Versions Compared


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  • (error) info.magnolia.ui.form.AbstractFormItem#getMessages - should not be public
    • Is broken: doesn't use the user locale afaict.
  • (error) info.magnolia.ui.form.AbstractFormItem#getMessage - should not be public
  • (error) AbstractFormItem defines a semi-arbitrary message bundles chain (see AbstractFormItem#UI_BASENAMES)
  • (error) Definition objects( TabDefinition, etc) have an i18nBasename property, which is very redundant with that of the "runtimes" objects ( FormTab, ...). Usage seems consistent ( return definition.getI18nBasename();) but I don't know why this isn't implemented in info.magnolia.ui.form.AbstractFormItem.
  • (error) Definition objects don't have a common interface. If they did, we could move i18nBasename and label in there. OTOH, some of these objects have more than 1 item to translate (label and description, for example).
  • (error) view.addFormSection(tab.getMessage(tabDefinition.getLabel()), tab.getContainer()); ...translates the message from the tab and passes it translated before it's actually "displayed". (while the method argument is called tabName not tabLabel - but that passed object becomes an argument called caption later down the stack) - the below would make this sort of code much more explicit. You pass an object meant to be a label. You translate it explicitly - most likely at the last possible moment. Or we even extend Vaadin component so that they know about I18nItem.
  • (error) getI18nBasename is defined in too many places. It's inconsistent and unintuitive. Why the redundancy between info.magnolia.ui.dialog.Dialog#getI18nBasename and info.magnolia.ui.dialog.definition.DialogDefinition#getI18nBasename for example ?

Suggested key patterns

The below is a rough outline. The 3 goals below are somewhat hard to reach all at once.



(lightbulb) I introduced the .actions portion here to avoid confusion with fields; consistency would dictate having a .fields or .tabs portion for field and tabs labels too, but that would downplay the conciseness.

(lightbulb) for all dialog-related items, we could also use <dialog-id> and fallback to dialog-name, for further specializing. (warning) Dialog ID is possibly currently not available; if it is, it's a single string concatenating module name and dialog name, which isn't ideal. It'd be sweet to be able to get back to module id (and app id) from a dialog.


<app-id>.icon # because the icon might have to be localized
<app-id>.description # because a mouse-over title of the app might be interesting ?

<app-id> could be <module-id>.<app-name> or just app-name (same as for dialogs)

App launcher groups:

app-launcher.<app-group-name>.label # we use the app-launcher prefix, as if app-launcher was an app (which we should consider considering, I suppose)


<module-name>.<template-name>.title # I think "title" is what we've been using in 4.x - we could use label for consistency, or simply name
<module-name>.<template-name> # same as above
<module-name>.<template-name>.desc # Useful in template selector

(lightbulb) <module-name>.<template-name> is essentially the component ID.

Page components:

<module-name>.<component-name>.title # see remark above

(lightbulb) <module-name>.<component-name> is essentially the component ID.

Workbench columns:

Example: for /modules/ui-admincentral/apps/configuration/subApps/browser/workbench/contentViews/list/columns/name/label

Other elements tbd ?
  • actions in dialog
  • actionbar in subapps
  • workbench/<view>/columns in content apps: column names
  • in workbench/view/columns, we also have formatterClass which should be locale-sensitive
  • app (label in app launcher, tab)
  • page templates
  • page components

Suggested i18nBasename patterns

  • Defined in module descriptor
  • /mgnl-i18n/<module-name>/messages
