
In the current organisation we organise the code base by class roles keeping all definitions in the ui-model module, all vaadin components in ui-vaadin-common-widgets etc.

This creates a "horizontal split" where a part of the system, the actionbar for instance, is split over multiple modules. The classes that make up the actionbar is split in ui-model, ui-admincentral, ui-vaadin-common-widgets.


The "horizontal split" leads to a number of problems

  • Circular dependencies, within for instance ui-admincentral its easy to introduce dependencies that lead to the code being entangled by features having mutual dependencies on each other.
  • Code organisation, its hard to make out where to look for certain classes. When the code is split up in many locations its hard to keep track of it and hard to get a picture of how they fit together.
  • Leads to spaghettification and creates big monolithic modules.


The alternative is to make a "veritcal split" instead, where modules contain a certain part of the system, such as the actionbar or the workbench, and dependencies between these modules represents how the parts interact.


The vertical split model has a number of benefits over horizontal split:

  • All code relating to a certain function is in the same module
  • It's impossible to introduce a circular dependency between modules
  • It's easy to see how a module depends on another module and how they're assembled to produce the full system
  • The division lends itself naturally to extension by introducing more modules.
  • Modules stabilise as their functionality is completed 

Dependency graph

The below graph gives a conceptual non-complete view of how functionality in ui-project interact. Red lines indicate circular dependencies or otherwise problematic dependencies.

  • No labels


  1. Seems logical. Do you see any drawbacks to your Vertical proposal? What would be "lost"?

  2. Just dropping my 2 cents, I drew the dependency graph from the maven modules point of view:

    • Obviously there are also a lot of redundant dependencies in the current setting
    • Widgets should not depend on vaadin-integration, model or framework

    I also have a "macro" proposal for the new architecture, which consists in aggregating features - using the vertical approach - to compose the so-called UI framework. Admincentral can then be decoupled, while Apps are built on top of the UI framework rather than admincentral.


    Finally the third picture tries to show how such architecture would look like dependency-wise.

    Overall, my only concern about the new approach is about widgets, all styles have to be in the widgetset project, as theme resources, to be dynamically loaded rather than processed by GWT compilation. On the other hand we have to find a way to separate things again at some point, because 3rd party developers should be able to add their own styles sheets for their apps, and also eventually develop their own widgets, which would imply for them to configure a different widgetset in admincentral module descriptor.