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Install Eclipse & Plugins

Eclipse Helios (3.6)

As of 4th April 2012 our SVN repository will be gradually migrated to GIT. The new Eclipse bundle is a general update of the previous Helios-based bundle which now also contains EGit plugin, an Eclipse Team provider for the Git version control system.
To know more about Git usage you can start by reading our wiki page

If you can access Magnolia's internal network, a preinstalled eclipse for Mac OS X(Cocoa 64) called can be found at our file server under Product Development/Eclipse

There is also preinstalled eclipse for Linux-64b called It can also be found in Product Development/Eclipse folder. This version supports Git DVCS.

The bundle was created on 3 April 2012 and consists of the following platform, plugins and related versions:

Cloning a Git repo with EGit

Before proceeding please read our Git Usage wiki page

  • Copy the URL for Git repo (i.e. ssh://
  • Open the Git Repository Exploring perspective > right click on the left pane and choose Paste Repository Path or URI

  • A dialog like the one below should pop up. Make sure to use the user git to connect

(In case you have a passphrase set on your private key, you'll have to enter this in a next step)

Install Eclipse (3.5)

Download the Java EE edition which includes WTP (web tool project).

Subversive (Subversion Plugin)

Install the plugin

  1. Help / Install New Software ..
  2. select: Galileo -
  3. select: Collaboration/Subversive SVN Team Provider

Note: to get the latest stable version you will better use the project's url. I had to do that because eclipse started to block on startups otherwise.

Note: There seems to be a version conflict with Subversive.  If you look at the table showing the content of the bundle (in a preceding section, above) you will notice that it includes Subclipse, not Subversive.  If you have problems with Subversive you might try Subclipse instead.

You also have to install a connector. Subversive will prompt you on the first usage.

  1. open "SVN Repository" perspective (Window -> Open perspective)
  2. select SVNKit 1.3
  3. proceed installation

Git (EGit Plugin)

Install the plugin

  1. Help / Install New Software ..
  2. Add... (to add a new site)
  4. select: Eclipse Git Team Provider/Eclipse EGit

Open the Git perspective

  1. Window -> Open perspective -> Other...
  2. select: Git Repository Exploring

Known problems

  • EGit is not accepting your ssh passphrase when pulling or pushing. (Related Bug Report).
    EGit doesn't use system-wide ssh, but JSch instead. It's a Java implementation of SSH2.
    Problem is, that JSch does not support private keys until ver. 0.1.44.

To install latest JSch to your eclipse press:

  1. Help / Install New Software
  2. Add... (to add a new site)
  4. select: All Orbit Bundles / JSch
  • If still don't work, check out Preferences / General / Network Connections / SSH2 and verify, if it's using correct private key.

Maven integration (M2Eclipse)


  1. Help -> Install New Software ..
  2. Add... (to add a new site)

WTP Integration

  1. Help -> Install New Software ..
  2. Add... (to add a new site)
  4. select: Maven Integration for WTP

Subversive Integration

  1. Help -> Install New Software ..
  2. Add... (to add a new site)
  4. select: Subversive Integration for M2Eclipse

FreeMarker IDE (optional)

Register the following URLs in Help / Software Updates

  2. select: FreeMarker IDE

Any Edit (optional)

Used for tab to space transformations and other cleanup on save

  2. select: AnyEditTools

JIRA integration (optional)

  • Check Mylyn Extras and select JIRA integration

Maven Repository

See Maven setup. Be sure to follow these steps first as else you'll not be able to checkout magnolia properly!

Add SVN Repository

You will have to register our SVN repository in case you want to checkout magnolia modules/projects

  1. open SVN Repository Exploring Perspective
  2. add repository location

Create/Checkout a Project

New Checkout

  1. open "SVN Repository" perspective (Window -> Open perspective)
  2. select module/project to check out
  3. click "Check out as Maven project..." in the context menu

Importing an already checked out project from file system

Sometimes it is more convenient to checkout a project manually and then use the eclipse import function. This is especially helpful if the module to be imported has submodules.

  1. File -> Import
  2. in the import dialog select 'Maven Projects'

Setup the Server (Tomcat)

Create a Server

If not yet done create a server.

Deploy the Webapp project

Open Server Edit Pane

Doubleclick on the server item

Server settings: Disable publishing

Make sure that the option Serve modules without publishing is selected. This ensures that the classes are taken from the target directories. 

Server settings: Increase timeouts

In these same settings, increase both timeout values by a factor of 10.

Freemarker specific settings

Taglib definitions (tld)

FreeMarker does not search the classpath to find taglib definition. It uses only WEB-INF/lib and the entries defined in web.xml directly. There are two workarounds:

A) Register taglib definitions in web.xml

  1. Edit web.xml and add the taglib definitions as follows. It is important to add them before jsp-property-group.
  2. Copy the files to webapp/WEB-INF.

B) Put minimal JARs into WEB-INF/lib

  1. In the webapp folder, execute:
      mvn war:inplace
    This generates a complete webapp in your src/webapp directory as opposed to target/webapp-name-1.0-SNAPSHOT. This is an Eclipse specific workaround.
  2. Delete all JARs except the taglib JARs in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
  3. Minimize the taglib JAR
     zip -d magnolia-taglib-cms-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /info/*
     zip -d magnolia-taglib-utility-4.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /info/*

Auto completion

Freemarker templates do not provide automatically auto completion of the provided objects.

The provided objects like ctx, stk or mgnl must be declared to the IDE, that they can be auto completed.

There for a configuration file must be provided in each project in your workspace. The file is named '.freemarker-ide.xml'. I have attached it to this page without the dot at the beginning, or I can't upload it on the Mac otherwise (hidden).

The important part of this configuration file is the declaration of the objects the auto completion should know. I think these four declarations I use make sense:

<value key="mgnl" object-class="info.magnolia.module.templating.MagnoliaTemplatingUtilities"/>
<value key="ctx" object-class="info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext"/>
<value key="stk" object-class="info.magnolia.module.templatingkit.util.STKUtil"/>
<value key="state" object-class="info.magnolia.cms.core.AggregationState"/>

Configure Code Style

If you are an internal developer or a contributor please follow the instructions found here: Coding Conventions.

Tips and Tricks

Get the sources or a linked jar / module

  • select the jar (in the Maven Dependencies library)
  • right click -> Maven -> Download Sources


The dependencies are resolved inside the workspace. This is quite helpful. But this will only work if the version you reference in the project and the version of the module you checked out has the same version. In some cases you will have to adapt the pom files locally (to point to the current snapshot for instance).

Known Problems

Wrong maven version is used for dependency checks

If the project can't build because of the following message (printed in Maven Console)

[WARN] Rule 0: org.apache.maven.plugin.enforcer.RequireMavenVersion failed with message: Detected Maven Version: 2.1-SNAPSHOT is not in the allowed range [2.0.9,2.0.9].

The expected stacktrace on startup is:

SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class info.magnolia.cms.servlets.MgnlServletContextListener
	at info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer.loadAllModuleProperties(
	at info.magnolia.cms.beans.config.PropertiesInitializer.loadAllProperties(
	at info.magnolia.cms.servlets.MgnlServletContextListener.contextInitialized(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(

You can either add the following to the pluginManagement section in your main project pom to disable the enforcer plugin or select the eclipse profile:


Then clean all projects

To ensure that everything is fine you have to check that magnolia-core/target/classes/ exists.

Freemarker can't find tags (tlds)

See #Freemarkerspecificsettings

Project contains duplicate entry

Sometimes the same jar is references twice (by maven and EAR dependencies). This sometimes happens if you open eclipse freshly. To make the project compile again you must remove the ear dependency:

  • right click project -> Java EE -> Update EAR libraries

Class Cast Exception: info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter


SEVERE: Exception starting filter magnoliaFilterChain
java.lang.ClassCastException: info.magnolia.cms.filters.MgnlMainFilter
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.<init>(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.filterStart(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
	at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(

Solution: exclude the servlet api jar. Verify that you don't have the servlet api jar in your maven dependencies.



Webapp project doesn't work

  1. make sure that you have only one webapp project open
  2. add the pom dependency (not only the war dependency) otherwise the dependencies defined in the referenced war file won't be seen
  3. use mvn war:inplace to overlay the webapp project (make sure that the WEB-INF/web.xml exists
  4. ensure that you delete WEB-INF/lib after a war:inplace
  5. check settings project/project facets/dynamic web module ==> 2.4 works (helios, wtp 2.4), 3.0 doesn't (helios, wtp 3.0)

NPE when configuring tomcat with "don't publish" option

  1. delete Servers, delete .project and .settings from the webapp and reimport the webapp

webapp is not recognized as webapp and doesn't show in tomcat when trying to add it

  1. go to project/project facets and make sure dynamic web module and java and javascript facets are checked.
  2. rebuild the project

modules are not installed when installing the webapp

  1. cause: modules are not visible if the faceted build version of java doesn't match the current version or that used by the webapp project
  2. solution: update project config and change java version

Module Dependency Exception


ERROR info.magnolia.init.MagnoliaServletContextListener : Oops, Magnolia could not be started
info.magnolia.module.model.reader.ModuleDependencyException: Module Magnolia Mail Module (version 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT) is dependent on myCoolModule version 4.5/*, which was not found.
   at info.magnolia.module.model.reader.DependencyCheckerImpl.checkSpecificDependency(

Solution: ensure that no resource is excluded under myCoolModule -> Build path -> Configure Build Path... This might happen when i.e. updating the Maven dependencies if the m2Eclipse plugin is installed.

Trouble shooting step by step

  1. check if there are any build issues denoted in the problem view
  2. check if there are any problems denoted in the pom.xml (missing parents, ..)
  3. check if the project builds in the terminal (by using mvn only)
    • are the parent poms available?
  4. check the maven log in eclipse (select the maven console in the console view)
    • are the logs fine?
    • verify that there is no version conflict thrown by the enforcer plugin
      • if so configure the project to use the eclipse profile in the project settings (maven tab)
  5. clean the project
    • this ensures that maven is used to build the resources
    • verify that the resources have been built (module descriptor in target/classes/META-INF/magnolia
  6. update project configuration
    • right click project -> maven -> update project configuration
    • check the maven console (some errors are not reported to the GUI)
    • one last step can be added to the above Eclipse voodoo dance: ensure that no resource is excluded under

Install Sun JDK to Ubuntu

By default Ubuntu packagers are not supporting sun jdk. You have to add new software source:

deb oneiric main
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