
Reach the same functionality level as the previous M4.5 Form Module :
Form module

(warning) Mail Module should be Migrated first :
Mail module

(warning) PUR Module should follow also be Migrated:
Public User Registration module

Root Ticket:

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Keep an eyeson : Storing form data in the Data module



(info) The created form fields are created and displayed based on FTL/JSP definition.
Form components
These fields will not be migrated to Vaadin Fields.

M4.5 Fields
  • Available fields for freemarker syntax.
    Static field with dynamic values.

  • Radio Select + Listening component (code/text/html/Link)
    When clicking on a Radio, switch to the appropriate Component

  • Html Editor

  • Code Editor

  • Conditional Field
M5 Fields
Static Field with dynamic values
  • UI Module
    Modify the current Static field implementation in order to easily extend it and set dynamically the Value.
    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Form Module
    Create a custom Static field displaying dynamic values.
Base Code Text Field

This field is based on the Vaadin ace editor add on:

Ace Editor is very power full and our current need is quite small in regard of the add on potential. The goal is to create a basic implementation easily extendable in case of future need.

  • UI Module
    Create a Basic Code Text Field
    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Form Module
    Replace the old M4.5 control definition and replace it with this field
    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Custom Field for Radio Button and Code Text/Select Field  --> Switchable Field

This will required the creation of a new Switchable Field.
Basic component view:

  1. Selection component: Can be a optinon group (Single Select) or a simple select.
  2. Related field component: Display the field related to the selected selection (1)


  • Values entered into the Field have to be persisted
    • In dialog: For example, type text, switch to date, select a date, switch back to text. The previously typed text should be displayed.
    • When saving the dialog and reopen it again, all entered data has to be displayed (text/date...)
  • Easily configurable (smile).
  • Inner Field have to support Validation (required, Validation pattern,...)
    • Only the selected field has to be validated.


  • selectionType : radio/select. Selection component layout (either an option group or simple select)
  • options
    • text
      • label : text displayed
      • value : refer to the related field ('fieldName')
      • selected : selected by default or not
    • ...
  • fields
    • fieldName
      • Normal field configuration...


Persistence (field is named typeSelection and has to select text and html. text was selected)

Field property contains the option name selected
  typeSelection = text

A property is created per field that have an entry (in our case the user enter some text into the text and html field)
  typeSelectiontext = value typed into the text field
  typeSelectionhtml = value typed into the html field.

  • UI Module
    Create a Basic SwitchableField
    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Form Module
    Remove the Form M4.5 Controls and replace it with this new Field
    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Generic Multi field

Create the equivalent of the MultiSelect field that let you configured the field that is added. For example by configuration we could define a MultiText field or MultiDate field,....


  • UI Module
    Create a Basic MultiField
    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Generic Composite Field

Create by Configuration a composite field (for example, a TextField in addition with a Date and Select Field).


  • UI Module
    Create a Basic Composit Field

    MGNLUI-1863 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Custom Properties

Introduce a way to manage property related to a field.



  • Adapt the current validator definition in order to use the current M5 validators definition and mechanism.
  • Create a select box listing all Form's defined validators

Bootstrap files

  • Change the Dialogs and fields bootstrap files (in M5 style)
  • Adapt M5 dialog migration task in order to update Form dialogs from M4.5 to M5.


Review the current M4.5 documentation.

  • Actualize Snapshots
  • Tree configuration
  • Validator definition
  • No labels