Something I just thought about this morning (shower epiphany): we need to be able to observe a single node. ObservationUtil provides this as the includeSubnodes in its various methods, so it should be a breeze to support.