Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


ShellApps and App navigation

Tests opening and closing Shell apps, opening and closing Apps, temporary app groups, and the ordering of the App Stack.

ActionExpected Result
Login as superuserAppslauncher displayed.
Click PulsePulse icon is hilighted.
Pulse displayed. 
Click Messages tabPulse Messages view displayed.
Click on green background to left of pulseAppslauncher icon is hilighted.
Appslauncher view is displayed.
Click FavoritesFavorites icon is hilighted.
Favorites view displayed.
Click Favorites

Appslauncher icon is hilighted.
Appslauncher view is displayed. 

Click Tools App group tileTools app tiles are displayed.
Click Dev App group tileDev app tiles are displayed.
Click Showcase app tile

Showcase app opens.

Click Favorites iconFavorites shell app is displayed.
Click Favorites iconFavorites shell app is removed, revealing Showcase app again.
Click Appslauncher iconAppslauncher shell app is displayed.
Click Configuration app tileConfiguration app is displayed.
Click Appslauncher iconAppslauncher Shell app is displayed.
Click Assets app tileAssets app is displayed.
Click Appslauncher icon

Appslauncher Shell app is displayed.

Click Configuration app tileConfiguration app is displayed.
Click close button.Configuration app is closed, revealing the Assets app.
Click close button.Assets app is closed, revealing the Showcase app.
Click close button.Showcase app is closed, revealing the Appslauncher.
Click Dev App Group tile.Dev App group is closed.


Pages App

Tests creating and deleting a page, adding and removing components to a page, and the chooser dialog for Pages, Assets, Contacts apps.

ActionExpected Result
Login as superuserAppslauncher displayed.
Click Pages app tilePages App is displayed.
Click toggle on demo-project item.Children of demo-project are displayed.
Click demo-project item.

demo-project row is hilighted.
demo-project row checkbox is checked.

Click "Add page" actionAdd page dialog is displayed.

Enter values:
Page Name: test-section
Page Title: Test Section
Template: Section

Click "Save Changes" 

New "test-section" item is added as child of "demo-project" item.
Click test-section item.test-section row is hilighted.
Click "Edit page"Page editor opens with "test-section" page.
Click add icon in "New Extras Component" rectangle.

Add component dialog is displayed.

Select component: "Internal Page Teaser".
Click "Choose" button. 
Teaser dialog is displayed.
Click "Select..." buttonPages chooser dialog is displayed.
Click "demo-project" row.
Click "Choose" button. 
Teaser dialog is displayed again with Page field set to "/demo-project".
Click "Save Changes" button.Page Editor reloads page, now the Home teaser is displayed in the "Extras" area with the word "Home" and an image.
Contact Chooser 
Click the "Extras" edit bar."Extras" edit bar is colored dark green.
It's child  "Internal Page Teaser" is coloured light green.
Click add icon in "New Extras Component" rectangle.

Add component dialog is displayed.

Select component: "Contact".
Click "Choose" button. 
Contact dialog is displayed.
Click "Select ..." button.

Contact chooser dialog is displayed.

Click "Pablo Picasso" row.
Click "Choose" button. 
Contact dialog is displayed with information and image of
Pablo Picasso. 
Click "Save Changes" button.Page Editor reloads page, now the Contact is displayed in the "Extras" area with the word "Cubism" and an image of picasso.
TODO Add teaser and select replacement image, an asset. 

Assets App