Deprecated - jProfiler10 won't work in Java 11 JRE.

jProfiler debugging

  • Download jProfiler

  • Evaluate period or license key

jVisual VM might also help, but SSH tunneling not supported, needs JMX direct connection (verify)

Open needed ports

  • In the console go to EC2 instances, find the the wanted instance

  • In the description tab of the instance click on one of the security groups, e.g. Now-Internal-xyz-live or NOW_PUBLIC (opens all ports to public!)

  • Under inbound tab of the security group, Click edit

  • Add a custom TCP Rule for incoming SSH (22) and JMX (10002 , see /var/lib/tomcat/bin/

    • Or add existing security group.
    • Make sure to roll back whatever was changed!

Connect jProfiler to JMX Port

  • Direct connection did not work
    • otherwise this is preferred
    • check for running instances, see below.
  • Used SSH Tunnel from jProfiler
  • You can scan for running JVMs, just make sure you define the user owning the process (e.g. _mangolia_) 
  • NOTE: Per default it will shutdown the process, there's an option to keep it running. Set it!

Check for running JMX process

JMX port from /var/lib/tomcat/bin/ 

$ sudo lsof -i :10002
java 1584 dd-agent 29u IPv6 4442074 0t0 TCP ip-xyz.compute.internal:52296->xyz.compute.internal:10002 (ESTABLISHED)
java 6876 magnolia 26u IPv6 50647 0t0 TCP *:10002 (LISTEN)
java 6876 magnolia 102u IPv6 4443814 0t0 TCP ip-eu.compute.internal:10002->xyz.compute.internal:52296 (ESTABLISHED)
...@author1-live-...:/var/lib/tomcat8/bin$ ps aux | grep 6876
magnolia 6876 2.6 71.8 14288456 11470492 ? Sl May06 540:56 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat8/conf/

UPDATED - Profiling remote JVM with JProfiler 11


  • Download & install JProfiler 11 to your local machine, license is in SRE keychain
  • SSH to remote machine, switch to user magnolia, download and extract JProfiler 11 tarball, start jpenable

    ubuntu@public1-live-group1-site1:~$ sudo su - magnolia
    You are required to change your password immediately (password aged)
    su: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
    $ bash 
    magnolia@public1-live-group1-site1:~$ wget 
    --2021-01-11 08:52:02--
    Resolving (
    Connecting to (||:443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 109022351 (104M) [application/x-tar]
    Saving to: ‘jprofiler_linux_11_1_4.tar.gz’
    jprofiler_linux_11_1_4.tar.gz                100%[============================================================================================>] 103.97M  32.8MB/s    in 3.2s    
    2021-01-11 08:52:07 (32.8 MB/s) - ‘jprofiler_linux_11_1_4.tar.gz’ saved [109022351/109022351]
    magnolia@public1-live-group1-site1:~$ tar xzvf jprofiler_linux_11_1_4.tar.gz 
    magnolia@public1-live-group1-site1:~$ cd jprofiler11.1.4/bin/
    magnolia@public1-live-group1-site1:~/jprofiler11.1.4/bin$ ./jpenable
    Connecting to org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start [13840] ...
    DANGER! The selected JVM uses class sharing.
    Under some circumstances, a bug in the JVM can cause the JVM to crash in attach mode.
    To avoid this problem, start the JVM with the VM parameter -Xshare:off
    Do you wish to proceed with attaching anyway?
    Proceed [p], Cancel [c, Enter]
    Please select the profiling mode:
    GUI mode (attach with JProfiler GUI) [1, Enter]
    Offline mode (use config file to set profiling settings) [2]
    Please enter a profiling port
    You can now use the JProfiler GUI to connect on port 42795

    Take note of above port.

Setup New Remote Integration 

  • From JProfiler 11 Menu, choose  Session → Integration Wizards → New Remote Integration
    • You need to allow access to the port in AWS security policies beforehand.
  • On next dialogs, choose On a remote computer, Platform Linux x86/AMD64 → JVM Vendor: Oracle, Version 9+, Mode hotspot → Wait for a connection from JProfiler GUI → Direct connection to: public IP address of the remote instance → Remote installation directory: path to extracted JProfiler directory on remote instance, eg.: /home/magnolia/jprofiler11.1.4 → JProfiler port: enter the noted port from jpenable on remote instance → Finish
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