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Comment: Extract PoC phase & add debrief notes to a child page; add first batch of foreseen productization tasks


serverMagnolia - Issue tracker



Mikaël Geljić publishes the AccessControlFieldUI sandbox


Mikaël Geljić files JIRA tickets for each standalone PoC

For examples of standalone prototype Vaadin applications, see:


1. Use cases

We need to support such dynamic forms in a much easier way. Collecting some commons requirements:

  • populating select options based on the value of another field
  • validating a field depending on the value of another field (including within a composite field itself)
  • enabling/disabling fields conditionally
  • potentially custom handling of any field, via plain Vaadin code
  • updating form buttons (enabling/disabling/relabeling)


2. General directions & goals

  • Exposing hooks on form-level
    • currently only possible on field-level via FieldFactories
    • fields & factories are only aware about themselves, in isolation. They're not aware about other fields and this is harder to do than it should.
  • Use more of Vaadin out of the box
    • less customizations
    • get rid of legacy Vaadin 6.x or client-side code
  • Open up APIs to offer more possibilities (data-binding, or dynamic/ cross-field behaviors)
  • Reduce technical debt

3. PoC phase


3. PoC phase

  • Goals

    • Validate several assumptions from Mika

    • If all goes well, put it all together at the end, through an Integration phase
  • Process

    • To be carried out by the VN Core Team
    • Try to work in pairs (can still switch afterwards), or alternate between group phases and individual work/thinking
    • Keep each PoC standalone until the end of the PoC phase
  • Target date:

PoC #1: New FormPresenter

The PoC phase was conducted in September–October 2016. Refer to child-page Dynamic forms - PoC phase for details and outcome.


4. Productization phase

Based on the PoC results, we first collected the following tasks, in order to bring new forms on par with the current Magnolia forms.

F1. Formalize new Form APIs & Assess Configuration changes

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  • Validate a high-level architecture with clear component responsibilities

    • expose 1. field creation, 2. data-binding, 3. layouting
    • produce architecture diagrams
  • Assess definition changes to support new ways of configuring forms

    • especially moving towards a separation between bindings and layout
  • Envision repackaging
  • Draft eventual backward compatibility
  • Iterate from Sang's PoC
  • Keep in mind / draft check if form is dirty or not


F2. [TOFILE] Define the generic typing for complex fields (or leave it open)
  • ideally move away from Items, in favor of domain types, e.g. CompositeField<Contact>
  • Challenging with JCR adapters in particular
  • MultivalueFields would in turn be typed with Collection types (List, Set, ordered/unordered, etc.)
  • Adapt new default CompositeField & MultivalueField

F3. [TOFILE] Reimplement Tabsheet customizations, ideally as Vaadin extension

  • Focus first field
  • Show all tabs
  • Port the styling—quickly estimate effort against restart from Valo

F4. [TOFILE] Reimplement i18n support within new Form

  • Generalize "variation" switching
  • aka item datasource decoration somehow
  • so we can support p13n variant-switching similarly

F5. [TOFILE] Refine support for backward compatibility

  • a. binding strategies would cater to backward compatibility with transformers?
  • b. high-level switch to use fully old dialogs / transformers / FormBuilder.... vs. new APIs

F6. [TOFILE] Reimplement the Dialog integration and/or DetailSubApp

  • Reuse and style Vaadin Windows instead?
  • How about dynamic resizing of dialog height?

F7. [TOFILE]Image AddedValidation bubbles as JavaScriptExtension

  • sort out the problem with marking component visible / invisible
  • use plain Vaadin validation state ( state.errorMessage && state.hideErrors )

F8. [TOFILE] Reimplement the error count banner at the top of the form

  • again, maybe as Form component extension?)
  • + jump to next error


F9. [TOFILE]Image AddedReimplement help-text bubbles the same way as validation bubbles
F10. Provide test-bed for UI tests early

Reading definitions and building tabs and fields

  • 1 Vaadin FieldGroup + FormLayout for each tab (merge bits from FormBuilder)
  • Result: a simple Vaadin application (w/ ui-framework on the classpath)
    • Mika might prepare the skeleton on a branch
  • FormPresenter invoking FieldFactories
    • for the PoC, you can instantiate factories manually
    • either refactor existing ones, or reimplement a simple TextFieldFactory with less Magnolia dependencies
      • maybe API like public Field<T> createField(D definition)
      • so we can reuse a single FieldFactory to produce multiple instances of a field
    • FieldFactories no longer doing property data-binding (#setPropertyDataSource)
      • FormPresenter doing the databinding instead => fieldGroup#setItemDataSource
      • -
  • Enable or validate one field from the value of another one
  • Not needed for the PoC:
    • locale and i18n handling
    • complex fields (only text fields, selects)
    • visual appearance, no MagnoliaTabSheet needed, just a plain VerticalLayout with one-to-many FormLayouts
    • -

PoC #2: Validation bubbles below field

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker

Validation as a Vaadin JS Extension, see the few links below:

Default Vaadin validation is as follows:

  • warning icon
  • tooltip when hovering the field

Image Removed

Extension should primarily add the bubble below

  • Same styles as now
    • see Image Removed
    • bubble width is the same as field width with border
    • arrow tip should be around 30–40px from the left
  • Result: small Vaadin application
    • Apply to a TextField (e.g. using standard Vaadin email validator)
    • If using the Magnolia theme, then field border should become red too
  • Currently tooltip is hidden via CSS in Magnolia
    • we can still do this the same way, maybe as well for the warning icon

PoC #3: Complex Fields refactoring

serverMagnolia - Issue tracker



  • Get rid of Magnolia-specific components within field implementations
  • Get rid of AbstractCustomMultiField abstraction

The following three may be done independently:

—without Magnolia component/definition inside field implementations

Pure Vaadin CompositeField
  • close to AccessControlField
  • Except fields are not hard-coded
    • pass sub-fields into constructor?
      • maybe as map with field-names as keys?
    • would help us keeping FieldFactories outside of field implementations
      • i.e. get rid of infamous AbstractCustomMultiField#createLocalField
  • also bind fields internally via FieldGroup?
  • reuse #setValidationVisible and handling of valueChange on sub-fields
  • Result: simple Vaadin application
    • operating over a PropertysetItem or BeanItem
    • part 1. using a CompositeField for First name and Last name
      • laid out horizontally
      • has an API to set direction (minimum requirement)
    • part2. also API to set an arbitrary layout
      • if feasible, but not a must-have
      • or maybe using a Vaadin declarative layout?
Pure Vaadin MultiValueField
  • close to AccessControlListField
  • reuse some form of EntryFieldFactory (maybe also NewEntryHandler if applicable)
  • Result: simple Vaadin application
    • operating over a PropertysetItem or BeanItem
      • i.e. extends CustomField<I extends Item>
      • (lightbulb)or extends CustomField<C extends Collection> (maybe more in line with Vaadin 8?)
    • with a property of type Collection or List, then one entry per entry in the collection
    • field needs to create Vaadin properties for each entry in the list, and bind it internally to sub-fields
    • also bind fields internally via FieldGroup?
    • reuse validation and valueChange logic from AccessControlListField
    • steps:
      1. a MultiField of TextFields (can be hard-coded)
      2. a MultiField of a CustomField type (First name + Last name)
      3. a MultiField with the pluggable NewEntryHandler (closer to use cases in Magnolia where subfields are configured)
Pure Vaadin LinkField
  • Inspired from AccessControlField$PathChooserHandler
  • Result: small Vaadin application
    • see in Mika's sandbox
    • opens a Vaadin Window
      • field inside the window shares property data-source with text field


4. Integration phase

- To be determined


  • e.g. still as a small Vaadin application, but combining configured forms, complex fields, sub-field validation and a dynamic behavior
  • Think page objects
F11. [TOFILE] Write UI tests for our 5 user scenarios
  • Can only be done once the basic stones are in place
  • Prove form-level agility (binding upon field(s) constructed)


F12. [TOFILE] Proof-test new APIs against Vaadin 8

  • Ideally, only the data-binding "part" should be affected, not field creation nor layouting



  •  File in JIRA / MGNLUI
  •  Estimate
  •  Flesh out, break out into even smaller tasks
  •  Add relative task dependencies

Then reevaluate progress after 2–3w.


Unprocessed ideas

  • (lightbulb) binding strategies: default, transformerDelegate...
  • (lightbulb) expose layouting (default from fieldDef + tabs, declarative, or other new mechanism?, responsive forms?)
  • (lightbulb) save actions bundled in Form itself by default, can be delegated to configured action(s)
    • does validate ootb
  • (lightbulb) extensibility: generate wrapper implementations for component interfaces

Related wishful improvements

—i.e. keep out as long as we can / later scope:
  • Valo-based theme switch
  • Generate concrete FieldDefinitions (& builders) from our interfaces
  • Plain Java Decorators (add/remove field by user-based form decorator)
    • supplanting blossom
  • Documentation generation (via pegdown)

