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true enables the crawler. false disables the crawler.

When a crawler is enabled info.magnolia.module.indexer.CrawlerIndexerFactory registers a new scheduler job for the crawler automatically. 



The max depth of a page in terms of distance in clicks from the root page. This should not be too high, ideally 2 or 3 max.



The max number of simultaneous crawler threads that crawl a site. 2 or 3 is enough.


optional, since version 3.0, default value is info.magnolia.module.indexer.crawler.MgnlCrawler

Implementation of edu.uci.ics.crawler4j.crawler.WebCrawler which is used by the Crawler to crawl sites.


optional, since version 3.0, default value is content-indexer

Name of the catalog where the command resides.


optional, since version 3.0, default value is crawlerIndexer

Command which is used to instantiate and trigger the Crawler.


optional, since version 3.0

If it's set to true then crawler should be triggered only during activation. No scheduler job will be registered for this crawler.

(warning) The jcrItems property (see below) has to be configured too for this feaure to work.


optional, since version 3.0, default value is 5s

Defines the delay (in seconds) after which crawler should start when activation is done. Default value is 5s.


optional, default is every hour 0 0 0/1 1/1 * ? *

A CRON expression that specifies how often the site will be crawled. CronMaker is a useful tool for building expressions.



Sets the type of the crawled content such as news. When you search the index you can filter results by type.


optional, since version 5.2

Custom IndexService used by this crawler. If not defined, the global one is used.


optional, since version 5.2 , default is default client

Solr clients which will be used by this indexer. Allows index content into multiple Solr instances.



Name of the client.



Field mappings defines how fields parsed from the site pages are mapped to Solr fields. Left side is Solr field, right side is the crawled site.



You can use any CSS selector to target an element on the page. For example, #story_continues_1 targets an element by ID.

You can also use custom syntax to get content inside attributes. For example, meta keywords are extracted using meta[name=keywords] attr(0,content). This will extract first value of keywords meta element. If you don't specify anything after the CSS selector then the text contained in the element is indexed. meta[name=keywords] would return an empty string because a meta element does contain any text, keywords are in the attributes. To get the value of a specific attribute specify attr(<index>,<Solr_field_name>). If you set index=-1 then all attributes are extracted and separated by a semicolon ;.


optional , since version 3.0

List of JCR items. If any of this items is activated crawler will be triggered.


optional, since version 3.0

Name of the JCR item.


required, since version 3.0

Workspace where JCR item is stored.


required, since version 3.0

Path of the JCR item.


optional , since version 5.0.2

Authentication information to allow crawling password restricted area.


required, since version 5.0.2

Username which is used for login into restricted area.


required, since version 5.0.2

User's password used for login into restricted area.


required, since version 5.0.2

Url to page with login form.


required, since version 5.0.2, default value is mgnlUserID

Name of input field for entering the username in login form.


required, since version 5.0.2, default value is mgnlUserPSWD

Name of input field for entering the password in login form.


required, since version 5.0.2, default value is mgnlLogout

String which identifies the logout Url. Crawler doesn't crawl over the urls which contains logoutUrlIdentifier to avoid logout.

Creating a sitemap with Solr

To create a custom sitemap with Solr in four easy steps, please refer to the page called 


Generating custom sitemap with Solr available on the Magnolia Community Wiki.