Feature Overview

Highlight potential errors in the tree

  • If there are suggestions but the current value does not match any of the suggestions, and the AutoSuggester specifies to do error highlighting, then flag the value in the tree as a potential error by drawing a squiggly orange line below it
  • (question) How can we style the error markup so that it is more visually distinct from the browser's natural error markup, which may be confusing?

Allow iteration of potential errors

  • One possibility is to display a list of potential errors that allow double clicking on a row to navigate to the place in the tree
  • Another possibility is to have an action to automatically expand the tree under the selected node so that all potential errors are displayed (alternatively this can be another view)


  • (question) How can we style the error markup so that it is more visually distinct from the browser's natural error markup, which may be confusing?
  • (question) Is it a bad user experience if the errors are only possible errors and are non-exhaustive?
  • No labels