Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.

Part of 5.0 and used by the GenUIne adminCentral

REST design considerations

About HTTP Methods:

  • GET and POST are supported by all browsers, the rest are quirky to say the least
  • PUT would be nice for create
  • DELETE would be nice for delete
  • IPSecurity filter blocks all but GET and POST
  • Some frameworks simluate methods using a query param named _method


  • Reading resources are done using GET and a path (GET <resource path>)
  • Performing an action on a resource is done using POST and a trailing action name (POST <resource path>/<action name>)

REST Module infrastructure

RestEndpointManager is an ObservedManager that observes changes in /modules/<modules/rest-endpoints and discovers them runtime. They're exposed to the outside world at .magnolia/rest/*


The endpoints are not accessible unless the session is logged in. A 401 is sent by SecurityFilter (with the login page).

AdminCentral Endpoint (.magnolia/rest/admincentral)

status: started, menu returned is /modules/adminInterface/config/menu


  • get menu
    • method: GET
    • path: .magnolia/rest/admincentral/menu
    • arguments: none
    • returns: MenuConfiguration

Tree Endpoint (.magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>)

status: proof of concept

Generic endpoint for tree views. A client fetches the tree configuration to build the view, subsequent calls to fetch nodes return data for each column. Each tree is served by a TreeHandler. The TreeHandler can provide functionality that is specific for its tree.


to be decided: searching the repository is a very special kind of function bar item, how can it be represented?

Endpoint interface

  • get child nodes
    • method: GET
    • path: .magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/<path>
    • arguments: treeName and path in uri
    • returns: TreeNodeListTreeNodeWithChildren
  • get tree configuration
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/config
    • arguments: treeName in uri
    • returns: JsonTreeConfiguration
  • execute command
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/<path>/<command>
    • arguments: treeName, path and the name of the command in uri, rest of parameters are used by the actual command
    • returns: depends on the command, must be able to also output a message (AlertUtil-style)TreeCommandExecutionResult


Commands are configured in the repository, arguments to a command are set using node data and mapped in using C2B. Parameters in the request are mapped onto the command using reflection before execution. A command is a use-once object (fresh instance created for every request). Commands include:

  • create content
    • arguments: optional name (defaults to 'untitled'), itemType
    • returns: a TreeNodeList with only TreeNodeWithChildren of the newly created TreeNodenodes parent
    • note:
      • if the new name is already taken a unique name will be generated
      • for the website tree the command must also set the default template (CreateWebsiteNodeCommand performs this)
      • for the users tree the command must also add the newly added user to UserManager
  • delete content
    • arguments: none other than the path
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the deleted nodes parent
    • note: must also deactivate the deleted node
  • rename content
    • arguments: the new name
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of parent of the node that changed name
    • note:
      • if the new name is already taken a unique name will be generated
      • for the users tree the command must update ACLs after rename
  • move content
    • arguments: new path, name of node to place before/after
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the parent that the node was moved to and the previous parent
    • note:
      • if the new name is already taken a unique name will be generated
  • copy content
    • arguments: new path, name of node to place before/after
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the parent that the node was copied to
    • note:
      • the new content must be deactivated
      • if the new name is already taken a unique name will be generated
  • activate
  • activate incl subnodes
  • add nodedata
    • arguments: name, value and type (type and value optional defaults to empty string)
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the node where nodedata was added
    • note: if the name is already taken a unique name will be generated
  • set nodedata
    • arguments: name and value
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the node where nodedata was changed
  • remove nodedata
    • arguments: name of nodedata to remove
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the node where nodedata was removed
  • rename nodedata
    • arguments: name of nodedata to rename, new name
    • returns: a TreeNodeList TreeNodeWithChildren of the node where nodedata was renamed
    • note: what if the new name already exists? create unique or fail?
  • list versions
  • revert to version
  • import and export
    • note: does this even make sense to do with REST? (there's certainly nothing to return as JSON)
  • search
    • arguments: search query
    • returns: search result
  • set metadata property
    • arguments: name, value and type

Command return values

Update: Commands return TreeCommandExecutionResult that contains all the changed nodes

To be decided: After invoking the command its up to the handler to return a good response. Depending on the command we need to return very different things:

  • Create, we need to return the new nodes parent so that the client sees how the new node is ordered among its siblings
  • Move, we need to return the parent that the node moves to, see above, and we need to let the client know that it is no longer where it used to be.
  • and so on...

Website Endpoint (.magnolia/rest/website)

replaced by the tree endpoint

  • get child pages
    • method: GET
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>
    • arguments: path in uri
    • returns: WebsitePageList
  • create page
    • method: PUT
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>
    • arguments: path in uri
    • returns WebsitePage
  • delete page
    • method: DELETE
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>
    • arguments: path in uri
  • update page (name, title, template)
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/update
    • arguments: WebsitePage (only name, title and template sticks)
  • search pages
  • activate page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/activate
  • deactivate page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/deactivate
  • move page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/move
    • arguments: to=<website path>
  • copy page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/copy
    • arguments: to=<website path>
  • edit page using dialog (page properties)
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/edit
    • arguments: dialog=<dialogName>
    • returns: a dialog structure with values from the repository
  • save page using dialog (page properties)
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/save
    • arguments: dialog=<dialogName> and a whole bunch of parameters needed to represent the values
    • returns: OK or a validation error structure
  • list versions
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/versions
    • returns: ?
  • revert to version
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/revert/<version>
  • import + export
    • transport is already defined as an XML document

Templating Endpoint (.magnolia/rest/templating ?)

status: not implemented

  • get paragraph definitions (for select paragraph dialog)
    • method GET
    • path .magnolia/rest/templating/paragraphs
    • arguments
      • paragraphs - comma seperated list of paragraphs
    • returns ParagraphDefinitionList
  • add paragraph using dialog
    • method POST
    • path .magnolia/rest/templating
    • today sends in repository, path, nodeCollection and node=mgnlNew
  • edit paragraph using dialog
    • today sends in paragraphName, is this necessary, can we send in a dialogName instead?
  • move paragraph (within node collection)
  • delete paragraph

Dialogs Endpoint (.magnolia/rest/dialogs/)

status: proof of concept - has tabs, validation, supports only edit and date controls


  • load dialog
    • method GET
    • path .magnolia/rest/dialogs/<dialogName>
    • arguments
      • mgnlRepository
      • mgnlPath
      • mgnlNodeCollectionName
      • mgnlNode
    • returns
      • Dialog populated from repository
    • example /.magnolia/rest/dialogs/howTo?mgnlRepository=website&mgnlPath=/howTo-jsp/main/0
  • create node with dialog
    • method POST
    • path .magnolia/rest/dialogs/<dialogName>/create
    • arguments
      • mgnlRepository
      • mgnlPath
      • mgnlNodeCollectionName
      • mgnlNode
    • returns
      • ValidationResult
    • example /.magnolia/rest/dialogs/howTo/create?mgnlRepository=website&mgnlPath=/howTo-jsp&mgnlNodeCollectionName=main&title=ASDFGH12345
  • update node with dialog
    • method POST
    • path .magnolia/rest/dialogs/<dialogName>/update
    • arguments
      • mgnlRepository
      • mgnlPath
      • mgnlNodeCollectionName
      • mgnlNode
    • returns
      • ValidationResult
    • example /.magnolia/rest/dialogs/howTo/update?mgnlRepository=website&mgnlPath=/howTo-jsp/main/0&title=ASDFGH12345

Repository Endpoint (.magnolia/rest/repository/<repositoryName>/)

CRUD for supported item types


Should be able to share commands with tree endpoint

Module Store (.magnolia/rest/modulestore ?)

list installed modules

list available modules

get module info


Data Module


+ Tools

See Also