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titleClick here to expand to see the step by step procedure

#1 Get the shell and choose a directory to work with

Open a shell and change to directory of your choice. In our example, we use the directory ~/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base.

Code Block
cd ~/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base

#2 Downloading a bundle with CLI jumpstart

Code Block
mgnl jumpstart

Jumpstart downloads and extracts the latest version of magnolia-community-demo-bundle which comes with Tomcat server. Use the -e option to get the magnolia-enterprise-pro-demo-bundle - which will prompt for enterprise credentials. See jumpstart for further options.

Jumpstart also sets the property magnolia.resources.dir in the file - which is fine.

When the execution of jumpstart is done, your directory looks like this:

Code Block
├── apache-tomcat
├── light-modules

We will need the light-modules folder later on. Please do not start the tomcat so far.

#3 Adding the magnolia-rest tools to the bundle

 Download the Rest tools bundle 

Artifact resource link
into a temporary folder. Unzip it. Copy all the files of the unzipped folder into ~/dev/mgnl-rest-test-base/apache-tomcat/webapps/magnoliaAuthor/WEB-INF/lib. Some of the files may already be there, that's fine.

#4 Start Magnolia

You are ready to start Magnolia - actually the Tomcat server - for the first time. Go to our "root" directory ans start with the CLI command start:

Code Block
cd ~dev/mgnl-rest-test-base
mgnl start

Give Magnolia some time. On the first start up Magnolia installs some configurations for a bunch of modules, etc. pp.

#5 Login on the author context

Open your favorite browser, open the URL http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/ and login as user superuser with the password superuser. Now you are nearly done. Play around a little bit with Magnolia. Also go to the public context with the URL http://localhost:8080/magnoliaPublic/.

#6 Set the swagger base api path

In order to properly use the swagger UI tools - which are used for development only - we must adapt one property in the configuration.

On the UAdmin - open the Configuration app and open the node /modules/rest-tools/config. (You can use the URL http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.magnolia/admincentral#app:configuration:browser;/modules/rest-tools/config:treeview: to go there directly.)

Open the folder config and edit the property apiBasepath. Give it the value http://localhost:8080/magnoliaAuthor/.rest.

This property is one of the rare one which requires a server restart to make the change effective.

#7 Restart Magnolia

Go to the shell where you have started Magnoli. Magnolia.

To stop the server - press cmd + C (on a mac) or ctrl + C (on Windows). Give the server some time to properly shutdown.

No start it again:

Code Block
cd ~dev/mgnl-rest-test-base
mgnl start

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