
Have a form-app that lets users manage forms as a generic component.
The individual form is displayed in his own sub-app, and allows to :

  • Add/Update/Delete fields (D&D)
    • Validators
    • Label
    • Name....
  • Add/Update/Delete tabs (multi-form)
  • Update Form global properties 
    • Linked form template
  • Define Actions
    • Action processors
  • Define Transitions , steps

This form component is used form pages app (choose dialog) in order to be included in a site page.
Target page and others specific configuration may be available by configuration in the pages app.



Have a new 5.3.4 module (specific app,  workspace, node type)

  • Navigation app
    • crud for folder

    • security on actions & app, based on user/group

    • crud for form

    • publication & versionning (multi item)

  • Form detail app
    • crud type of registered fields
      • a field should have a template, definition
      • add remove validators
        • validators are registered
      • specify the stored format (transformer)
      • configure
        • default value
        • field format
        • options
        • ...
    • crud for steps
      • define registered transitions
    • crud for actions
      • define registered actions & processors
    • Configure form skinning 
      • target template
      • style?
  • Rendering 
    • Form link chooser
    • optional configuration dialog


  • CE, EE, Core, UI, 5.3.4 minimum
  • May support some basic migration from the current form module

Inspiration / References


Current form module documentation


Form detailed sub-app

We have two options:

  1. Use the same logic as the CMA-Document app
    Current form template is displayed in a sub app (extension of the pages app)

  2. Use the Sacha's POC
    Create a new form sub app with D&D & all vaadin magic




  • No labels