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Magnolia should let me navigate and browse my web site structure by using a mouse, a keyboard and using a touch device. It should be easy and quick to find a particular page without having to work myself down the site hierarchy

In the site structure view, a tree is used to visualize the page hierarchy. I can select one or multiple pages and execute a action on them (such as deleting or publishing them). Some actions, however, are only applicable to a single, selected page, such as editing a page.

The view shows selected, common data of a page in the site structure view, such as its name, its navigation and page title, and allows me to edit it directly in the table.

Description of desired behavior

Magnolia offers to view the structure of a site structure in a tree view and single or a set of pages in a list view.

Browsing the site structure

Navigating the tree view showing the web site structure is handled in Navigating trees, while working with items in the tree is described in Focusing, selecting and opening items.

Selecting an item or focusing shows additional page details in a preview view. Focusing on an item for a longer time also causes an "Page details" view to show additional details on a pagethe page details to be shown. An important element in this of the preview view is the thumbnail preview, which shows a thumbnail image showing a small rendering of the page.

Show, hide and rearrange table columns

All columns except the "Page name" (page URI) and the column containing the checkboxes can be visible or hidden. Additional columns not initially visible may be offered for display by the tree view.

Columns are shown in a configurable order, but the "Page name" and checkboxes column are exempt and remain fixed at their initial position.

When using the keyboard, the columns displayed can be selected by focusing on the last element of the header row, opening the column order context menu and the hide/show settings of a column must be specified on a separate settings page still to be defined.

Browsing a set of pages

Navigating a list showing pages of the site is handled in Navigating lists, while working with items in the tree is described in Focusing, selecting and opening items.

Magnolia also offers to browse the pages of a site in a list. In this view, a number of sorting and filtering options are available:

  • options to sort pages alphabetically, by last modification date and by size
  • options to filter pages by tag, author and page status
  • advanced options to filter pages, such as by site, translation status or locale (has to be further defined)

selecting the columns to be shown or hidden. The column order can't be rearranged by using the keyboard only.

No sorting or grouping

Since the main purpose of the site structure view is to visualize the page hierarchy, this view offers no options to sort pages e.g. by last modification date or page title, not any grouping options as the page list doesThe page status is comprised of both activation status as well as workflow status, if workflows are configured.

Inline editing of page attributes

Some page attributes shown in the list or structure views may be edited directly within the view. Among these are the page URL, the page name title and navigation title. To enter inline editing, select an item, then click or tap on it an attribute (e.g. page title) again after a short delay (to avoid actually double-clicking it) or hit ENTER on the keyboard. The attribute you clicked or tapped on will then become editable.

When using the keyboard only, enter a special command to edit the first attribute of all editable attributes in the currently selected row or of the currently selected item becomes editable. You may skip to a different item by repeatedly hitting the tabulator key and exit editing by hitting the escape key.

For a list of all commands defined, please see Usage summary#Inline editing in tree or list.

Showing errors or warnings


The page name is a mandatory attribute and only accepts a limited range of characters. If validation discovers that the input is wrong or missing, a validating message is shown.

For a description of how validation messages work, please refer to Showing validation messages in lists, trees and grids.has to be defined still

Inline editing restricted to simple attributes

Note that inline editing will be restricted to work for simple attributes only. While e.g. changing a page template in the structure view was possible in previous versions of Magnolia, it won't be supported starting with in version 5. Changing a page template can be a complex operation and may require you to enter values for required attributes, both of which is not viable using inline editing. Complex page attributes thus may only be changed by actually editing the page properties in a dialog or by opening the page for editing.

Command summary for inline editing





Start inline editing an attribute

select item, wait, then click on attribute

select an item, then hit ENTER

select item, wait, then tap on an attribute

Inline edit the next attribute


while inline editing an attribute,
hit TAB to edit the next


End inline editing an attribute,
accepting the changes




Stop inline editing an attribute,
discarding all changes

click somewhere else

hit ESC

tap somewhere else

Quickly find a page

In the list view, a search box allows to search for pages. Search results are shown immediately in the list view and may be further filtered and sorted using the options available there. There's no search option in the structure/tree view - the user shall change to the list view to run a search.

As is the case in today's web search engines, the search is not merely done on page URLs, but on a number of item elements at the same time:

  • the page URL
  • the page name
  • the navigation title
  • on author names
  • on names of user roles

Alternatively, this search can be restricted to work on only one of these elements.

Grouping a set of pages

The list of editable page attributes contains:

  • page name/URI: mandatory, must not be empty, only accepts characters valid in a URI
  • page title: optional, if empty, page name is taken
  • navigation title: optional, if empty, page name is taken

Not editable are the page template, status fields, the author name and any datesIn the list view, the pages displayed may be grouped according to various criteria. Currently discussed is the grouping by tag, by author, by site and by template. Note that pages may show up in more than one group.


Browsing the structure

Browse web site Site structureBrowse web site
Site structure

Browsing a set of pages, quickly find a page

Variant 1: filter and group options in top bar


Variant 2: filter and group options in side bar


NameSite structure

Open questions
