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This concept page describes both how to control when an action is available shown and how to restrict access to such actions.

Table of Contents


Action availability

The availability is based on the selection although specific exceptions exists. For instance not all actions operate on a selected node. For redo/undo we will enable/disable based on the undo history sizeselected item.

Both in the actionbar and in the context menu we want to show actions as enabled or disabled. We do not want to replicate the configuration in both places. Therefore we will configure it on the actions themselves.

On the action definition we need to be able to specify


  • whether its available when there's no selection (the root node is selected)
  • and whether its available for properties

Q: We currently toggle show/hide on sections based on the node types. Is this desirable? It has the effect of actions moving around when the selection changes.

Q: Do we want to hide a section if all its actions are disabled? What if the user is not authorized to use any of the actions does it then make sense to hide the section?



  • any node types the action should only be available for

If no node types are specified the action is available for all nodes.

Action availability is determined/evaluated by ActionExecutor and implemented in AbstractActionExecutor.

Q: Should ActionExecutor.isAvailable() take a JCR item or Vaadin item? Actions are passed a Vaadin item.

Access control

Determining wether the current user has access to an actions action should be based on roles. We need to configure the required roles on the action definition.

If the user does not have access we will show the action as disabled in the actionbar.

If no roles are specified on the action definition it is assumed to mean that everybody has access.

This should follow the configuration style implemented in 


Mixins can also be used in node types.

Configuration and naming

Two proposal, either using the term restrictions or the term availability. Proposal 2 is used.

Default values need to limit the amount of configuration necessary.

Proposal 1 - Restrictions (implemented)


MeaningDefault value
restrictions.rootRestricts whether the action is available for root, true means not restrictedfalse (restricted)
restrictions.propertiesRestricts whether the action is available for properties, true means not restrictedfalse (restricted)
restriction.nodeTypesAction is restricted if the selected node is not one of the node types in listempty (not restricted)
restriction.rolesAction is restricted if current user does not have one of the rolesempty (not restricted)

if (roles.empty || item.role in roles) && ((item is null && root) || (item.isProperty && properties) || (item.isNode && (nodeTypes.empty || item.nodeTypes in nodeTypes))


Proposal 2 - Availability

PropertyMeaningDefault value
availability.rootAction is available for root if truefalse (not available)
availability.propertiesAction is available for properties if truefalse (not available)
availability.nodesAction is available for nodes if truetrue (available)
availability.nodeTypesAction is available if empty or selected node is one of the node types in listempty (available)
availability.access.rolesAction is available if empty or current user has one of the rolesempty (available)
availability.ruleAction is available if empty or rule.isAvailable() returns trueempty (available)

if (roles.empty || item.role in roles) && ((item is null && root) || (item.isProperty && properties) || (item.isNode && nodes) || (item.isNode && (nodeTypes.empty || item.nodeTypes in nodeTypes)) && (rule is null || rule.isAvailable(item))

Proposal commentary

The term gets a bit confusing, restrictions.root sounds like it makes the action available for only root. But its really available for root AND by node types.


To allow use of advanced logic in the access evaluation without making the configuration too complicated and confusing, a new interface AvailabilityRule is introduced. The interface defines just one boolean isAvailable(javax.jcr.Item item) method. The availability definition can have a rule subnode, where the implementing class is defined (as the class property). If the rule is defined, the result of the isAvailable method is used in a logical conjunction with the result of the default availability definition evaluation.

The implementing classes may define their own configuration. The classes are in the info.magnolia.ui.api.availability package and in  magnolia-ui-app-pages package.

Some proposed rules:

  • IsDeletedRule - returns true only if the item has been marked for deletion (i.e. has the mgnl:deleted mixin node type).
  • IsNotDeletedRule
  • AllRulesRule - works like an AND operator, meaning all the other rules in this configuration must be satisfied 
  • AllNodeTypesRule - as the default availability nodeTypes configuration uses disjunction (OR) to evaluate, this rule will return true only if the node has all the node types (e.g. mixins) defined in the rule configuration.
  • ActivationStatusRule - according to its configuration, the rule will return true only if the item has / has not been yet activated, alternatively if it has been (not) changed since the last activation.
  • PageHasSubPages

Actionbar appearance

The actionbar should only show one section at a time. The section to show depends on the selected node. Therefore we need to configure:

  • whether its to be shown when there's no selection (the root node is selected)
  • whether its to be shown for properties
  • the node types that it should only be shown for

If no node types are specified the section is not shown for nodes.

If more than one section applies the first one is used. Example use case: in the Pages app, the pageDeletedActions section has a stricter rule (these actions are available only for deleted nodes) than the pageActions section (these actions are available for any nodes). Therefore, the pageDeletedActions section must be first.

Selecting the section to show and evaluating the restrictions/availability is done in BrowserSubApp.updateActionbar(), extending classes can override this method to implement their own behaviour.


Configuration and naming

Proposal 2 (Availability) is used.

Proposal 1 - Restrictions (implemented)


MeaningDefault value
restrictions.rootRestricts whether the section is shown for root, true means shownfalse (not shown)
restrictions.propertiesRestricts whether the action is available for properties, true means not restrictedfalse (not shown)
restriction.nodeTypesRestricts that the section is shown only for the node types in listempty (shown)

if (item is null && root) || (item.isProperty && properties) || (item.isNode && (nodeTypes.empty || item.nodeTypes in nodeTypes)

Proposal 2 - Availability

PropertyMeaningDefault value
availability.rootSection is shown for root if truefalse (not shown)
availability.propertiesSection is shown for properties if truefalse (not shown)
availability.nodesSection is shown for nodes if truetrue (shown)
availability.nodeTypesSection is shown if empty or selected node is one of the node types in listempty (shown)
availability.access.rolesSection is shown if user has one of the defined rolesempty (shown)
availability.ruleSection is shown if empty or rule.isAvailable() returns trueempty (shown)

if (item is null && root) || (item.isProperty && properties) || (item.isNode && nodes) || (item.isNode && (nodeTypes.empty || item.nodeTypes in nodeTypes) && (rule is null || rule.isAvailable(item))

Proposal 3 - Restrictions, meanings inverted


MeaningDefault value
restrictions.rootRestricts whether the section is shown for root, false means showntrue (not shown)
restrictions.propertiesRestricts whether the action is available for propertiestrue (not shown)
restriction.nodeTypesRestricts that the section is shown only for the node types in listempty (shown)

Proposal commentary

The term restrictions seems to make more sense here since we're only gonna pick one. It's more about excluding the one not to shown.


Appendix 1 -


Actionbar behaviour before configuration

We control availability by hiding sections and disabling groups or individual actions.


Configuration AppG addingActionsG duplicateActionsG activationActionsG importExportActionsA addFolderA delete
no selection or root    x 
any nodexxxxunless mgnl:contentNodex 
property     x
Security Groups/RolesG addActionsG editActions
no selection or rootx 
any node x


PagesA deleteA previewA editA exportA activateA deactivateA activateRecursive
no selection or root       
any selectionxxxxxxonly if no sub pages



Configuration proposal (rejected)

on each level, section, group, action, we need to configure three things:


noSelectionbooleanfalseavailable when no selection or not
nodeTypesnode node with subnodes for each node type
propertiesbooleanfalseavailable for properties or not


if no constraints are configured for an action it takes the decision of the containing group, otherwise it takes its own decision

there is no way to configure availability for all node types

there is still a need for custom logic, like for checking activateRecursive, which is fine, because its unusual, but for undo/redo there ALWAYS has to be a custom check


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Appendix 2 - Previous notes


The action bar can take several states within one sub-app.
