Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


login endpoint

module manager ui

Tree (.magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/)

Generic endpoint for tree views. A client fetches the tree configuration to build the view, subsequent calls to fetch nodes return data for each column.

  • get child nodes
    • method: GET
    • path: .magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/<path>
    • arguments: treeName and path in uri
    • returns: TreeNodeList
  • get tree configuration
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/config
    • arguments: treeName in uri
    • returns: JsonTreeConfiguration
  • execute command
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/tree/<treeName>/<path>/command
    • arguments: treeName and path in uri, parameter command is the name of the command, rest of parameter are used by the actual command
    • returns: depends on the command, must be able to also output a message (AlertUtil-style)

Website (.magnolia/rest/website)

replaced by the tree endpoint

  • get child pages
    • method: GET
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>
    • arguments: path in uri
    • returns: WebsitePageList
  • create page
    • method: PUT
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>
    • arguments: path in uri
    • returns WebsitePage
  • delete page
    • method: DELETE
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>
    • arguments: path in uri
  • update page (name, title, template)
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/update
    • arguments: WebsitePage (only name, title and template sticks)
  • search pages
  • activate page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/activate
  • deactivate page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/deactivate
  • move page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/move
    • arguments: to=<website path>
  • copy page
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/copy
    • arguments: to=<website path>
  • edit page using dialog (page properties)
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/edit
    • arguments: dialog=<dialogName>
    • returns: a dialog structure with values from the repository
  • save page using dialog (page properties)
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/save
    • arguments: dialog=<dialogName> and a whole bunch of parameters needed to represent the values
    • returns: OK or a validation error structure
  • list versions
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/versions
    • returns: ?
  • revert to version
    • method: POST
    • path: .magnolia/rest/website/<path>/revert/<version>
  • import + export
    • transport is already defined as an XML document

Templating (.magnolia/rest/templating ?)

status: not implemented

  • get paragraph definitions (for select paragraph dialog)
    • method GET
    • path .magnolia/rest/templating/paragraphs
    • arguments
      • paragraphs - comma seperated list of paragraphs
    • returns ParagraphDefinitionList
  • add paragraph using dialog
    • method POST
    • path .magnolia/rest/templating
    • todays today sends in repository, path, nodeCollection and node=mgnlNew
  • edit paragraph using dialog
    • today sends in paragraphName, is this necessary, can we send in a dialogName instead?
  • move paragraph (within node collection)
  • delete paragraph


Need to do multipart upload of files and multivalue jcr properties

Security (.magnolia/rest/security)

(all of these actions will probably be doable using the repository endpoint, if thats the case this endpoint is useless)

list users, roles, groups

CRUD users, roles, groups

Module Store (.magnolia/rest/modulestore ?)
