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Magnolia 5.5 and above


This page and its subpages are outdated partially.

For a more up-to-date documentation regarding UI tests for Magnolia 6.1 and higher, please also check the documentation on bitbucket.


You need the docker-engine installed on your local machine. (For macOS have a look here)


(It's important to run install before because will  will take the produced webapp wars and create a docker image out of it)


To observe the browser with the test execution launch a VNC client and connect to localhost:5901 with password "secret". (Under macOS that easily done with the app Screen Sharing)

Giving Docker more resources than the default seems to help making the local testing environment more stable and faster. E.g.
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No Docker Setup (Manual run)

If Docker performance on MacOS is questionable in your case then you would want this setup method, which is:

+ Start test webapps locally

+ Run Selenium server locally

+ Run UI tests from your IDE and monitoring test execution with local Chrome browser


Patch CE integration test setup, so that it can by-pass completely docker related calls, can be done with this patch:


Start test webapps (author and public) ensure that selenium server can communicate with them via:

 + http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor

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 + http://localhost:8080/magnoliaPublic

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Start Selenium server (with chrome driver in the same folder)

Code Block
macos:selenium user$ ls -l

total 69216

-rwxr-xr-x  1 user  staff  12012868 Mar  1  2018 chromedriver

-rw-r--r--@ 1 user  staff  23422300 Mar 16  2018 selenium-server-standalone-3.11.0.jar

macos:selenium user$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.11.0.jar 

Launch tests with additional params


-ea -Dsetup.test.env=false -DcontainerHttpPort=8080 -DprivateHostName=localhost -Dserver.public.port=8080

Here is Junit test template that applied to all new test profile.

Image Added

Test will be executed in a new Chrome browser window.

Alternative No Docker Setup (Manual run)

Another alternative method to run UI Tests without relying too much on Docker. This method has some advantages compared to the previous No docker setup:

 + Don't have to manually setup selenium every times

 + UI clients moved to docker so we can avoid test browser to be opened randomly on active monitors.

Step 1: Prepare Docker containers

Code Block
titledocker commands
docker network create uitest
docker run -d --network uitest -p 4444:4444 --name hub selenium/hub
docker run -d --network uitest -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=hub -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 -p 5901:5900 --name client1 selenium/node-chrome-debug
docker run -d --network uitest -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=hub -e HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444 -p 5902:5900 --name client2 selenium/node-chrome-debug

 + Create two docker virtual UI clients (client1, client2) which connect to one docker selenium hub (in the same shared network called "uitest". The reason for two virtual clients is that with only one client, there would be higher chances of unclear slow down and un-responsive. With two clients, selenium hub will automatically switch back/forth and tests run smoother.

Step 2: Apply patch to by-pass docker environment setup in ce

View file

Step 3: Manually start Magnolia webapps as described in above No Docker Setup

Step 4: Run ui-tests with additional VM options

Code Block
titleAdditional VM options
-ea -Dsetup.test.env=false -DcontainerHttpPort=8080 -DprivateContainerHttpPort=8080 -DprivateHostName=<one-of-host-real-ip>

 *** <one-of-host-real-ip>: can be either IP of wireless or wired adapter, so if the host is configured with DHCP, that address must be updated every run. We can create a virtual network adapter and assign that adapter with some fixed IP to avoid edit that param many times.

Magnolia 5.4


Our ui tests are placed in the ce-bundle/magnolia-integration-tests/tests because all the required setup (install and start an author and public instance) is already there.
