Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Implementation tracked in





  • A selector is the part between the first selector delimiter and the extension of an URI. I.e.


  • given


  • a


  • URI


  • like



  • and


  • the


  • tilde


  • character


  • as


  • the


  • delimiter,


  • the


  • entire


  • selector


  • is


  • ~x~foo=bar


  • .


  • A


  • selector


  • can


  • be


  • split


  • in


  • turn


  • into


  • several


  • selectors


  • separated


  • from


  • each


  • other


  • by


  • the


  • same


  • delimiter.



  • Selectors existed prior to Magnolia 4.5


  • and


  • they


  • use


  • the


  • .


  • (dot)


  • char


  • as


  • a


  • delimiter.


  • As


  • Magnolia


  • 4.5


  • introduces


  • the


  • possibility


  • to


  • have


  • the


  • dot


  • .


  • character


  • in


  • the


  • node


  • names


  • (as


  • by


  • JCR


  • specification











  • )


  • the


  • delimiter


  • character


  • needs


  • to


  • be


  • changed.



  • info.magnolia.cms.core.Path


  • has


  • a




  • constant


  • (a


  • string)


  • set


  • as


  • ~


  • (tilde).








  • a


  • selector


  • can


  • now


  • also


  • be


  • in


  • the


  • form


  • name=value.


  • I.e.


  • given


  • a


  • URI



  • foo=bar


  • is


  • name


  • value


  • selector.


  • This


  • kind


  • of


  • selector


  • is


  • exposed


  • by


  • MgnlContext.getAttribute(selectorName)


  • and


  • has


  • a


  • "local"


  • scope


  • (similar


  • to


  • HttpServletRequest


  • scope).


  • Thus,


  • in


  • the


  • current


  • example,


  • MgnlContext.getAttribute("foo")


  • will


  • return


  • the


  • String


  • "bar"


  • ,


  • whereas


  • MgnlContext.getAttribute("foo",


  • Context.SESSION_SCOPE)


  • or


  • MgnlContext.getAttribute("foo",




  • will


  • return


  • null


  • .



  • this class exposes some methods to set and get selectors.
    • setSelector(String selector) is currently used by info.magnolia.cms.filters.RepositoryMappingFilter


    • where


    • the


    • request


    • URI


    • is


    • parsed


    • and


    • the


    • selector


    • part


    • extracted.


    • String getSelector()


    • returns


    • the


    • whole


    • selector.


    • I.e


    • given


    • the


    • URI



    • this


    • method


    • will


    • return


    • the


    • String


    • x~foo=bar


    • String[] getSelectors()


    • returns


    • the


    • selector


    • split


    • into


    • its


    • discrete


    • elements.


    • I.e


    • given


    • the


    • URI



    • this


    • method


    • will


    • return


    • an


    • array


    • of


    • two


    • elements


    • containing


    • the


    • "x"


    • and


    • the


    • "foo=bar"


    • String(s)



  • this is a utility class already existing before Magnolia 4.5.


  • It


  • provides


  • two


  • methods


  • which


  • are


  • basically


  • shortcuts


  • to


  • the


  • getters


  • in


  • AggregationState


  • :
    • String getSelector()


    • String getSelector(int


    • index)
