Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Install Eclipse & Plugins

ready steady go
ready steady go

A preinstalled eclipse can be found at our files server Software:/MacOSX/Software/Eclipse


  • Check Mylyn Extras and select JIRA integration

Setup Project(s)

Single Module


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  1. open "SVN Repository" perspective (Window -> Open perspective)
  2. select module to check out
  3. click "Check out" in the context menu

Enable Maven Dependency Management

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Configure Project to use the eclipse maven profile

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Importing a already checked out project from file system

Sometimes it is more convenient to checkout a project manually and then use the eclipse import function. This is especially helpful if the module to be imported has submodules.

  1. File -> Import
  2. in the import dialog select 'Maven Projects'
  3. configure the wizard to use the profile eclipse (advanced settings)

Using SCM checkout wizard

Create New Project

Select New / Other (not Project) 

Select Maven checkout from SCM

Provide subversion URL


2. Enable eclipse profile in the advanced settings

Check if you got all the projects (the sub modules)

Setup the Container (Tomcat for instance)

Create a Server

If not yet done create a server.

Deploy the Webapp project

Open Server Edit Pane

Doubleclick on the server item 

Disable publishing

Make sure that the option Serve modules without publishing is selected. This ensures that the classes are taken from the target directories. 


Configure Code Style

If you are a an internal developer or a contributor please follow the instructions found here: Code style


Tips and Tricks

Get the sources or a linked jar / module

  • select the jar (in the Maven Dependencies library)
  • right click -> Maven -> Download Sources


The dependencies are resolved inside the workspace. This is quite helpful. But this will only work if the version you reference in the project and the version of the module you checked out has the same version. In some cases you will have to adapt the pom files locally (to point to the current snapshot for instance).

Known Problems

Wrong maven version is used for dependency checks


Sometimes the same jar is references twice (by maven and EAR dependencies). This sometimes happens if you open eclipse freshly. To make the project compile again you must remove the ear dependency:
