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nameUI improvements.xmind

New features

Rest integrationDevelop an alternative to JCR for browsing and form viewing/editing. See the synergy with the REST client (or use some other approach). Goal - to have easily configurable REST browser and REST-based forms

2 weeks

Cross-field validation supportThe field hierarchy is now kept in the form binders, so technically it is available while form is active and could be injectable in the validators and/or fields themselves. Need to see how to better expose such hierarchy and how to address at least some of the issues related to the topic.2 weeks
Forms with alternative layoutShip 1-2 alternative ways to layout forms (the API's are in place, even some implementation has started)3-5 days
Validation within composite fieldsRe-use 'validation bubble' effort from the past, try to provide universal validation/description UI regardless of the layout1 week (though be trickier)
[optional] Master-detail sub-appTest the flexibility of the new UI framework views and combine browser and detail in one sub-app (should be as easy as binding the pre-created form to the current selection in e.g. tree view)3-5 days
[optional] Filterable columns in GridsThe PoC solution contains column renderer which allows to filter tree grid by path. Consider productising such feature and see how would it be possible to incorporate it into configuration and implementation of the content views.1-2 weeks

Essential features

Chooser dialog

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

1-2 weeks
Multi-value field UI

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

1 week
Migrate more fields

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

3 weeks (can be parallelised tho)
Port more column renderers

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

1-2 weeks (can be parallelised)
Harden JCR browsing implementation(remaining DS configuration, full-text search support etc)1-2 weeks
Multi-selection support in browserValueContext needs generalisation (to conveniently cover the single vs multi selection cases)3-5 days
Harden DS observation mechanismContentChangeEvent replacement needs to be hardened: should be memory-leak safe, should be clear, corner-cases should be considered. Observation should also work for the case of the detail sub-app1-2 weeks
Re-instate previews in actionbarRe-add the feature (should be simple with ValueContext). Question the abstraction of ImageProvider.3-5 days
Shortcuts in the grids and formsCurrently not ported over from the old implementation. Need to see also how to do it better.3-5 days
Port form-dialogThanks to the view-contexts and view improvements it is probably possible to make a form dialog implementation that shares most of the code with the detail sub-app, still requires quite some work.1-2 weeks
Implement Vaadin 8 - based inline row editingGrid/TreeGrid has in-built editor API, which can play together with parts of the from framework improvements that we introduced (binders/propertysets etc). Add support for inline editing in Grid/TreeGrid1-2 weeks

Migration strategy

App descriptor migrationThink of a strategy (special sub-app that takes an old descriptor and translates to the new or some hybrid descriptor). Consider migrating whatever is easily migrated (fields, columns etc).2-3 weeks
Legacy action supportIt seems to be fairly sufficient to expose the selection context a set of JcrNodeAdapter to make some UI actions work. See how many we can cover by this and what is needed to cover more.1-2 weeks


Content type powered configRequires content type solution to be available. Would be nice to shave some config parts off the detail sub-app and form dialogs.1 week (once content types are in)
Apply the type references where possibleNew UI improvements do not make the descriptors any leaner as is (in order to not make the configuration less powerful). With type references for whatever possible we could mitigate this fact.2-2.5 weeks